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    BomAle reacted to Marc Stridgen in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    When its ready ™  😄
    Seriously though. Thats the honest answer. We're getting must closer to that state however. 🙂 
  2. Haha
    BomAle reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yes. Custom emojis are still available. But only for you, no one else. 

  3. Like
    BomAle reacted to Matt Finger in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Invision Community 5 has a brand new editing experience powered by a lightweight, fast React text editor built for mobile and modern browsers.
    The venerable CKEditor v4 at the core of our current editor is starting to show its age, so we wanted a clean slate with Invision Community v5 with an editor that was optimized for mobile use, easily extensible and had a feature set that would take us into the next era of Invision Community and beyond.
    The obvious choice was to consider the latest version of CKEditor, but it didn't fit our needs as it wasn't easily extensible, external plug-ins would no longer be possible, and its large footprint would affect page speed scores and be painful to use with a mobile connection.
    After a long search, we settled on Tiptap as the base for our editor. Written in React, loaded in chunks when needed for optimal performance and with many APIs and extensibility options, it was the perfect fit.

    Aside from the technical improvements, the editor offers new tools and a great base for writing our own plugins. I'll walk you through the main features throughout this blog. If you want a more technical deep dive, then please see my development blog.
    The Toolbar
    The toolbar has been redesigned to put the most commonly used styles first, with the least used styles and functions into an ellipses menu. The new paragraph menu contains the header styles, as well as the code block. The plus menu adds lists, boxes and quotes. The benefit of this new compact menu is that it displays just the same on mobile. Currently, there are different editor styles for desktops, tablets and mobiles with some style buttons removed to save space. With Invision Community 5, this is no longer the case. Even the smallest display gets all the functionality.
    Emojis & Icons
    Emojis have become a great way to embellish writing and express emotion. The new emoji picker has been modernized with larger emojis and tooltips to showcase the emoji shortcodes.
    The Icons tab, new for Invision Community 5, allows you to add Font Awesome Icons directly to your content.

    Lastly, both the emoji selector and the shortcode suggestion dropdown support arrow-key navigation, so you don't have to move your hands from the keyboard to the mouse.
    Content Boxes
    The feature I'm personally most excited about is boxes.
    The concept started as an abstraction of spoilers because sometimes you just want "a box" - a section that stands out from the rest of the content, something we do manually in our documentation and guides on this site. Each box has a tile and the following options:
    Expandable - You can mark a box as "expandable" which is functionally the same as a spoiler. One improvement is that expandable boxes use native HTML details and summary elements instead of plain Javascript animated divs. Colors - You can optionally keep it grey on grey like spoilers, but I think that's so boring! The colors automatically adjust to the theme colors, so it will look great in dark and light mode. Float (left/right/none) - You can make the box align to the left or right of other content just like you can for images Width - When the box is floated, you can set the width to big, medium or small. Boxes.mp4
    Link Expansion
    Invision Community has long expanded some links, such as YouTube, offering more context or even a mini-player where appropriate.
    With Invision Community 5, we've added support for embedding dynamic link previews using site metadata. This is a preview of a topic on our forum.

    For those unaware, the Open Graph (OG) Protocol is essentially a way webpages can specify a title, image, and description to be dynamically embedded on another platform. This is the underlying technology when you see the link preview in Meta, X, Slack, or iMessage.
    Code Blocks and Inline Code
    The new editor adds inline, syntax-highlighted code blocks and inline code. Both formats can be applied via the toolbar, or optionally, you can wrap text in a single backtick (`) to convert it to an inline code block or triple backticks (```) to convert it to a code block.

    The code blocks also support numerous languages for syntax highlighting, including a new custom highlighter for the Invision HTML Template Syntax (Invision Community theme creators and application developers, you're welcome!)
    Semantic Headings and Relative Sizes
    Invision Community 5 adds a block selector with headings 1 through 6 in the new editor. It's possibly the most common request I hear so that people can use consistent styling rather than just big bold text in a paragraph tag. Semantic headings are also ideal for SEO and accessibility.
    In addition to the block selector, you can create headings with the corresponding markdown shortcut. Consecutive pound signs (#) at the start of a line followed by a space (the number of pounds corresponds to the "level" of the heading). For example ### creates a Heading 3 (<h3/>) creates the heading for you.
    Using clear header tags means screen readers and search engines can better understand your content as using absolute font sizes, such as 16px, can make it unclear what type of element is actually being used. Is it a heading or just a paragraph with large bold text?
    Furthermore, you may want different sizes depending on the content and device type. Mobile devices may benefit from a large base font size. So we added percent-based font sizes which change the font size based on whatever the default would be for that block.
    Further UX Improvements
    The new editor in Invision Community 5 has several tangible improvements, including a mobile-first design.
    In the current editor, some functionality was hidden behind modals and double clicks, which are either not obvious on mobile devices or not possible at all. The new editor no longer relies on modals and instead uses buttons and dropdown menus that work perfectly with mobile and other touch-based devices.
    New Line Arrows
    For block content, such as boxes, images and quotes, we've added the ability to create a new line before or after the block with the click of a button. This was an issue of frustration for mobile and touch devices where it was not always clear where the cursor was and a finger is a much less accurate aiming device!

