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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. OpenDNS is blocking your request and that's also why you're seeing a certificate error (because they're using their own instead of the valid one). You will need to contact your network administrator that set up OpenDNS to find out why it's blocked or I suppose you could click the "Report an incorrect block" button.
  2. It sounds like PHPRedis may be returning an unexpected value on your server (this value should always be an array, whether it's empty or not). We'll make some minor robustness changes in a future release to handle this situation though. Edit: A workaround in the meantime would be to disable the 'Use Redis to reduce MySQL overhead' setting in your data storage configuration
  3. Thanks, we'll keep looking into it. It does suggest that there was an issue communicating with one of our services to fetch data from.
  4. It looks like this issue was related to the AWS outage yesterday. Since they've fixed their issues, this shouldn't come up again.
  5. Hi, When developing (using developers mode) there's one master language that uses the applications dev files as a source. You would need to create a new language for each of your non-standard languages, I assume you may already have these for translating the various strings of Invision Community anyway.
  6. This just means that the author has not updated the resource or confirmed that it is compatible with the version of Invision Community that you're using. If they're working for you, that's great. You do not need to change their status (you would be unable to get any future updates for them)
  7. That error message suggests that Invision Community is unable to connect to your Elastic/OpenSearch instance. I would recommend checking that your web server has permission to access the instance and that it is online. OpenSearch is based on Elasticsearch 7.10.2, not 7.1
  8. Your upload_max_size, post_max_size and memory_limit are way too large. Having these huge values (especially the post/upload) is actually counter-intuitive. When you have these set to such large values, the files being uploaded won't be processed in chunks. If you set upload_max_size/post_max_size to something like 10M, you will have a much better chance of your upload succeeding.
  9. Hi, Yes, it's possible for REST API output to be cached at a CDN (content delivery network) level, this is also the case on our Cloud. If you must have real-time data, you can always pass an extra cache bust parameter with your request to make the request unique. Something like &ts=<unixtimestamp> would be fine. Try not to use this too much though as you'll lose the benefit of faster responses.
  10. It looks like you have DDOS protection that is blocking communication with your community. You will need to make sure that HTTP requests can be received vis HTTP POST to /index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=marketplace
  11. Thanks! I was able to reproduce the issue, we'll get it fixed in a future release.
  12. Hi, I'm currently unable to reproduce this issue, changing the stock back to 0 for each of the custom field options reflects "0 in stock" as expected. Can you share a screenshot of the product configuration to see if you have something configured differently?
  13. Yes, that's right. You should see a bulletin in your AdminCP detailing the change and the new minimum requirement of 7.2.0.
  14. Thanks, we'll get that addressed in a future release.
  15. Hi! You have a few options really depending on your set up and preferences You could: Add a custom app to Invision Community that adds REST API endpoint and passes requests through to your API after validation. Call the /api/core/me endpoint to see if you get an authenticated response with the token. If you have database access, you could use that to look up the access token and access scopes, this would probably be quicker due to less reliance on HTTP requests. In any of these scenarios you would need to account for access tokens expiring.
  16. Sorry for the delay replying, I'm still actively researching the issue and will provide an update in the ticket in a few minutes.
  17. You would need to send the options formatted for HTTP POST, you can't just pass an array through like that. Something like this would work. /* poll variables below */ ,'poll_title' => 'Cast your vote' // poll_options: Array of objects with keys 'title' (string), 'answers' (array of objects with key 'value' set to the choice) and 'multichoice' (bool) ,'poll_options[1][title]' => urlencode('Make your choice, either Yes or No:') ,'poll_options[1][answers][0][value]' => 'Yes' ,'poll_options[1][answers][1][value]' => 'No' ,'poll_options[1][multichoice]' => '0' ,'poll_public' => '0' // bool Make the poll public ,'poll_only' => '0' // bool Make this a poll-only topic You also don't need to urlencode everything like that, cURL sends data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.
  18. Thank you for your report, we'll get that fixed in an upcoming release!
  19. If your email address is no longer working, you will need to change it to a valid one in the client area. - https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/email
  20. I would recommend having a look at the email we sent you, there are some issues you need to be resolve.
  21. I'm going to create a ticket for you so we can look into the account issue further.
  22. I have created a ticket for you and I have replied to that for you. You didn't purchase the file from the Marketplace, so we're unable to renew any purchases that you had made directly from the author originally.
  23. Hi, We're seeing an SSL error when trying to connect to your community, this is due to your server not supporting TLS 1.2 (it only supports TLS 1.3). Typically, servers should support a minimum of TLS 1.2 in addition to TLS 1.3 for maximum compatibility (older consumer devices may not be able to access your community either). Your server administrator should be able to assist with this if you're not quite sure what it means.
  24. Vapid key generation failure on Windows is typically (and this is pretty much all Windows web servers) because the openssl.cnf file either isn't configured properly or cannot be located/used by your PHP instance. Take a look at https://stackoverflow.com/a/18869750. If you can get it to work, that's great! Just please note that we cannot assist with server configuration issues.
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