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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. The answer to the 2 questions there was You ned to add clubs somewhere on your navigation, as you have done You need to ensure that in each group, the user can create clubs
  2. This is something coded in, and not something that can be controlled. Im assuming you mean what is posted when it posts a topic here?
  3. Nobody has taken a look at the site as of yet. Please let us know if you have any further issues
  4. At present the option would be that they would request this from the admin of the site, and you would delete it.
  5. There is no such setting for the blogs application at present, unfortunately. With regard pages databases, this is settable only at the database level (you can find this on the options page of the settings of any database), but cannot be set per category
  6. That is part of PWA on the software, and is indeed a normal log. Before anything else, I would suggest upgrading to the latest release to see if you are still getting errors. I am curious as to what you mean by the IP address is suspicious. In what way?
  7. Note, you cannot link to the download itself. By this, I mean you cannot have it so you can just click to download, as it includes items in the link specific to the user who is logged in. So you can only link in the manner described by my colleague above
  8. Glad to see we were able to get that sorted for you, now you were added as a contact for that account. Just to let you know, you should be able to email over now without the rejection email as you have a cloud package you can access 😊 😊
  9. Thank you for sorting the alternative contact access out. I have now created a ticket so we can get the URL sorted for you
  10. As suspected, the message there actually says the user is already one of her alternative contacts. She needs to edit the one that is already present in the list To clarify. She is clicking the where I show on the red arrow, however as mentioned above, you may have already been present in the list, so she needs to edit that already existing entry shown on the green arrow
  11. Please reply to my PH with the screenshot. Im not sure why she is entering anything there, as you are already a contact, there is just no item selected
  12. This is then likely related to cache unfortunately. Have you disabled caching entirely on your development instance?
  13. It does however contain everything that was sold to the user. ie. the working plugin and files its running. Otherwise it wouldnt be running. I understand what you are referring to there, but we are talking cross purposes. Yours is an "Its in an annoying format to use to do xyz", which is different to it not existing. I completely understand your point of course
  14. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  15. We would need a simple example. By this, I mean is it actually showing in the template editor in the admin CP after sync?
  16. No problem at all. Thats what we're here for 🙂
  17. Bear in mind, in your case you may be editing an entry that is already present This is the part that is missing
  18. I have sent you a PM on this. Please note, she should change the details on her account after ensuring you have access. Nobody but herself should have access to her account as per terms and conditions. I do realise the situation given other discussions however, of course.
  19. I have taken a look for you on this, and the reason your emails are being returned is that you are not an alternative contact on any cloud purchase. Note, you are selected as an alternative contact by someone, but they have not selected any purchased for you to have support access to. So at present, the only item you have access to support on is the self hosted license (I have removed the URL on that to save confusion). That person needs to select the purchase in order for us to issue support.
  20. Sorry to hear you are having issues there. Im sure we can certainly get you sorted out. I did note here, you had actually selected your self hosted license. If you have done this also when trying to submit a ticket, thats likely what is causing you problems. In any case, dont worry, we can get your sorted out. Note that just changing nameservers will not make it point to your site here instantly. It has to be set by us in order to do this. Please bear with me while I take a look for you
  21. Do you have a simple example? Also, are they actually showing while you are in designer mode?
  22. The member in question has their own individual entry in the moderator section, which is limited, and no forums appear to be selected. I would advise on correcting this first of all
  23. It would depend on how they were added in the first place. It looks like that may well be part of your theme, so you would need to speak to your theme developer for advise on how to remove those
  24. Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved there 🙂
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