    Sticky Toolbar
    Anyone who has authored a long piece of content knows the pain of scrolling up and down to get the toolbar in view. To make writing longer content less stressful, we've made the toolbar sticky so that it will always be fixed at the top of the editor after scrolling down.
    Markdown Style Shortcuts
    One common request is to support markdown in the editor. While we opted not to include full markdown support, the new editor recognizes many markdown-style formatting shortcuts.
    A common challenge with rich text editors on sites with multiple themes is colors often need to consistently look right across all themes. This is even more important with Invision Community 5, as it has a native dark mode feature. For this reason, we opted to offer a reduced set of color options that all adapt dynamically to the theme. I mentioned this about box colors above, but this is also true of the font color. The difference in shade is slight, but it's very noticeable without it. Toggling between light and dark mode will never produce unreadable text.
    We can't wait for you to try the new editor; it has already been very popular with our small testing group. Which feature are you most looking forward to trying?

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  4. Like
    BomAle reacted to Ehren in Invision Community 5: Live Topic Improvements   
    Live Topics in Invision Community 5
    Introduced last year, Live Topics are an innovative way to host live chat and question-and-answer sessions, complete with the option for live video integration. Live Topics effortlessly transform these events into permanent forum topics once the event concludes, allowing your members to not only interact in real-time with the rest of your community, but also continue the conversation far beyond the events conclusion.
    As part of Invision Community 5, Live Topics will ship with a brand new design, rich-text editors and dynamic reactions. Let’s take a look at all three improvements, starting with the new design.

    Full-screen, 3 column layout
    When viewing a live topic, you’ll be taken to a new, minimal, full-screen, 3 column layout which provides plenty of space to simultaneously view your video, question-and-answer list, and live chat columns all at once. The width of the video can easily be adjusted using a simple drag and drop handle, allowing your members to shift their focus between the video or the question-and-answer list depending on the moment.
    The second column holds a list of dynamic question-and-answer discussions, while the third column boasts a redesigned chat area that more closely resemble an app-like experience.
    For smaller devices such as tablets and mobiles, the video is always visible at the top of the page. The question-and-answer list and live chat collapse into their own tabbed area to conserve space.

    Rich-text editors
    Text fields in Live Topics have been upgraded to CKEditor, allowing for greater flexibility when it comes to formatting text or posting emoji’s.
    Reactions have been added to live topics for both the question feed and the live chat. Reactions update dynamically in real-time, offering valuable insights into the content your community deems significant in the moment.
    A lot of thought has gone into transforming Live Topics into a much more user friendly experience. The refreshed, modern design combined with new real-time features make Live Topics a fantastic solution for hosting real-time community events, and we're looking forward to shipping these updates alongside Invision Community 5 later this year.

    View full blog entry
  5. Like
    BomAle reacted to Joel R in Invision Community 5: A more performant, polished UI   
    It's going to be interesting to see how IPS plans to expand its digital monetization
  6. Like
    BomAle reacted to Rikki in Invision Community 5: Topic Summaries   
    I clicked into this very excited, thinking you'd be showing off an AI-generated 'executive summary' of topics. Genuinely curious: why not feed those posts with high impact signals into an LLM to summarize? Not long ago your approach would have been great, but now I think will be in danger of feeling pretty clunky, manual and old fashioned. This seemed like it'd be the perfect opportunity to use a modern tool to solve the problem.
  7. Thanks
    BomAle reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Topic Summaries   
    Whether you have hours to browse a community or are short on time, scrolling through a very long topic can be more than a little frustrating when you want to follow the topic's core journey.
    Recently, we discussed another feature designed to help support-based communities find helpful answers quickly, but what about social topics that do not have a simple question-and-answer format?
    We've all come to a lengthy topic for the first time and found it a little intimidating to find the most relevant content among hundreds of posts, which don't always further the topic. These off-topic posts are important because they help social cohesion and build relationships between members at the time of posting. Still, those visiting later often want the truth of the topic.
    Invision Community 5 brings a topic summary feature designed to make the most of your time.

