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Stuart Silvester

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Everything posted by Stuart Silvester

  1. Yes you can upgrade betas to newer releases.
  2. Go to the client area, click on your license, then click download beta in the top right. Here you'll see some important information about using a beta and instructions of how to download it either from the client area or through your AdminCP.
  3. I'm going to open a bug report for this too so we can test further, if the user hasn't made any modifications to the template it shouldn't prompt them to chose which template to use.
  4. You can switch to PHP 8.0 now if you want to, it has been supported for months. This is a change to the recommendations that will appear on the support pages. We don't yet have support for PHP 8.1 but we're working on that.
  5. The solution for changing subscriptions when one is expired is undergoing testing now and should be included in our upcoming release.
  6. @OptimusBain As a follow-up, you can enable a setting to allow a 'renew' button to appear on the manage purchases page. In the product settings (Client Area Settings tab), you can enable the "allow customer to renew?" setting and optionally configure the limitations for this. This will enable your customers to renew the product subscription after it expires.
  7. I have updated the instructions to include the double-quotes for now. Open Search returns far more 'relevant' results than show. We'll have some improvements for this in an upcoming release.
  8. The guest output cache will cache unique views, so if you're getting more guests looking at more unique pages, the amount cached will increase. This cache is periodically truncated by a task (use Cron to ensure it's cleaned up often) You can disable output caching with a constant OUTPUT_CACHE_METHOD, set to 'None'. - https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-constantsphp-r25/ You may see slower loading guest pages after changing this.
  9. Your community is configured to not allow remote images. AdminCP > System > Settings > Posting > Allow remote images? When you edit the post, the remote images are changed to an URL to comply with this configuration.
  10. I believe we're using 1.2 right now. Any release should theoretically work whilst they maintain API compatibility.
  11. Additionally, if you click the magnifier icon for the purchase, you should see PayPal Subscription info and the current status of it. IPN isn't a current thing, we haven't used it since 3.x.
  12. Yes, we tested Open Search (this community is using Open Search right now). As @13. notes, it currently uses the same API requests and returns the responses in the same format as Elastic Search. I think in the future you may see Open Search become the preferred implementation (in general) due to the ES licensing changes.
  13. The 'problem' per-se with PayPal Subscriptions is that you're in limbo until they take the payment. There isn't anything to renew, it's simply just waiting for PayPal to send instructions. Generally they're pretty good at being on time but I have seen it be weeks later than expected. PayPal is the 'odd one' out of the gateways we support in that they decide when to bill and then they need to tell your community they have done so. With other gateways such as Stripe your community tells Stripe when to bill and how much. You may want to consider using Stripe if you're having customers billed late by PayPal.
  14. Your customer has an active PayPal Subscription, they cannot 'renew' anything because that subscription is still active and waiting for PayPal to take the funds and then let your community know that it has been processed. As noted above about updating the prices for existing customers, there's an option specifically for customers using PayPal Subscriptions. It asks you whether you want to continue having them at the same cost or whether you want to cancel their PayPal Subscriptions and then they will set a new one up when they pay the next invoice. No, this isn't the same thing. This customer is using 'products' not subscriptions.
  15. You can follow our status page for updates - If you subscribe you'll also get notified of events. https://status.invisioncommunity.com/
  16. Yes, we're performing scheduled maintenance right now that may impact the availability of your community.
  17. 'SS' in your example (in addParameter) is not a valid filename, it should be the actual filename including the exttension.
  18. This is the important part of the documentation for this issue. Your field needs to be "fields[276][filename]"
  19. You do not have automatic renewals enabled (you haven't opted to store card details for future purchases. You would have been billed yesterday if you had). Yes
  20. I would like to take a closer look at this, so I've moved your issue into a support ticket.
  21. The key in Postman for the POST parameter would be fields[22] And then specify your value
  22. It won't validate because it is a validator for Atom or RSS feeds. A sitemap is neither. It won't validate your custom sitemaps either https://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.celiac.com%2Fsitemap_posts.php since it's the wrong tool for the job. Google Search console will tell you if there are any parsing issues with your sitemaps. As noted above, the sitemap index uses the proper sitemapindex protocol defined here: https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html#sitemapIndexXMLExample
  23. A sitemap index file isn't an atom or RSS feed, so it won't validate as one. It's a perfectly valid file you've got there - https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html#sitemapIndexXMLExample I did see that you've got multiple other (non-standard) sitemaps, it might be worth looking into whether the duplication may cause issues or confusion to Google. Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap_posts.php Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap_pages.php Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap_comments.php Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap_cmscategories_pages.php Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap_forumspages.php Sitemap: https://www.celiac.com/sitemap_archive.php
  24. Thank you for your feedback, we've implemented some performance improvements (will be in a future update) for this process when large numbers of purchases need to be updated.
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