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Posts posted by Runar

  1. 2 hours ago, crazzzydave said:

    Having a look at promotion just now, although it looks like we can only promote posts?

    Both topics and single posts can be promoted! To promote a topic you'll have to click the "Promote" (or translated) button at the top, to the left of the "Follow" button.

    2 hours ago, crazzzydave said:

    Also noticed that when sharing a post, it generates a blank image on fb......not sure if there is a way round this either?

    If the topic or post contains images you can include those, and I believe they'll show up on Facebook. Or, to set a default image to be used when no other images are available, you simply edit your theme go to Customization > Appearance > Icons and Logos and upload "Default share images".

  2. 27 minutes ago, crazzzydave said:

    Is there a simple way to have new forum posts going to our fb group automatically from the forum?

    I don't think you can do it automatically without using third-party plugins, but you can use Promotion to share topics and posts to your Facebook group.

    Edit: I've never used IFTTT in combination with Invision Community, and the Zapier integration is not yet available.

  3. PHP-FPM should be enabled, but it's impossible for anyone here to tell you why it gives you an error. You need to check your configurations and error logs, and give us more information about your setup.

    Are you using Apache or nginx? Which versions? Do you see anything in the error logs?

  4. 2 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

    Which plan are you on?

    I'm on the "free" Flex plan. My community is not that email heavy so I rarely have to pay for my usage.

    3 minutes ago, breatheheavy said:

    Their $35 plan says it has a dedicated IP but it also says this. I'm confused.

    With Mailgun you can choose between different plans (Flex, Foundation, Growth, and Scale), but also adjust how many emails you'll send each month. "Foundation 100k" means the Foundation plan with 100 000 monthly emails. If you adjust the slider on the pricing page, you'll see the price for this plan is $75/month. But at that point, you might as well pay $5 more to get longer retention.

    For the record, I'm doing just fine without a dedicated IP address.

  5. On 6/13/2020 at 9:43 AM, jair101 said:

    Would something like this be easy to achieve, maybe as a 3rd party mod too?

    There might be plugins providing this functionality, but it's quite easy to achieve yourself by simply editing your theme.

    In your theme, find the file forums > front > forums > topicRow and add the following inside the class attribute on line 50 (the <li> element):

     {{if $row->mapped('featured')}}customFeatured{{endif}}

    Then, edit your custom.css file to set a background color for the new customFeatured class:

    .customFeatured {
    	background-color: pink;

    This should give all featured topics a nice background color.

  6. 9 hours ago, Adlago said:

    You need to remove all html5 validation errors. See this test


    67 of the warnings are "The type attribute is unnecessary for JavaScript resources", and while 67 unnecessary type attributes equals 1541 extra bytes, I doubt warnings and errors like this are responsible for the slow loading speed. 46 of the errors are missing units from margin statements in the CSS, and 35 of the errors are invalid attributes.

    With that being said, I've only got 10 warnings on my community and all of them are unnecessary type attributes. Again, I doubt these types of errors are responsible for slow loading speed, but it wouldn't hurt to fix them.

  7. 19 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    I've debated trying mod_pagespeed, yet am a bit reluctant as precompiled *.deb nginx versions aren't available direct from the project.

    I ran mod_pagespeed for quite some time, with varying degrees of success. I had to main issues: The issue with WebP images I mentioned in the WebP topic, and an issue with static files seemingly deleting themselves at random. I tried to get help from the official mailing list, and even offered to pay for assistance, but no one managed to solve the issue. In the end I spent a lot of time making it work but it still felt like a hack, so I turned it off completely and went back to Cloudflare.

  8. 1 hour ago, AlexWebsites said:

    I don't really monitor it, it was a set and forget. I haven't had any issues on any of my sites that I'm aware of. The output for an image posted within a topic is like so:


    Exactly, and if that URL is quoted the image is not viewable for anyone using Safari (which is more than 15% of browsers according to Can I use). I never found a way to prevent the  PageSpeed processed image URLs from being stored in the database, so I disabled PageSpeed completely.

