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Posts posted by Gauravk

  1. 2 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Don't copy the contents of the datastore folder.. it is dynamic content, rebuilt as and when needed. Leave it alone.

    Thanks @Nathan ExplosionI didnt choose anything to be selected or unelected, its cpanel transfer tool doing it by default.

    Any clue on how to by pass it?

    Secondly if I bypass it, will it rebuild again?

  2. Hi There,

    I'm planning to migrate a live site to a new server due to centos upgrade.

    I intend to transfer live site first to new server and use it as a test url so I can further update IPS 4.5 version and see what all pitfalls I face.

    Just tried the test migration today and cpanel transfer tool stuck at 19% with tons of warning. What are these, please help?

    And also I like to know if there is any more steps I need to do before preparing for transferring live site?

    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_Wysiwyg_krq4d9m9j_20156ebf78a688a54cdb78a50dcfa267.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_fcontentWidget_uiaunx4nk_e5b96c8c300f824de17b52c35aa17dea.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_members_8z7vj5gl6_7f554e21cee017bb1efa62cc993cf94e.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_stats_ssk7o6x40_067d570ea819ecd34b4a881eec4874f7.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_topContributors_83x1eo01v_96d2f544ee6772515a8aaba3879db5ca.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_topContributors_cuwr1ycq5_0784fe17eadca9770d9ec2806c8ea39f.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_topicFeed_73z0no6wc_a513a2d1d218d5b18595c9a179e6a820.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_upcomingEvents_4vvm5gr5k_698d588128dee16c7493c6a1fc734fea.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_upcomingEvents_bebuxuexn_23097ace61417095b693413b3804fe7f.7c5219f40d.php"
    file has vanished: "/home/XXXXXXX/public_html/XXXXXXX.com/datastore/widget_upcomingEvents_hkwdz8qvg_89da185da564ad8ad693d844fafaba3b.7c5219f40d.php"
  3. Can anyone please help me in setting some strict permission on pages database, either on DB or on page level.

    I want certain usergroup to add the records, but member who add the record should only view and edit their own records and not everyone records.

    Open to buy any plugin, if it help in setting such granular permissions. 

    Thanks in advance. 

  4. I have been using CentOS since last 5-6 years and have no problem or preference over it.

    I understand that moving forward my only choice is CentOS 7 and that too for next 3-4 year of EOL.

    What are the other possible stable choices out there on which I can run IPS site?

    Is there any Linux server OS that comes with GUI panel to manage server?

    I have used and liked cPanel in the past but Im happy to explore other options too (plesk etc.), so feel free to suggest new combination (OS + CP) with which you have been happily working with.

    P.S. I didn't use cpanel much other than bare minimum task of restarting web services, checking stats or adding new email once in a month type.

  5. Thanks @ASTRAPI for helping.

    In our case 5 year old server is doing fine, but struggling under spike (once a week).

    These are the 4 options we have shortlisted, simply based on benchmark numbers (on right side) but that only tells one side of the story.

    Although price is almost double from slowest to highest, but if it help serving tons of concurrent connections, then we don't mind.

    Intel Xeon-E 2136 - 6c/ 12t - 3.3GHz/ 4.5GHz 13506
    Intel Xeon E5-1650v4 - 6c/ 12t - 3.6GHz/ 4GHz 11158
    Intel Xeon-E 2274G - 4 c / 8 t - 4 GHz / 4.9 GHz 9639
    Intel Xeon-E 2288G - 8 c / 16 t - 3.7 GHz / 5 GHz 17136


    Thanks in advacne.



  6. As we are getting busy and at times our current server screaming for resources. So we plan to shift to a new server and wish to split entire IPB (single site) load into 1) web server and 2) mail server.

    Appreciate if someone can guide on how to tell IPB core to use different mail server on different IP and domain name?

    Also if some one has other idea or experience to handle load, will be highly appreciable. Thanks.

    • Web server load: 1000 unique / day (10-15K pageviews /day)
    • Mail server load: 3k - 6k email / day - just IPB notifications, no newsletter, no spamming.
  7. Thanks Paul, for helping again.

    It's really very weird as I just wanted to cross check from the recent members who have paid and spotted that Rajesh name is not showing anywhere in this current and previous query results. He has paid money few days back and that's what I was trying to show earlier that he is a paid subscriber but his name isn't showing in the query result.

    It could be my sql is freaking out....? Should I restart or clear some cache...?



    For the date range can we have a code that I can manually change from (code) from 2 to 1 year or 3 months, etc.?

    USD to AED conversion is fine and exchange is also perfect. Working as we want. Thanks.

    For refund, can we just remove from the results please as that (-) sign will be confusing.



    Also we can eliminate the null value too, as these are the people who created invoice and didn't paid (abandoned cart case).


  8. SUPER THANKS PAUL. Ill reach u on PM for charity link.

    First run was MAGIC to my eyes.

    Couple of issues: 

    • Some members data isnt captured.
    • Some members data captured twice in AED and USD currency. We prefer all data should be in AED (UAE currency)
    • Billing address all fields are'nt captured.
    • Can we have a date range as well so I can play with last two years only, as some earlier junk data made in too.








  9. 1 minute ago, Paul E. said:

    This was a fun little exercise. However, some questions:

    • Customers have shipping and billing addresses. Which values are you interested in?

    Billing address

    1 minute ago, Paul E. said:

    This was a fun little exercise. However, some questions:

    • Where is gender?
    • Where is "mobile phone"? (Customers have a single phone entry)

    It's in profile. I can do inspect item or use backend to get you exact field id or name in sql (if that helps, guide me and I can get you the value)





  10. 9 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    What classifies a member as a paid member only? You want results for members that have spent anything ever?

    Yes Please.

    As we have had free community for 8 years and then paid since last 2 years. So need to fetch only members details who have spent any amount with us, along with total amount spent .

  11. Hi There,

    Can any SQL or IPS expert please help in creating a query or plugin to fetch following data in excel for our paid members (only)?

    Please send me your offers on PM.

    If you can do anything closer, then also quote your price on PM, please.

    Thanks in advance.


    email phone fn ln zip ct st country gen value


    Email: Email address

    Phone: Mobile Number

    fn: First Name

    ln: Last Name

    Zip: PO Box

    ct: City

    st: City

    country: Country

    Gen: Gender

    Value: Total Spent

  12. On 11/16/2020 at 11:46 PM, Morrigan said:

    You should submit a ticket.

    Already did and still under process.

    My question to everyone was/is - Is anyone else facing the same issue? Or its me alone?

    Please try to checkout 2 quantity of any product from store and see if it redirects to payment gateway or not?

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