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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. I'm afraid, custom or third-party elements being loaded into the software is outside our scope of support. You would need to contact the author where you got the elements or work with a developer to resolve any issues.
  2. Please contact your hosting provider if you are unsure how to obtain this access.
  3. If you do not know it, no. Only you or your hosting provider would know the path to what you're asking for there, no one else.
  4. Templates would come from your database instead of being cached to the file system. In your case, your file system might not be able to handle the writing or there is an issue writing so you would need to check that if this resolves the issue.
  5. Would recommend upgrading to the latest release and then also disabling template caching as it seems your server may be having issues. You can do this in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration.
  6. Glad to hear that you were able to find the issue. If this is a third party application available to others, please share in case others run into the issue.
  7. This is not a Friendly URL, this is a path on your local server. If you are unsure of the path on your local server to the upload folder on your server, please contact your hosting provider.
  8. What you encountered was abnormal, it is not the norm. In of itself, this should never happen what you encountered. On Cloud, you should never have to worry about your license key.
  9. If I am understanding though, Gboard isn't though natively installed on the device, it is an addon. Thus, would need to be reviewed by our team to see if we want to support it.
  10. You would need to configure it to be in ACP -> System -> Contact Us. Then also make CAPATCHA available to them in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention -> Guests must complete CAPTCHA in order to post?
  11. You would want to ensure you did not create an custom blocks either which reference something as that can create conflicts as well.
  12. Yeah, unfortunately, those will require 1 by 1 removal. We do have backups for you 🙂
  13. If there are awaiting email validation and not admin validation, you can configure the system to automatically delete those after a certain amount of time in ACP -> System -> Login & Registration -> Registration -> Remove unvalidated members. The rest would need to be deleted. You can mass prune using the advanced search and then pruning members found. However, there is no criteria apart from the tabs to mass search for those users. Of course, with any mass deleting, take backups prior to actioning.
  14. The column g_mod_post_unit should have a default value of 0. Please go to ACP -> Support and see if there are any issues with your database. If not, please have your hosting provider set a default value of 0 for that column on the core_groups table.
  15. If you have email validation enabled in ACP -> System -> Login & Registration -> Registration. This would require it of all users before they can post or posts appear if you use Post Before Registration. If you're using any third party applications/plugins, you would want to ensure those are not interfering with normal operation of the software.
  16. Thanks! Taking a look... @Fubra, please check the FTP access details on file. They are inaccurate.
  17. Glad to hear you resolved the issue. Likely that is not a safe character and was causing issues when it was being passed.
  18. It looks like you're using a reverse proxy on your server as all IP addresses of users are logged as a local to your server IP rather than the actual IP address of the user. I tried enabling "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies?" but that did not help as it should so your proxy is not passing this header as most do. You have 2 options: Work with your hosting provider or server administrator to disable the reverse proxy or pass the real IP address of the user as the best practice header. Disable Spam Defense in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention. As IP Address is one of the parameters we use to detect a spammer, this would create problems for you if the IP address being logged is not of that the user.
  19. We would need to review your settings on your community and thus need access to it. Please ensure your administrator credentials on valid so we can access: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  20. We would need both. The error that you're seeing and the error in place.
  21. You would need to contact your hosting provider if you are unsure where to find these. I'm afraid, we do not provide hosting support.
  22. Those look more to be some filtered access log than an error log as it is only providing 404 errors. This is not what we would need.
  23. We are only transferring the cache, not your whole database.
  24. You would want to contact your hosting provider to ensure they do not automatically run a backup at a certain time as well. You can try file system to see if this is related to your MySQL instance.
  25. Are you running out of space on your server? Are you running any routines on your server that render MySQL unavailable or partially unavailable when this happens? (e.g. backup) If yes, switch to file system.
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