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Marc Stridgen

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Everything posted by Marc Stridgen

  1. You are referring to the sorting there. You can only currently sort by oldest or newest activity, and not by oldest and newest start date. Similarly the 'time period' relates to the last activity date. There isn't really any way to do what you are looking to do there. I do see you have the pages application. You could create a topic feed block on another page, if its something you wish to go that far into for your moderator, as an alternative thought
  2. If yours also a member logging in with an alternative login method? Please provide a linked example if you can and we can then take a look for you
  3. Please could you update your access details on file, as they appear to be incorrect. We can then take a look for you Actually the opposite is true. We encourage people to post on the community, and we can pick it up from there if needed. We can access users login details just the same as we can from a ticket. Its only really if there are indeed any details that need to be sent to us privately that we need a ticket.
  4. This was forwarded to our account services, and can take a while to go through, as these are completely separate systems unfortunately. I can assure you that the ticket is there and awaiting accounts however.
  5. By action, my colleague is asking what the user us doing at the time they see the lag in speed on your site. Also, it woul dbe helpful to know the name of the person reporting as we can log in as that person. If you dont want to give that name here, then feel free to message that to me if needed
  6. Responded to your ticket just now, so we can get that applied for you
  7. I see this appears to have been an issue with some folder locations that my colleague has said you can move there to resolve the issue. I will mark this solved, but of course let us know on the ticket if you have any further issues
  8. I see my colleague has responded to your ticket there. Just mentioning in case you have missed this
  9. Also ensure you are updated, and any optional patches are applied
  10. I have created a new ticket for this for you, since it involves peoples addresses. We can take a look for you there
  11. You may be able to get that information from your current hosting company, as to how many page impressions you are generating at present
  12. No problem. I would suggest disabling both redis and cloudflare while you are testing there
  13. I have split this into its own topic for you. Could you please disable all 3rd party items in the first instance, and let us know if you are having the same issue when all 3rd party items are disabled?
  14. Yes, this was an issue internally affecting a small number of users, which has now been resolved. Glad to see you are up and running there,
  15. These are now based on page views rather than on members, which is more generous for most. If you visit that page, it shows how many page impressions per month are allowed within each plan. What you need would depend on your own site of course
  16. Have managed to pinpoint it and added a bug report for this. Im not sure where it was reported previously, but I'm not able to see that report anywhere. Apologies if that has been missed somewhere along the way, but there is a report in there now for it
  17. Please could you check and confirm this is happening on a standard unaltered language pack first of all?
  18. In your client area, select your license and you will see "Stored Access Information. Click the button below that to update your access information
  19. I actually see on your screenshot there that you are missing your ACP icons. Please go to Support in the top right of your ACP, then select clear caches. Once you have done that, refresh the page and check things again
  20. Ive split this off into its own topic. Im not seeing any issues on your site there. As mentioned in your ticket, please try clearing your browser cache also
  21. Is that Marty McFly? On a more serious note though, have you checked your servers time to ensure that is correct? Are you using any load balancing or caching?
  22. You can certainly add it to the notes within your access details on file when you add your access details. No need to give it out publically
  23. There is no way in which to manage these within the software at present, unfortunately. It may be worth taking a look within the marketplace however, as I believe there are 3rd party items in there which will allow you to manage these automatically
  24. If you go to support in your Admin CP and apply the optional patch shown, this will correct the issue for you.
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