  9. 23 minutes ago, AlexWebsites said:

    I'm doing it server side with mod_pagespeed. There is no native image conversion in IPS. 

    What's your experience so far? I had to disable it, because when my members quoted posts with images converted to WebP, the images in the new posts were hard coded WebP and did not show up in unsupported browsers.

  10. 4 hours ago, Everade said:

    It's already widely accepted by all major browsers

    81 % according to Can I use: https://caniuse.com/webp

    4 hours ago, Everade said:

    Wouldn't it make more sense to add native lazy loading instead?

    74 % according to Can I use: https://caniuse.com/loading-lazy-attr

    4 hours ago, Everade said:

    Simply allowing webp by default shouldn't be the biggest deal, or is it?

    What do you mean by "allowing webp"? Are you unable to post WebP images on your community? Earlier I used the PageSpeed nginx module, and this module delivered images in the WebP format if supported by the browser, and this worked (for the most part).

    If you mean "automatically converting JPG and PNG images to WebP", then yes, this is not possible and neither something the forum software should do. This should be done by your web server or other software.

  11. 2 hours ago, Igor Denisov said:

    My performance is even worse. I try everything but there are no results. Please help.

    The results you’re seeing might be related to your server and network configuration. I’d take a closer look at your setup, and consider signing up for a free (or paid) Cloudflare plan.

    I’ve only made minor adjustments to the default theme, and the score on my community is 35 on mobile and 88 on desktop. On the server side, I’ve spent a lot of time tuning PHP, nginx, the database server, and more, and I’m using a paid Cloudflare plan as well.

  12. 1 hour ago, breatheheavy said:

    Ezoic works by creating multiple placements on the page, and then their learning tech decides how many to deploy based on the user. Idk idk

    You don't need to answer this, but how much do you make from Ezoic? Is it worth it? 18 ads is a lot, but if they make you a lot of money I can understand (though not agree with) why you don't want to immediately remove them or replace them with paid subscriptions.

  13. 22 hours ago, breatheheavy said:


    I can understand that you need ads to survive, but your website is insane.

    I disabled the built-in Enhanced Tracking Protection in Firefox (81.0b8) and reloaded your website, but I had to abort after close to two minutes, with 530 (!) requests and 11.32 MB transferred. This is nothing but extreme, and obviously one of the (if not the only) reasons as to why the website feels slow. With the tracking protection enabled, the website stops loading after 20 seconds, with 61 requests and 7.46 MB transferred.

    Compare this to my own community: 1.91 seconds, 42 requests, and 2.47 MB transferred. Or the Invision Community forums: 3.32 seconds, 52 requests, and 3.35 MB transferred.

    I'm probably not in your preferred audience, but I would never in my life use your website with the amount of ads and trackers used.

    Disclaimer: I'm currently using a 4G LTE connection, but the number of requests and MB transferred would be the same with high speed Internet.

  14. On 9/21/2020 at 3:32 PM, bfarber said:

    The css_updated parameter is what's used for the version parameter.

    It seems the 4.5.0 version of the deleteCompiledCss() function does not update the css_updated parameter (the relevant line is missing for me). This must be why the version parameter is not updated on my test install.

    Thank you for your help!

  15. On 9/15/2020 at 9:16 PM, Runar said:

    Also, if I hadn’t done this, we most likely wouldn’t have discovered the issue (at least not at this time).

    Upon closer inspection of the database (and my inbox) it seems the application only managed to send the welcome message to around half of my members. It stopped sending after close to 3 000 messages, likely caused my me turning off the delay and thereby disabling the task responsible for sending the messages (the welcomeAlerts task). All members were still marked as having received the message, though.

    However, those who signed up after the incident have not received the message, but have still been marked as having received it. To see if I could resend the message, I deleted the most recent member from the autowelcome_members table and (with fingers crossed) set the delay to one hour to reenable the welcomeAlerts tasks. The task ran, sending a completely blank message without a title to the most recent member.

    I have now disabled the delay, again, and am eagerly awaiting a new registrations to see what happens next.

    @Michael.J: Something is wrong, do you have any suggestions?

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