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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. It sounds like he is having problems with connections to amazon S3. If it's only them having this issue, they would need to contact their hosting provider on this.
  2. Thank you for reporting the issue. Our developers are taking a look into this
  3. Glad to see you found a resolution to your problem 🙂
  4. You need to check in the hooks list (right hand side of the support area in your admin CP) and see what hook 606 is related to. Once you find what application or plugin that is related to, disable that plugin/app and report it to the author
  5. You would simply never post sensitive information unless its in an email ticket. This isnt really any different to any other public medium. If you have an issue whereby you need it to be private because there is private information, just ask and we can do that. Im not sure I would agree with the categorisation here. We have been asked and in response it has been removed. I have not seen an instance where someone has had to beg for this to be removed. Without the example, I wouldnt be able to fairly comment on an individual situation. If you would like to link me on that, I can certainly advise on why that was the case. We're not out to make life harder here, and we have had considerable feedback stating people, in general, like the new system. In fact we have had people who stated they would never like it when we first switched, who have since stated they have changed their mind having used it.
  6. The only way in which to change that would be by amending your theme
  7. This is by design. Font size is reduced on mobile by the responsive design of the software
  8. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  9. Take a look at the email wrapper. You will see how these are built up here. Search for "email_also_interesting" which is the string at the top there, and work your way down from there
  10. That page does not appear to be available to guests, which is likely causing your issue
  11. Its almost like this guy has been using the software for a while 😄
  12. I did indeed. Each of those comes up directly after a connection refused message. To explain, the reason my colleague asked about the database, is that we see the error you mentioned, only when there is an error with the database itself. Essentially its trying to get information from the database and for whatever reason, its failing. Generally this tends to be crashed tables, limited connections, or indeed connection refused as you are getting in this case.
  13. Sorry to hear you feel that way. As mentioned by my colleague, the issue has been fixed in a future release. Its not something in which we can provide a fix for outside of a release unfortunately, but we are doing a release once a month at present so this is not something you would wait a long period of time for. The issue here, unfortunately, is that these are upgrades that are no longer supported, from decade old software. At some points these will unfortunately break.
  14. While you may be able to do that, there is no guarantee that there will be no consequences to doing so.
  15. As this has been escalated, I would be unable to give an estimate on time it would take to resolve the issue unfortunately.
  16. I have tagged our developers to see if there is anything else we can suggest here
  17. Sorry, could I clarify here, its not yet moved anything at all to your s3 bucket?
  18. I have created a ticket on this for you, so we can look further into the problem. Please leave cloudflare disabled until this is resolved
  19. As mentioned in your other topic, there is no code that would force it to do so
  20. There would be no CSS code that would be able to enforce that, as it depends on what the code is that has been pasted
  21. There would be no way in which to do this at the present time, unfortunately. They would indeed need to visit the post itself.
  22. Unfortunately, there isnt really much I can add to what has already been said here. Its pasting exactly what has been copied. So is a background has explicitly been set in code, it would indeed add that
  23. As mentioned above, this would happen in any editor
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