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    bfarber got a reaction from The Old Man in Post requiring approval but no reason why   
    The reason a post is held for moderator approval isn't really logged when the post is made, so there's no where we could retrieve it from right now to display.
    If you submit a ticket, we might be able to investigate on your site directly and help you identify the reason.
  2. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Chris027 in Problem Uploading File   
    Sounds like it's a webp image that has been renamed to ".jpg". If that is the case, our backend won't be able to process it properly and that would explain the error.
  3. Thanks
    bfarber reacted to Owdy in SMF to Invision, error   
    It was a bug and now fixed 🙂
  4. Haha
    bfarber got a reaction from SC36DC in Sending warnings covers up everything: This ... is not great   
    I was going to respond...but forgot what I was going to say.
  5. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in PHP 8.0 is here   
    I'm finding it to be a lot faster locally with IN_DEV enabled actually.
    I had to adjust the regex you supplied (it didn't account for typed parameters like function x( $member=NULL, \IPS\Member\Group $group ) ) but it was pretty helpful nevertheless. Thanks! I found a few more similar issues (method_exists() calls on NULL for instance) but nothing you hadn't reported. Let us know if you spot anything else.
  6. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Post Attachments to Gallery - Is It Possible?   
    There is no built in option to store attachments in Gallery (or Downloads or any other app). That said, it strikes me as illogical you would give a user unlimited space in Gallery but a restricted amount of space in post attachments. An uploaded image is an uploaded image.
  7. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from nigeld27 in Has anyone used the Zapier integration?   
    Zapier integration is currently in beta stages and CIC clients can sign up.
  8. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in flag \IPS\Db::SELECT_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS not working   
    I didn't see SELECT_SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS referenced there still. I believe the documentation was already updated.
  9. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Owdy in SMF to Invision, error   
    If you are getting an error like this, it sounds like a bug. I'd recommend submitting a ticket.
  10. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in How to make a pagination and how to parse text to editor?   
    1. Pagination is typically generated within the PHP controller, and then the appropriate template is included within theme templates.
    \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'global', 'core', 'global' )->pagination( $this->baseUrl, $this->pages, $this->page, $this->limit, TRUE, $this->paginationKey, $this->simplePagination ) Swap out the parameters as appropriate of course. Alternatively, you can use something like the table helper (\IPS\Helpers\Table) which handles things like pagination automatically.
    2. You should not need to pass any content in the database through any sort of parser before putting it in the editor.
  11. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in How to turn off compressed quotes?   
    Ah, usually these things are triggered by a controller on it and I didn't have the files open to verify at the time I replied. Sorry for the confusion.
  12. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sychn in ReCaptcha Failure from China (users can't sign up)   
    Fair enough, I've raised it internally.
  13. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in [4.2.3] Breadcrumb JSON empty?   
    You probably have to define the "Drug" array entry first.
  14. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from Jheroen in Do i have to disable all 3rd party ext before upgrading?   
    Add a file constants.php starting with "<?php" (if it doesn't already exist) and then add this new line to it:
    define( 'RECOVERY_MODE', true ); Get into the ACP, disable whatever you need to disable, and then remove the line from the constants.php afterwards.
  15. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from kmk in Automatic post to Facebook and Instagram   
    There is no built in way to do this, and frankly Facebook, et al don't want you to either. You can link your Facebook and Twitter accounts to use the "Promote" tool within the software, which is a moderator/admin-level feature.
  16. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from PurplePixel in How to add parameter/variable to Form Helpers with a Plugin?   
    Instead of trying to add an additional parameter input to a template (which would be challenging, but doable), I'd instead just duplicate the template in your plugin and add the additional parameter there.
    That said, if you're bent on adding an additional parameter to the existing template (keep in mind a future update could cause all sorts of weird things to happen if you do this, so be prepared to maintain this plugin), you can redefine the entire method in a theme hook file. Create a theme hook on the appropriate area, and then redefine the template method in the theme hook file. Semi-example here where I overwrote the calendar view template group for an app:
    //<?php /* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */ if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) ) { exit; } class locator_hook_calendar_event_view extends _HOOK_CLASS_ { /* !Hook Data - DO NOT REMOVE */ public static function hookData() { return parent::hookData(); } /* End Hook Data */ public function view( $event, $commentsAndReviews, $attendees, $address=NULL, $reminder=NULL ) { \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->cssFiles, \IPS\Theme::i()->css( 'calendar.css', 'locator', 'front' ) ); \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles = array_merge( \IPS\Output::i()->jsFiles, \IPS\Output::i()->js( 'front_calendar.js', 'locator', 'front' ) ); return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'calendar', 'locator' )->view( $event, $commentsAndReviews, $attendees, $address, $reminder ); } } As you can see, I overwrote the PHP method generated by the template files...you could use this approach to add the new parameter.
  17. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from OptimusBain in IPS 4.5.4: InnoDB tables are using Compact row format...   
    We do post minimum recommendations for MySQL and PHP.
    For the "Dynamic" row format, we would recommend moving all tables to this format. But it's not a requirement, and if you aren't having issues you do not necessarily need to make any changes.
    The note about future versions supporting certain things is a generic message just to indicate why we make recommendations.
  18. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from OptimusBain in IPS 4.5.4: InnoDB tables are using Compact row format...   
    This is really what it comes down to. As the backend evolves, sometimes changes like this become warranted, even if not necessary (which is why this is a recommendation and not a requirement in the checking tools). Just like MyISAM storage engine was the preferred engine for years, but not we strongly recommend InnoDB for just about everyone.
  19. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from OptimusBain in Clear abandoned registrations   
    Certain older registrations may not be cleared in some cases, specifically if they've ever visited (or rather, have a last_visit timestamp on the account set). We intentionally do not clear abandoned registrations if the account has ever been flagged as "used".
  20. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Keith Clark in Publish & Sort Historical Content & Articles \Databases   
    The Pages application databases support a "publish date" field, so you can easily do this with pages. You just adjust the "publish" date when you publish the article/record.
  21. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from Victus in How do i change change the CSS for the sign up page/form   
    You use custom.css and target whatever you want on the page. You can start with something like
    [data-pageApp="core"][data-pageLocation="front"][data-pageModule="system"][data-pageController="register"] ...  
  22. Thanks
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Pages record images   
    If a Pages database record is deleted, its record image is deleted. There is no central location to view all record images I'm afraid.
  23. Like
    bfarber got a reaction from sobrenome in Structured Data OG and Schema.org   
    We output structured data in the form of JSON+LD. You can see this by validating any of our "blog" articles (which are actually generated through Pages).
    If you wish to remove the "article" markup and insert your own, you will likely need a plugin written. If you have some universal ideas related to structured data markup you think would be valuable to the community at large to support out of the box, please feel free to share them.
  24. Like
    bfarber reacted to CoffeeCake in Create Editor Button   
    Have you tried making it a div instead of a span? Also, it may be wiser to set these values in css and place a class instead, so that you can adjust this in the future more easily, rather than hardcoded style elements within the stored body.
    Something like:
    <div class="myRightFloatingImageClass">{content}</div>  
  25. Like
    bfarber reacted to DawPi in How to delete an installed theme?   
    You can't disable default skin. Mark other skin as default and delete it.
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