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Posts posted by Gauravk

  1. I have given up guys, please help me how to place these code in globalTemplate.

    Thanks in advance


          <!-- whatsapp chat icon-->
          <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://carnity.com/whtsapp/floating-wpp.min.css">
    <script src="https://carnity.com/whtsapp/floating-wpp.min.js"></script>
            <div class="floating-wpp"></div>


  2. Hi Everyone,

    I need to add a whatsapp chat icon linked to our support mobile with whatsapp with URL: https://wa.me/97150XXXXXXXXX

    I tried putting this whatsapp icon image in pop up but its blocking the whole page.

    Any clue how else I can add a small floating whatsapp chat icon on bottom right on every device?


  3. 28 minutes ago, Stuart Silvester said:

    Video attachments only appear inline when the device viewing the page can natively play it (.mov is originally an Apple format, which is why it automatically embeds on Mac/iOS, MP4 is generally the most compatible over multiple devices).


    IPS should do something to support 47.4% GLOBAL USERS.

    We are not asking support for nokia, blackberry and microsoft support.

    Blog admit that video is everywhere in 2018 but still you give an explanation of native - non native support after 2 years.


  4. Im ready to pay 100 USD for any developer who wish to implement this and Im sure many others will offer similar value as time is of an essence here.

    Nobody mind waiting with definitive date, but if IPB admins don't even respond to this since 17 days that means its faaaaar from 4.5 or 5.4 or 6.5 version even.

    Maybe another 30 years in waiting or until all IPB customer goes to more proactive community providers - whichever comes first.

  5. There is something seriously wrong with guest views now. Please check the video.

    Recorded as a guest user and started recorded when permitted pages/user has reached its limit.

    It's blocking and allowing randomly without even closing the browser now.

    Please fix it asap. 


    • 00:17 - Allowed a page - BUG
    • 00:27 - Blocked a page - GOOD
    • 00:34 - Allowed same page (that was blocked at 00:27) - BUG
    • 00:44 - Blocked a page - GOOD
    • 00:52 - Allowed and blocked same page (that was blocked at 00:44) - BUG
    • 01:03 - Allowed a new page - BUG
  6. 1 minute ago, DawPi said:

    Thanks for clarification and explainations.

    This is not a bug and there is nothing to fix because nothing is broken. You posting your suggestion and I'll concider it. 🙂

    I understand incognito you may consider as a suggestion/feature/add-on.

    But why same browser open and close - that really seems like a new bug as previously it never use to behave this way.

  7. Found the solution and a new bug:

    That back disabling was due to custom script that we have removed. Enabled again and now back is disable for guest.

    New bug: Sometime your plugin blocking consecutive views and sometimes its allowing. Close and open new browser and you can still browse sometimes and block sometime, its not consistent.

    Please fix this based on session/IP or something more strict so that it can not even work in incognito mode (as we discussed earlier).

  8. 4 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    Nothing changed. Only displaying or redirecting stuff was changed. 🙂

    Can you please double check, as I rem long back it was like I mentioned before: 3 pages means 3 pages, no back button was able to help. And if you are on 3rd page and when page auto refresh it will display the error message. Apparently this strictness has gone now.

    Please double check.

  9. Is there any recent change happen in this last version or previous version?

    Previously when someone used to hit limit even if they hit back button it still used to show the error message.

    Lately I have noticed that if we allow 3 pages then user come back form 4th to 3rd page and read that for as long as they want.

    Is it counting the initial allowed pages are allowed always now and not counting in the limit.....?

  10. 57 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    What's New in Version 2.0.1  

    • added ability to redirect instead of display message after reached the views limit. Setting per group.

    Many thanks for this wonderful add-on and quick support.

    Just a quick question if we enable the redirect then the error message will be deleted from the back-end or it will be just hidden so that we can use again whenever we re-activate error message again?

    Asking this as we have quiet an extensive style and content laid in that message and will hate to loose it for forever.

  11. 1 minute ago, DawPi said:

    Each reach of the views limit should redirect on specified url?

    Yes, please, preferably with an option to toggle on/off so that others can also utilize either redirect to a page / display a message (current setup)

  12. Hi @DawPi thanks for this wonderful plugin. Is it possible to redirect user to specific pages like guest to register page. Free Members to Subscription page etc.

    I tried embedding the redirect http-equiv refresh code but it didnt work. Is there any other quick way you suggest to get this redirection done urgently?

    Hope its possible. Thanks in advance.

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