    The topic summary is generated by an algorithm that uses many touch points such as average read times, reactions, number of shares, external linking and more to determine how useful a post is via a numeric ranking.
    The summary shows an estimated read time of the entire topic and an estimated read time using the summary, which gives your members a good idea of the time they'll save.
    A shorter read time will make longer topics more accessible to a greater audience.

    Adjusting the summary
    We believe that algorithms should be used to support human decisions but not override them. Those with permission can add posts from the summary if they feel they are more relevant. Likewise, posts can be removed if you think they are irrelevant.

    Interactions with Helpful Posts
    Invision Community supports a broad range of communities, including support-based and social communities. We are improving our toolset to help both.
    You can have helpful post-voting enabled as well as topic summaries enabled. When this is the case, the topic summary will show until the helpful post-voting meets a threshold. Once that threshold is met, the helpful post information will replace it.
    Of course, not all communities and not every forum will have the support features enabled, meaning the topic summary will be the only way to reduce the topic complexity.
    Less is more
    Browsing the summary gives you a concise view of the topic's journey with no distractions, a vital strategy for growth. 
    By allowing members to focus on the core journey, you reward the time they spend on your community and make it more accessible for those short on time.
    We hope you've enjoyed this feature introduction and would love to hear your thoughts!
    a.ipsAttachLink img { margin: 18px 0px 18px 0px;}
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    BomAle reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Finding community experts   
    Long ago, back in the dark ages, forums used the number of posts a member made and how long ago they joined to demonstrate trust and experience.
    Is simply posting a lot and being a member for a long time the best way to know which community members are experts?
    And is there a better way?
    We think so.
    What makes an expert, and why are they important?
    Community experts are the keystones to any thriving community. You probably recognise a handful in your community. They tend to be active regularly, are often the first to try and help others with their questions and help set a positive example within the community.
    Wouldn't it be great if newer community members could discover who these super users were a little easier? These members trying to find their feet in a new community could follow trustworthy individuals, absorb the positive tone of the community, and even get help a little quicker.
    In the past, forums have shown trust and experience through basic metrics like post count and the years since they joined. However, these metrics only show that the individual has been around a long time and posts a lot. It doesn't show that they are potential role models or helpful and trustworthy.
    Community Experts with Invision Community 5
    Invision Community 5 identifies these experts through metrics such as the number of solutions they have, the volume of 'helpful' votes on their replies, the speed of answers and more.
    Each forum will have its own experts, so if you have a very broad community, someone who is very helpful in a particular area will show as an expert in that area only.
    When a member has been picked as an expert, they'll receive an email thanking them, and they can then opt-in to be shown as an expert along with a regular notification or email with any unanswered questions in forums they are experts in.

    I'm absolutely killing it in the Test Forum
    Every few months, the experts are recalculated to reflect the organic way communities grow and change. After all, there's little point in showing that a non-active member is an expert. It might even encourage new community experts to keep up the great work and remain active longer.

    Community experts have a badge shown with their posts, along with the option to follow them. Encouraging new members to follow trusted community members should be a core part of any community strategy.
    Settings and control
    Of course, not everyone should be labelled as a community expert, and perhaps, in very rare circumstances, an existing community expert could have a bad day and not represent the community well.
    Invision Community 5 gives you the ability to set which groups experts can be picked from and offers you the opportunity to block existing experts, ensuring they won't be selected again in the future.

    Over to you
    All communities have to be purposeful and provide value. That value may be in close friendships, or it may be in getting answers for problems you have. Either way, locating the most helpful members will help develop trust, provide guidance and increase knowledge within your community.
    For transactional communities such as support-based communities, experts are vital in providing timely answers and demonstrating credibility and expertise to others.
    As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts. Please let us know in the comments.

