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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. When you upgrade, several background tasks are kicked off that rebuild post content in the background post-upgrade. You can monitor the progress of these tasks in the AdminCP on the dashboard by expanding the "Background Tasks" block. If you still see several tasks there, I wouldn't worry about the old post formatting. If those tasks are gone and you're still seeing bbcode, submit a ticket.
  2. Progress bars for something like this aren't super feasible. Sometimes it's not "progress" based, like you can have a group promotion rule based upon the last time you logged in and that's not something you can "progress" to.
  3. You should be able to set up as an "Other" OAuth2 server and supply the appropriate details. OpenID sits on top of OAuth2.
  4. body[data-pagecontroller="page"] [data-controller="core.front.core.commentsWrapper"] .ipsTabs { padding: 0px; } that should do it, but play around with the inspector in your browser to get an idea of whether that gets you what you want or not
  5. Edit the element in the templates and add data-ipsSticky to it
  6. Thanks, I've submitted a potential patch for review.
  7. You could add the following CSS to your custom.css file to hide the tabs body[data-pagecontroller="page"] [data-controller="core.front.core.commentsWrapper"] ul[role="tablist"] { display: none; }
  8. In the AdminCP navigate to System > Files and then click Storage Settings. Click the "Configuration" tab and edit each configuration present. Make sure there isn't an alternate URL specified pointing to your live site, and if there is remove it or change it to point to the new test domain. You may also need to run the support tool in the AdminCP to clear all your caches, such as CSS files which may have URLs pointing to the live site still if you haven't taken this step.
  9. You can vote the question up and down, and you can vote answers within the questions up and down. In the listing there, the votes represent the questions being voted on. This is the small arrow next to the question title at the top of the page, not votes on individual answers within the question.
  10. If you're not using third party addons and have minimal theme edits, upgrading to 4.5 shouldn't be too difficult for you.
  11. You will be able to download CSV exports of stats in 4.5. Right now you would need to manually count the marks on the graph charts. Additionally, 4.5 introduces some "raw stats" via stat overview pages which you may find useful.
  12. 4.5 supports adding an image for each forum via the AdminCP
  13. Sorting by numbers stored in a textual field in MySQL can be a little funky. You'll note it's actually sorting by the first digit, then the second digit, and so on (e.g. the first entry starts with 9, then the next ones start with 2, then the next ones start with 1). This could be a bug and the ticket is your best route.
  14. Can you send me a copy of your app and let me know what steps I need to take to reproduce the problem?
  15. Do you have Rocketloader enabled? If so, try disabling it.
  16. On the content tab uncheck everything, and this will expose the individual app permissions. If a moderator has permission on the content tab to "Edit content" for instance, this applies globally and as such there's no way to configure it per-app, but if you uncheck it on the content tab you will be able to control per-app (and container, where appropriate) if the moderator has this permission. Summary: Go to the tab named "Content" and uncheck everything.
  17. The minimum requirements can change from version to version and are checked by both the AdminCP support tool as well as the install and upgrade process themselves. As for permissions, some servers require writable folders and files to be 0777, while others require 0755. That is why the answer is evasive - if you are hosting the software on your own servers, the required permissions can vary depending upon the server configuration (whether you use suphp, as well as what user/group your FTP vs webserver user runs under, among other things).
  18. I'm submitting a change for review to adjust the action to use $url instead
  19. Check your spam folder. If you have subscribed to areas and requested to receive a daily digest, you should get a digest if there is new content in those areas you haven't read.
  20. Does changing the template from using $action to the poll $url property still work and resolve the issue you are facing?
  21. Are you unable to use template hooks to add the new actions?
  22. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41134785/how-to-solve-mysql-warning-innodb-page-cleaner-1000ms-intended-loop-took-xxx
  23. There is no option for that I'm afraid.
  24. There is no built in option to store attachments in Gallery (or Downloads or any other app). That said, it strikes me as illogical you would give a user unlimited space in Gallery but a restricted amount of space in post attachments. An uploaded image is an uploaded image.
  25. If you look at the conf_global.php file in your FTP, there is a line member_group that defines the default registration member group (usually group ID 3). Effectively what you want to do is Set conf_global.php member_group to be the group you want all newly registered users in (in your example "NEW"). Set up a group promotion rule so that after 10 posts, the user is moved into the better member group ("Members" in your example) That's it.
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