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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. You must have a current active license in order to post in most of the forums here. Yes, you can integrate our software externally. You would require the init.php file and then most of our framework is available at your disposal. I don't know what differences there are specifically between the two, but the general answer is yes. We create custom converters as needed for clients - it's entirely doable. Perhaps you can remind us what this "Protected Forums" feature did exactly that isn't possible in 4.x. You can certainly allow guests to view a forum (and you can allow them to see the forum but not view it too if you want).
  2. What's wrong exactly that makes you think the database is broken? Running the support tool in the AdminCP will check the database structure and allow you to repair it automatically by the way. If it's something like a missing column, this is easily resolved.
  3. You take this link and in any calendar application go to the area where you can import a feed and provide the URL you copied. For example in Google Calendar on the left click the + icon next to "Other Calendars" and choose "From URL".
  4. No, it's a cachebust query string key - it shouldn't impact the ability to load the file from disk. If you use a random value for the 'v' parameter does it load then? If so, then it might be a bad CDN cache (cloudfront/cloudflare/etc.).
  5. This is already possible - you can subscribe to the iCal feed from the calendar from any other calendar (such as Google/Microsoft) and it will auto sync.
  6. I wanted to point out, notifications will not cause registration emails to be delayed. Those emails are sent off instantly/immediately and not queued to be sent, like notifications are.
  7. Feel free to submit a ticket if you're having trouble accessing your site.
  8. You're approaching this backwards. Firstly, this is invalid: \define ('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'https://static.mydomain.com'); You enter a domain, not a fully qualified URL. So something like "static.mydomain.com". BUT, that would break your site entirely - it would tell browsers to only set and read the cookie from the domain you entered (which wouldn't work because the primary domain would be trying to set and read the cookies). What the test suite you are using is recommending is to store your images and other static assets somewhere like "static.separatedomain.com" and serve the files from there, without changing how cookies work on your main domain. You can already do this by using the built in S3 integration in the AdminCP under System > Files > Storage Settings.
  9. Are you on the latest release? I would recommend running the support tool in the AdminCP and installing any patches or updates that are not yet installed.
  10. No login form displays below a thread by default, so I'm unsure where this error would be coming from. We'd need to see via a ticket.
  11. https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_audio.asp You'd put the {media=X} tag in the <source> tag's src attribute.
  12. We don't use the permanently_closed field from their response, so this doesn't impact us.
  13. If you use an open tag system where users can enter in their own tags, there is no exclusion list to stop specific tags.
  14. RSS imports do not create forums - they create topics. You choose which forum to import those topics into when setting up the feed.
  15. Yes, you could do that.
  16. Hello, This is not an SQL injection - he supplied a username that was longer than we are able to store in the login log column. We'll address this as a bug, but there's no security concern here. Thanks
  17. You can set up RSS imports in the AdminCP under Community > Forums > RSS/ATOM Feeds
  18. Those features have simply never really been suggested to any capacity. Just because something can be done doesn't necessarily mean it is worth the development time to actually do them. And some of those features aren't currently possible either (for instance, there is no facility within our software to schedule a topic to be unpinned - pinning and unpinning must be done manually). Anyways back to your original question, the task that imports RSS feeds runs every 15 minutes and will cycle through any feeds you have set up. If you have 4 feeds set up, it may be an hour in between each individual feed refreshing depending upon various factors, for example.
  19. Are you still using 3.x I'm assuming based on the image path you supplied?
  20. Background tasks are kicked off when the conversion completes and will be displayed on the dashboard in the AdminCP. Those issues will be fixed when the appropriate background tasks run to rebuild the counts. Basically you just need to give it a little time. If you aren't running your tasks via cron, we would recommend doing so as it will allow those tasks to run quicker. You can use the AdminCP live search to look for "cron" to find the option.
  21. Are you talking about importing an RSS feed, or the RSS exports the software generates?
  22. Data storage aren't cached HTML pages - it's largely smaller bits of data that get reused, so they're compiled and stored to save processing on future page loads. We find that MySQL generally performs better than storing the caches on disk, but you can try both and see which is better in your environment. Caching relates to taking those compiled bits of data and storing them in a proper cache handler, such as memcache or redis. We recommend using redis if it is available.
  23. No, not really - the account owner would be able to change their details, such as the password.
  24. Yeah that error isn't familiar - a file not being uploaded properly could explain it, or you can submit a ticket so we can take a look.
  25. This seems to log IP addresses for downloads: Perhaps the author could update it to add additional logging?
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