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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. There isnt really a setting for download of attachments in that area. It would be assumed if someone can see the download, they can see anything in the description. Anything outside of the description you should add to the download itself
  2. Sorry, Im not sure what you mean here. Could you screenshot where you are referring to?
  3. Please do. Just to let you know, it was when logged in as you I couldnt replicate the issues
  4. You appear not to have mentioned what application you are referring to. If this is the videos application, you would need to contact the author of that application for assistance
  5. You would download the files from your client area by selecting your license, then clicking the download button in the top right
  6. You would need to run the upgrader manually. So you would need to Upload a fresh set of files from your client area Switch to PHP 8 Check the requirement checker to ensure you meet minimum requirements https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/ Run the upgrader from /admin/upgrade
  7. Im not sure what I can advise here. I cant replicate it on your system even on your account there. Are you perhaps using any plugins on your browsers?
  8. I appear to be able to move this no problem at all. Could you let me know what browser you are using?
  9. Glad you have what you need there. 🙂 Thanks Nathan
  10. Could you let me know who you are logged in as, the name of the message you are trying to move, and the name of the folder. I can then take a look and advise
  11. Indeed as mentioned below, you would be best to remove tapatalk entirely before you proceed. You would need a new version of tapatalk anyway
  12. A little confused as to what you mean here. This is support 🙂 We just moved it You should be logging into that area with your admin username and password for your site, not the login and password for your client area
  13. There isnt a way in which to do this at present, but please do feel free to post that up in the suggestions area for something to add in the future
  14. While I appreciate the assistance there, as Jim mentioned this was not a bug in the software in any way. It was incomplete html
  15. Are those 2 websites both using a default unaltered theme with all 3rd party plugins/applications disabled? The gallery has had a revamp, so theme is most likely
  16. You would simply remove the "Download files" permission on each group. You can see more about permissions in the following guide
  17. Always good to hear. Thank you for the confirmation 🙂
  18. No problem at all. Glad you have what you need 🙂
  19. Ah, got you. Thank you guys. I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  20. This was resolved in the latest 4.7.7 release. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue, and if you are still seeing any issues at that point, please let us know
  21. This was resolved in the latest 4.7.7 release. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue, and if you are still seeing any issues at that point, please let us know
  22. This was resolved in the latest 4.7.7 release. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue, and if you are still seeing any issues at that point, please let us know
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