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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. While it shouldn't, that is the only thing which has changed so would be worth questioning to them on your configuration and if there should be optimizations done. All tables, including core_search_index, should be InnoDB.
  2. You would need to check how those are created and how they are logging in. It sounds like you're creating a new user again so it would be true that they couldn't use that display name again.
  3. You would want to contact your hosting provider/server administrator for assistance. If the only thing which has changed is that your MySQL got upgraded, that is likely a breadcrumb which you will need to review with them. It would seem odd that no configuration or search parameter changed to lead to a slowdown.
  4. If the users were imported or you are using an external site to create users, whether that's through an SSO or API, if they are missing a display name or password, the system will prompt them when logging in as this is require information.
  5. You would need to check and ensure CRON is working as when saving I receive this: In order to enable this setting you must make the .../applications/core/interface/task/task.php file executable (i.e. chmod 0777). Thus, new changes won't be saving till that is addressed. Once I switch background tasks to run via Traffic, changes worked with issue
  6. You can rename the constants.php file to something else to test. I can take a look at why it is looking for a dev folder if you are able to provide FTP access: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  7. I only see your custom settings. I do not see our settings.
  8. The dev folder would only be present when in dev mode. You will want to check your constants and remove IN_DEV
  9. If your .htaccess rules are working, why are you setting this as well in the ACP?
  10. Looking at your community, I am seeing custom CSP rules. Not the ones setup in the ACP. You cannot run both 🙂 . You would need to choose to set it one or the other. The referrer policy is indeed being set though.
  11. This is generally an issues with PHP connecting to your database server. Can read through the topic here with individuals encountering the same issue:
  12. would need to change your search settings in the ACP to "Both". Changing the query string would not fully change the search index and operator.
  13. Do you have them available elsewhere in the menu you may not be seeing in this view? Is Commerce and those modules enabled?
  14. Either needs to be relatively more complex or you have to manage it for your advertisers if you want it simple. I'm afraid, there's no in between.
  15. There are no current templates which match those column sizes so if you want those exact widths of columns, it will require customization. If a 50% size for each column, you would just create a page with a 2 column template (see below in my screenshot). Then go to the front-end block manager and drag 2 WYSIWYG editor blocks to the left and right columns. Then add in the text/images you want.
  16. 4.7.15 is in beta and there is no official support yet for PHP 8.2 We did bump the PHP recommendation to 8.1 though so baby steps 😉 .
  17. This works too. Just thought that might be confusing them pointing them back where they had issues 🙂 .
  18. Easiest way is to go ACP -> Members -> find the user's profile -> scroll down to "Warnings & Restrictions" -> click "Ban" -> setup ban for duration you want.
  19. The user wasn't banned but rather had posting restrictions so could still access your community and perform all other functions except for posting. If you do not want someone accessing your community, you will need to suspend them from your community via a ban. This would either be meeting the warning points necessary by your warning configuration, if the moderator has permission to setup a custom warning solutions (i.e. suspend/ban them), or as an administrator, using the ban feature to suspend them on their ACP profile.
  20. Please update the ticket with any further information you would like to provide.
  21. Please be advised I have transferred this to a ticket so we can further investigate. Please watch your email for further correspondence.
  22. What version did you upgrade from? Did you encounter any errors during the upgrade?
  23. This is why we asked you to do this with your hosting provider. They would need to analyze the database and see what is happening causing the corruption you are experiencing.
  24. What you have there is correct. Please see my reply above about the 301 redirect page. That would likely be interfering with it here.
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