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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Gauravk

  1. Hi All,

    We need the custom development of 3 features for calendar, please go through below scope and PM me with your best quote at the earliest.

    Thanks in Advance.


    Scope of work - 3 Features 

    Background: Before you read the features you should be knowing little background of the challenges. We have an off-road club that host multiple level drives every weekend (Friday and Saturday). Our drives were always getting full and people have been manually adding name to the drive topic to waitlist (2nd challenge/feature). Secondly drive get filled with 1 person signing up on multiple places so we restricted that and waitlist almost finished (1st challenge/feature).


    New Features Request


    1) Single Drive Feature

    Admin should have a toggle on/off button at the backend to restrict one per drive per person. As we restrict Sun-Tue - one drive only for one person and then from Wed - Fri we open drives for people who wish to join multiple drives.

    Once activated, then if someone attempt to RSVP for the second drive, then it should result in an admin editable alert: "one drive per person allowed till Wednesday." So we can configure this text moving forward accordingly.

    Second drive people should waitlist irrespective of drive being full or not and should have a small 2 or 3 written next to their profile icon to identify that they are wait listing for their second or third drive within that week.


    2) Waitlist Feature

    Once event hits RSVP allowed limit:

    Step 1: Then waitlist tab is activated for an unlimited number of people.

    • Wait listing for the First drive (event) within that week - Normal Waitlist Profile Icon.
    • Wait listing for the Second drive (event) within that week - Should have 2 next to the profile icon.
      • Members can waitlist at multiple drives for their second drive choice and all drives - should have 2 next to the profile icon.
      • On Wednesday when we turn off "Single Drive Feature" these second drive waitlist should automatically move to drive RSVP, if drive limit hasn't reached.
      • Whenever waitlist member move to RSVP then there all second drive waitlist in all other drives should be removed.
    • Wait listing for the Third drive (event) within that week - Should have 3 next to the profile icon.
      • Third drive waitlist will only start from Wed onwards.
      • Members can waitlist at multiple drives for their third drive choice and all drive - should have 3 next to the profile icon.
      • Whenever waitlist member move to RSVP then there all third drive waitlist in all other drives should be removed.

    Step 2:  Sun - Tue - When Single Drive (Event) feature is ON - If any RSVP attendee leaves the drive, then the first drive waitlist member who IS NOT AN ATTENDEE of any other drive (event) is automatically get added to the RSVP list and his all other waitlist from all other drives will be removed.

    Wed - Sat - When Single Drive (Event) feature is OFF - If any RSVP attendee leaves the drive, then the first waitlisted member who IS NOT AN ATTENDEE of any other drive (event) is automatically get added to the RSVP list and his other waitlist from all other drives will be removed.

    If no first drive waitlist members are there in the waitlist then choice will go to the second drive waitlist members.

    If no second drive waitlist members are there in the waitlist then choice will go to the third drive waitlist members.

    Step 3: Event creator and waitlisted person gets an email for step 2, confirming his RSVP for the drive.


    3) Members Drive Count

    We need a new tab/section in members profile to display the links of all drives he/she has attended.

    • Date | Event Creator Name | Drive Title - From recent to old order.

    Also Drive count (just a number) to display on profile widget. And below text should be a link to above more detail page/tab/section.

    • Drives Attended: 52
    • Drives Lead: 12 (For members who are event creators as well).
  2. Hi There,

    Can any SQL expert please help in creating a query to fetch following data in excel for our paid members (only)?

    email phone fn ln zip ct st country gen value


    Email: Email address

    Phone: Mobile Number

    fn: First Name

    ln: Last Name

    Zip: PO Box

    ct: City

    st: City

    country: Country

    Gen: Gender

    Value: Total Spent


    Thanks in advance.


  3. Has anyone able to fix the issue of multiple items (products) check out throwing an address error?

    This is the error we are getting when any user check out more than 1 quantity.

    We are using Paypal and its not limited with amount as I have inflated one of the product cost by 10X and still successfully able to check out and reach till PayPal payment page. But with 2 or more quantities we are facing this address invalid issue.


    ******The gateway has reported the billing or shipping address as invalid. Please review and ensure all addresses are entered correctly.*****

    Appreciate any help or advise, please.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. We have been running our current server on Cent OS 6 from last few years and now we are in a process to migrate to a bigger server and possibly Cent OS 7 as support for Cent OS 6 is finishing soon.

    Is there any preferred, recommended or advisable OS for IPB - only website or it doesn't matter?

    Debian, Ubuntu Server, CentOS 7, CloudLinux 7, Gentoo, ArchLinux, OpenSUSE

    Thanks in advance.

  5. Looking for any accounting software that has best compatibility with IPS.

    Our main products, subscriptions and advertising all running on IPS so hoping to find some accounting solution that can pull all income, invoices, customer detail data from IPS and we just have to manually enter bare minimum expenses and details every month.

  6. 59 minutes ago, lazzarus said:

    this plugin is great but I need one extra feature to make it exactly fit my needs.


    Is it possible to add a report to see which members attended which events based on who RSVPed over a specific period of time?

    Very good idea and would love to see this function in the app, be it feature or custom request.

  7. Is there any way we can integrate local payment gateway other than few listed at the backend?

    Appreciate any documentation, files, codes, plugin or app who can do this integration, please.

    We are based in UAE and over 90% of our customers are in UAE who prefer to pay in AED ( local currency). Currently working with paypal and wish to move to local payment gateway.

  8. Hope to have every subscription on the subscription page a stand alone page, so that when we promote specific subscription (1 out 3 or 6 subscriptions) we don't confuse customer and cause action paralysis (several sales experts advise) by landing all traffic to main subscription page with 6 other options.

    I know IPB is least focus on customer sales as they are focus on community only, but to thrive any independent community, paid subscriptions are life blood for sustainability.

    Hope to see this in 4.5, please.

    Plugin/App developers: Happy to pay 100 USD if someone can patch this immediately now, with any code edits or plugin/app.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    Nice idea, but how this should look like if usernames are long, even longer, include spaces and so on... 🤔

    Concatenate to certain characters - First option

    Reduce to 3 in a row than 4  - Second option

    Im sure 90% username will fit with first option.

    Sample of 14 character at smallest font size.

    Second column Deniz in 3 variation. Second row is his actual username - 14 characters.


  10. I used three wysiwyg section on store - one of the main category: https://carnity.com/store/category/8-off-road-driving-course

    UNFORTUNATELY - It's showing on store mainpage too: https://carnity.com/store and on sub category too: https://carnity.com/store/category/10-rahimdad-kadwani

    Please help remove these 3 wysiwyg section from store mainpage and sub categories.

    Thanks in advance.

    @Marc Stridgen please help.

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