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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Unfortunately, this is an issue with one of your third-party applications/plugins. After disabling these, your "Our Picks" block is working without issue. Please disable all of these items and then test again. Once done, please re-enable them one-by-one to see which one is the issue here. Please contact the author for assistance. Please keep in mind when going from one version to the next, some third-party applications/plugins may not be compatible yet and you will encounter errors. When you have as many as you have installed, unfortunately, the chances are higher of this.
  2. These are core and part of our Javascript framework. You would not be able to remove these, I'm afraid. These would be required for different reasons within our framework, some might be due to compatibility with older browsers within our browser support stack.
  3. The block locations would not be unique for each Commerce product page, I'm afraid. Like other areas in our software, they are shared among like items (e.g., a product pages have the same blocks, all forum topics have the same blocks, etc...). This would require customization to specify specific pages to have a block be shown which, I'm afraid, is outside our scope of support. I will move this to our peer support forum for further assistance.
  4. As Terabyte said, check other folders. When viewing their inbox, click the down arrow next to the mailbox name (default is Inbox). You should see other variants that the user has.
  5. Please provide us an invoice/transaction example and we can take a look. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  6. While I too think the same with my own server at times, you'd be surprised how many times it is something specific to an account, a site, a folder, etc... which may create issues sometimes. Just this week, someone had something similar where it was preventing upload on just one site so it is worth double checking everything when you're having an issue 🙂 .
  7. To confirm, that there is no internet connection issues when uploading and CloudFlare is completely removed and not impacting this? The fact that they are only seeing 2.9MB is strange, as mentioned, there is chunk uploading going on so I would check there isn't something interrupting this like internet, CloudFlare, a security system on the server like mod_security, etc...
  8. They will not need to know anything about our software to fix the issue at hand here. The issue is with the server processing the uploaded file. There will be server error logs which will detail this issue and they will need to resolve it.
  9. You'll want to work with your hosting provider here to find the issue and resolve it, I'm afraid. There is an issue on the server which is preventing upload. The system uses plupload and breaks things into chunks so long as the server can handle it.
  10. When moving non-core related files, you'll want to check with the author of the application, as Nathan mentioned.
  11. The issue listed here was resolved in 4.6.12 and would only impact Braintree. If you're having issues specifically with PayPal, that would be something separate which I can split this to a new topic so we can investigate that. You can check for any errors by going to the System Log in ACP -> Support after the issue occurs.
  12. As we find things or find errors that have cropped up in support tickets, this is a gentle reminder that PHP 8.1 is still not supported. If it works for you, great, but please be mindful that if you run into an error and require support, we will ask you to downgrade to see if that resolves the issue since we do not support PHP 8.1 yet.
  13. Sorry, customization requests and anything associated with those would be outside our scope of support so asking about those that are processed are beyond our support. Please be advised I have moved your topic to our community support forum so you may get customization advice from a peer developer.
  14. Sorry, the author would need to assist you with any questions regarding their plugin. Customizations would be outside our scope of support.
  15. I'm afraid, that would indicate that you would need to work with the author to resolve this. It is the plugin which is attempting to accomplish something for you which the core software does not do so you would need to work with the plugin author.
  16. Please disable any third party applications/plugins and switch to an unmodified theme to see if that helps. If not, please provide us access: We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  17. I'm afraid, there is limited support for localhost installations. Is there an existing key with the same name in your database?
  18. These bugs mentioned in the topic you pasted are solved in 4.7.0 which is currently in Beta. You're welcome to test this if you wish.
  19. Caching would not be related to CRON. If your constants.php does not have Redis present and your /datastore directory is writable, this warning can be cached so you will want to dismiss it and then see if it comes back. Please let us know 🙂 .
  20. Thank you! Please be advised I have moved this to a ticket so that we can better investigate this for you. Further communication will be provided via email.
  21. Could you please provide the example member's display name and URL you're attempting to post? We can then investigate further. Also, sorry to bring this up again but nothing was explicitly stated on the above. Could you please state if you're using mod_security or varnish?
  22. Please see the following steps to troubleshoot this: Please ensure that you're using 8.0 and not 8.1. You specified 8.0 for WordPress so just want to double check you are using 8.0. Please use the following file to ensure that your hosting provider or server admin installed all required modules of PHP to run our software: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/?do=getNewComment If the above are all good, a 500 Internal Server Error is very much like the check engine light on your car. It states something is wrong but not exactly what or where. Please work with your hosting provider or server admin to obtain the Server Error logs for this error and either resolve the issue (if it is server related) or provide it to us so that we can further assist you.
  23. While I appreciate your feedback, it comes back to developing and making the product better as we move forward with version 4 and beyond. It simply is not feasible to continue developing and supporting past versions indefinitely. Discontinuing support is very much a common thing in software development lifecycles as versions age (we actually did kept support for quite some time after version 4 was launched and matured). With version 3, there is nothing stopping you from using an installation, however, you will hit many roadblocks as many of the server infrastructure, 3rd party integrations (such as CAPTCHA), etc... have been discontinued, sun-setted, etc... by their own developers. Just a note here as we are getting into this information, PHP 5.6, which is the highest version of PHP which can run version 3 of IPB, is no longer supported by PHP themselves for 3+ years now and many hosting providers due to that choose not to run it or have it available to their customers. You may still find some that run it but as it is no longer supported by PHP, running 5.6 is a security concern 🙂 . @Tschieny, if you have any questions about switching or upgrading to version 4, we're happy to answer any questions. However, if you continue to run version 3 (which is completely fine if you want to), we will move this to our peer community support forum as version 3 is no longer supported.
  24. Best suggestion would be to upgrade your hosting to a plan or provider that does not limit your database size or is more inline with your growth. (Have you considered our cloud?) The short story is that you’re growing (congrats!) and the tables listed hold core content of your community. So the only way to get in line with your hosting would be hurting your community by sacrificing content. Once you start doing this, it’s a slippery slope, you’ll have to keep doing it to stay in line with the hosting. If you have the ability to upgrade, it’s the best idea to prevent this from happening and continue growing your community. Best of luck!
  25. Yep, as mentioned by Terabyte (who is faster than me this week at answering this week 🙂 ), the flag is driven by the locale and the locales are fed from your server. If you do not see your locale in the list there, you would need to work with your hosting provider or server administrator to have it installed.
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