    View full blog entry
  9. Thanks
    BomAle reacted to Matt in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    Ehren is a superstar, he's barely scratched the surface on what he's been working on for the past six months. I'm really excited by these new views and the sidebar mode gives a very desktop app like experience, whereas the new mobile view is truly fit for purpose and not just a squished desktop view.
  10. Like
    BomAle reacted to Lindor in [Suggestion] Revolut Pay gateway for Commerce   
    Stripe or PayPal have the most expensive fees for payments. I'm paying to 5% in a lot cases.
    Today we have many newest and cheapest alternatives like Revolut, Skrill, Payoneer, Clover, Dharma, Binance.
    We need more flexibily and alternatives to charge our payments in IPS.
  11. Like
    BomAle reacted to David.. in Apple & Google Pay Automatic Renewals Support   
    Using Stripe we can implement Apple & Google Pay support but it currently does not support automatic renewals to subscriptions. I think having this option is a great addition and would generate extra revenue for any community selling subscriptions.
    Hoping this gets implemented.
    Thank you!
  12. Like
    BomAle reacted to AlexWebsites in Introducing Community Hive   
    Nice job, looks great! Any thought to additional future categories? Powersports (maybe that is under Cars) as an example and maybe Outdoors (for hunting, fishing, etc).
  13. Like
    BomAle reacted to Charles in Introducing Community Hive   
    Happy to discuss that on Community Hive 🙂 
  14. Like
    BomAle reacted to Adriano Faria in Buying new self hosted licence - how to choose few applications?   
    It would be perfect if we could pay with marketplace credit automatic, something like a button in Account Credit page and bum… it’s paid. I would jump right away!
  15. Like
    BomAle reacted to Charles in Buying new self hosted licence - how to choose few applications?   
    We no longer sell Invision Community Classic with individual applications. This is in preparation for v5 where there will no longer be a separation for the "applications" like there is now. It will just be all bundled together and more tightly integrated.
    Old pricing for full Invision Community Classic was $850 upfront and $300 per year.
    New pricing is $499 upfront and $199 per year.
    You can reach out to sales if you have questions about pricing or options.
  16. Like
    BomAle reacted to DawPi in v5 news coming soon...   
    js mixins will be available?
  17. Haha
    BomAle reacted to nodle in v5 news coming soon...   
    My only concern is who's going to feed all the monkeys now?

  18. Like
    BomAle reacted to Matt in v5 news coming soon...   
    Keep an eye out for the UIExtension news coming soon for form fields. 
  19. Thanks
    BomAle reacted to Matt in Apps/plugins and Invision Community 5   
    I'd like to say more but we really want to present the entire package so it all makes sense.

    I also want to say that while I often talk about the new stuff we do, it's the product of a very hard working team. We have had input from multiple stakeholders, including those who use the v4 dev tools daily, when designing the new development tools.
  20. Like
    BomAle reacted to Matt in Apps/plugins and Invision Community 5   
    We continue to offer major upgrades to active license holders. We do not require a purchase of a new license.

  21. Haha
    BomAle reacted to Marc Stridgen in Apps/plugins and Invision Community 5   
    Amongst other things as it does now, yes. There are actually rumours that we will be plugging directly into Matts mind for some of the more advanced features, but I feel those rumours may be greatly exaggerated.
    We will provide more information on how development will work within the v4 framework in due course, but there will be changes to how this works 
  22. Haha
    BomAle reacted to SUBRTX in Hump Day: subscriptions in Achievements   
    - Improved rich embedding to support embedding of short links provided by the TikTok app (vm.tiktok.com links).

  23. Like
    BomAle reacted to Kirill Gromov in Polls (Support Topic)   
    Support topic for app
  24. Like
    BomAle reacted to Askancy in Live Messenger   
    Hi @Kirill another little advice.
    If one has a forum configured as PWA and has devised a bar with tabs to browse the forum, the messenger bar takes up the whole string...

    It would be nice to have a setting where you can choose whether to have this messenger tab in the footer, or in the right/left side of the page so it's not annoying, That follows the scrolling of the page, but is not disruptive.

  25. Like
    BomAle reacted to Kirill Gromov in Live Messenger   
    Support Topic for the app Live Messenger
    Live Messenger for Invision Community. This app is not an alternative to the standard IPS Messenger, but a handy add-on. Live Messenger was created to relieve communication with other users. Loading and sending new messages is happens without reloading the pages. The main advantage of this application is that you can quickly write or read a personal message on any community page.
    Quick Buttons: create pm, open messenger and show/hide Live Messenger window. Quick access to recent private messages. Quick access to the private conversation. Messages in a minimal design, without distracting design elements. Select the groups that can use Live Messenger. PM read/unread icon. Quick message sending.
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