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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There isnt really. If the user has the correct credentials, and the actual member hasn't set up 2FA, they can gain access and set up 2FA. Anything at all you set up around making sure the potential malicious user cant gain access, would also block the legitimate one in this case
  2. If 2FA is not set up on an individual account, what would stop that user from just setting up 2FA, and then changing the password?
  3. Im not sure here how 2fa is actually being bypassed if they havent set it up. There isnt anything to bypass there
  4. As mentioned, please put these within the suggestions area 🙂
  5. the word "the" is a mysql stop words and woud not be included in search results. That and the default minimum 4 letters for mysql fulltext searchign means items such as the above would not really be searchable in that manner unfortunately.
  6. The details provided have no access to the admin CP. Please ensure the account has full access
  7. Glad you have what you need there. Often the problem with changing these things, as mentioned by opentype, is we could break every persons site who has already used them. The issue is if we apply any styling we are wrong, and if we dont we are wrong. As you mention, there could well be another block introduced maybe. Post that up in your suggestions area if you would like to see something like that appear in the future
  8. Our management team will go through that with you. Note you will lose anything that is done after the restore of course.
  9. Yes, that would be the location you have your test installed at, with https, and without www. You havent clarified there if that is what the error is you are getting?
  10. Please could you provide me with more information as to what happens? If its stating its already used, you need to ensure you are installing it at your licensed test location. You can see this within your client area.
  11. You need to update your site to use ssl first of all. You can update to https using the method described here, if you have a certificate applied on your server Once you have done that, you would need to ensure you change the callback URL as mentioned above
  12. This part is actually incorrect. You can set it up as the default if you wish to do so. But if you don't, then the user would need to choose email as the option they would like to use to receive followed content by.
  13. There is nothing of that manner within the software at the present time, unfortunately. Please do feel free to post this up within the suggestions are though as Calendar is one area Im sure we will be likely to be improve on at some point
  14. I will get this flagged up to be looked at by our marketplace team. In the meantime, please ask them to instead search with quotes, which brings it up so you can get past your initial issue of them not being able to add it "Enhanced Member Widgets"
  15. I'm a little confused by your response there, as I responded only a few minutes after the response above, and did let you know that this will take a few days to process. We are unable to give more of an update than that at this point. I realise that is not what you were expecting, but to say there has been no update and you are being ignored is incorrect there.
  16. Sorry, we would need the exact information as mentioned by my colleague. Including what the item is you are setting them on, the exact values you are setting etc. We can then test it on your instance and see if we can see whats going on for you
  17. If 2 have had it open and one has saved it, then they may well have saved it with no data. There is no way in which to recover a block without restoring a backup from an earlier point in time
  18. This is not something in which we would provide, other than the ones included with the software. I will move your ticket to community support, where others in the community may be able to advise on where they have gotten there, or how they have made their own.
  19. We have not yet provided support for PHP 8.1 within the product. For now, PHP 8 is the highest you should use 🙂
  20. Thank you for your feedback, and glad you have what you need there
  21. I have created a ticket for you so we can discuss your requirements. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  22. sitemap will not update instantly. It usually does so once a day. It looks like items have only just been created there
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