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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. At which point? Please provide step by step on this if possible, then we can understand the exact point in fails
  2. Please update all access detail. At present your ftp details appear to be incorrect
  3. We would need to know exactly what the message was that the users saw when trying to purchase, as we are not seeing any errors in the logs
  4. We would have to first create a fix for the issue in order to do that. Once its resolved, we would tend to get fixes out quite quickly for these kinds of things
  5. Ah, no problem. Glad to see you got the issue resolved in any case
  6. It seems Luke is haunting you lol. I cant replicate it at all here. Is it only happening on that topic?
  7. Could you please clarify? Have you now tested this on the latest release?
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. It stated its not supported in your region. Have you checked its supported in the region the user purchased from?
  10. I had, however it was not clear if this was only with the pages being hit, and payments failing was something else or not. I am taking a look at this now for you.
  11. Please could you expand on this? In what way is it failing? What exactly is happening?
  12. Please could you provide a couple of clear examples of what exactly is happening, on what pages and which users. Including what they were trying to purchase and any other information?
  13. We are unable to schedule standard support at set times of day unfortunately. If these are disabled, these would generally only be disabled for a short number of minutes at a time. Please confirm you wish for us to go ahead with support on this
  14. Left it open for a fair while there now, and not seeing anything come up on this end.
  15. Please could you clear your browser cache and try this again first of all? If you see the same, could you let me know what browser and operating system you are using? I dont seem to be seeing it on my end
  16. You can choose to disallow registation from set email domains by using ban settings. Go to Members>Member Settings>Ban settings, and set them up there. For example, if you want to block everything from gmail you would add *.gmail.com
  17. While I understand you said a plugin you have doesnt interfere with the service workers, you dont seem to have confirmed here that you have tested this with it disabled. You need to ensure you have tested this completely with all 3rd party items disabled. In the meantime, I have tagged our developers on this to advise further
  18. Yeah, I wouldnt keep looking for the setting 😄
  19. These are new features on the 4.7 cloud platform.
  20. I have just responded to that again with the response sent by my colleague.
  21. My colleague has already responded to your ticket there. Please check your emails
  22. Please persist with your hosting company to find out what they actually do when they resolve the issue, as this may be the key to understanding what is going wrong
  23. Ive created a ticket on this so we can take a look
  24. It appears you missed this part @NSPN . This has to have been set up from there at some point and is actually only used for the support system.
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