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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Gauravk

  1. Can anyone please help in finding why IPB is unable to connect to Redis server?

    Constants.php is updated with correct details and still receiving these errors.

    Redis ping pong working




    Background Info: Few weeks back sever restarted gracefully and corrupted the disk caching template and halted whole site.

    After a while disabled the template caching by @DawPi advise and site came back online.

    But Redis is still not communicating with IPB - I assumed due to server restart, perhaps. 

    Appreciate any help to get redis online, please.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Please vote if you like to have a wait list feature added in the calendar enhancements by @Adriano Faria

    How does it work:

    Once event hits RSVP allowed limit:-

    Step 1: Waitlist tab is activated and people can click on the waitlist button and get added to the event waitlist section.

    Step 2: Now if someone leave the event, then first wait listed guy automatically get added to the RSVP list.

    Step 3: Event creator and first wait list guy gets an email for step 2, that their waitlist is confirmed to RSVP list now.

  3. In our site, we have renamed decline to manage as we can differentiate from members joining vs managing the event.

    During the process (I think) we have hidden MAYBE tab (somehow). Appreciate if someone can help in unhiding that MAYBE tab as we need to rename that tab to WAITLIST now

    Hope this MAYBE (Or WAITLIST) still functions once RSVP hits the ceiling, as that's the whole idea to record the waitlist once drives are full.

  4. Can you please explain too, what must have happen and how all of sudden site went down after a server restart last night?

    We have not done any code changes, custom app or plugin recently.

    We have just installed drip campaign email app two weeks back and nothing before that in the last couple of months.

    And what is this template disk caching doing?

    And why cPanel support pointed on redis misconfiguration?

    Why all cache were showing errors all of sudden?

  5. 3 minutes ago, DawPi said:

    Do you have access to ACP? If yes disable (if enabled) this option: Enable template disk caching? (it's under Advanced Configuration)


    This option worked and brought our site back. GOD BLESS YOU.


    I got a nasty email from Marc, that this theme is customized and hence we cannot support.

    Where as we are using 100% stock them and not a third party theme, truly dissapointing.

    If @DawPi frequent contributor can figure out the cause from these screen grabs, then support should have done too by having whole backend access.

  6. Our website is down for few hours and upon cpanel investigation they have found that site software resulted in errors.

    Has anyone of you ever received this with IPB core or redis?

    Any clue how to immediately fix it to bring back the site?

    Thanks in advance.


    Hello again,

    Thank you for your patience while I reviewed your support request. Upon review of your reported issue, this problem does not appear to be related to or caused by cPanel or by the basic configuration of the cPanel-bundled software.

    The particular error you are receiving is one born from an issue with the site's actual coding, rather than a server-generated error. I initially found that the site was attempting to load a PHP module that was not presently installed on the server. However, this did not fix the site but did remove one of the errors.

    With that being said, I took some time to compile some information and resources for you regarding your site's errors and found some log information that may be able to point you in the right direction:

    [08:28:52 server root@93497801 /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com]cPs# tail -n5 error_log
    [12-Jun-2020 04:28:48 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global' not found in /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(894) : eval()'d code on line 11
    [12-Jun-2020 04:28:50 UTC] PHP Warning:  Module 'redis' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
    [12-Jun-2020 04:28:50 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global' not found in /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(894) : eval()'d code on line 11
    [12-Jun-2020 04:28:51 UTC] PHP Warning:  Module 'redis' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
    [12-Jun-2020 04:28:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_profile' not found in /home/carnity/public_html/carnity.com/system/Theme/Theme.php(894) : eval()'d code on line 5

    You or your developer will want to review the coding and ensure that it properly works for the PHP version that you have selected. 

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if you're facing any issues with the cPanel installation on this server, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!



  7. I tried increasing the font size of entire email upto 20 pixel and it looks nice on desktop.

    But in email again it goes to that miniscule font size.

    Can anybody please help here to increase email font from backend....? Looks like something is troubling here as once I open the email in mobile it showed me in big font and after 2 seconds jumped to miniscule font size again.

  8. Coming back to my older frustration.

    How we can increase the email font size only for mobile devices.

    Im using same device, reading and app settings for Quora and Carnity.

    Why Quora email appears perfectly well sized in mobile and Carnity email - mobile view is way too small.....?


    Samsung Note - Mobile View

    826369835_WhatsAppImage2020-06-04at3_56_22PM.thumb.jpeg.20336b9e8c873d13338cb4e4934f67a1.jpeg   350933893_WhatsAppImage2020-06-04at3_56_56PM.thumb.jpeg.ee5f6944fe5ea3da1d45c8dc388c364a.jpeg

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