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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Gauravk

  1. We have 15-20 events every week, we create drive topic in the forum and add a link to the calendar for RSVP.

    We use drive topic purely for discussion related to that event, manage waitlist etc.

    If we use Calendar comment section to replace the drive topic in forum, will it overload the calendar system in terms of slowing the nodes or db or from any other resource handling angle....?

    Each drive topic receives about 200 replies in a week time. So each calendar event having 200 comments x 80 events/Month = 16,000 comments per month.

    Is it too much or nothing for calendar system....?

    Is it OK if we scale these numbers by double or triple in the future?

    Our server is pretty stable to handle loads but we aren't sure about calendar system at the backend.

    Appreciate any feedback on this scenario, please.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. On 4/13/2021 at 5:49 PM, Gauravk said:

    Goodness is always welcome as far as previous functionality doesn't get affected.

    I am seriously disappointed with IPS rolling out 4.5 with such a serious bug in subscriptions.

    Where members with expired subscription are "ONLY" forced to renew the same or just seeing the expired message instead of seeing all other subscription "SELECT" button like before. Our 90% members start with monthly subscription and then either upgrade or switch to Annual plan once monthly subscription get expired.

    Hope you and your team has seen the loom video I shared with Marc from IPS support.

    I really appreciate if you can provide an immediate patch for this bug or roll out 4.6 early by today. 

    I'm happy to pay additional charges if it helps to expedite, to fix this bug on priority as it impact our business very much.

    Its been a month now and we have seen 75% drop in our subscription renewal income for this one single bug alone.


    Any date announced for 4.6 release yet..............?

  3. How do we create or setup (code edit, plugin etc.) to have an additional warning message pop-up while leaving club?

    - Are you sure you wanna leave xxxx club?
          -YES  --  NO

    Leave button is almost in scroll way that everyday we have 2 or 3 members accidently leaving club and then joining back. This resets their club joining date and if they don't realize then they cant post anything and raise a support ticket by assuming website isn't working or their account has some issue.

    Hope its possible.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Thanks @Thomas P much appreciate your advises, and that's what I was looking to experiment to find what works best in our case.

    We have recently moved to a new server that does handle previously spiking load very well so far and always loading pages under 2 sec with data storage setup. But I need to spend time and research and test various settings to be ready for the future.

    Can you please explain what do you mean by "smaller database". How can we control that size?

  5. We have an offroad club and we manage several drives (events) every week.

    Based on number of drives (events) attended we promote off-roaders.

    Digging historical data on excel pulled from calender feed is getting tedious.

    So we are looking for a plugin/app where every member drive count is logged.

    Members Drive Count

    We need a new tab/section in members profile to display the links of all drives he/she has attended like this:

    • Date | Event Creator Name | Drive Title - From recent to old order.

    Also Drive count (just a number) to display on profile left side widget. And below text should be a link to above more detail page/tab/section.

    • Drives Attended: 52
    • Drives Lead: 12 (For members who are event creators as well).

    Please PM your offers.

  6. Goodness is always welcome as far as previous functionality doesn't get affected.

    I am seriously disappointed with IPS rolling out 4.5 with such a serious bug in subscriptions.

    Where members with expired subscription are "ONLY" forced to renew the same or just seeing the expired message instead of seeing all other subscription "SELECT" button like before. Our 90% members start with monthly subscription and then either upgrade or switch to Annual plan once monthly subscription get expired.

    Hope you and your team has seen the loom video I shared with Marc from IPS support.

    I really appreciate if you can provide an immediate patch for this bug or roll out 4.6 early by today. 

    I'm happy to pay additional charges if it helps to expedite, to fix this bug on priority as it impact our business very much.

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