Everything posted by bfarber
"Sorry, you aren't permitted to download this file." Bug
I can't tell from here but if you submit a ticket we can help get it figured out.
Possible to turn off auto renew for subscriptions?
Subscriptions are designed to renew - unfortunately that's not really an option.
How to instruct bots to use "noarchive" in IPS?
Typically you would edit globalTemplate and add whatever you want to the <head> of the document, or you can use the live meta tag editor to add meta tags to your site (if you set the URL as "*" the tags will apply to every page).
Emoji selector window opens slow
Twitter emojis are actual images where-as native emoji are characters on the keyboard, so image files need to download to your browser.
SEO issue
It looks like if the link has a role attribute of any value except space it should pass the audit. https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/pull/10662/commits/db26d769085a1058ac294d00c0208118882dea04 Can you confirm if you change onclick to something like role="navigation" that it also resolves the concern?
Output my purchases in a block
You have to pass the data to the template to display.
Downloads Terminating Early and Files Blocked
You can try checking the System Logs in the AdminCP to see if anything is reported there. Also check the PHP and webserver error logs to see if something like a PHP timeout is causing the issue, but it sounds like you already have.
SQL query to reset all members to take me to unread content
We have an open bug report to look into the originally reported issue. I can't promise yet that your use case will be covered (because you're using a custom third party plugin on the current version which changes the default behavior), however we did confirm that it appears the ACP preference may not always work as expected which we'll fix. We would have had to add a column to the members table, and we try to avoid doing that unless absolutely necessary. The table can be huge.
Support Request View Bug?
Thanks. In the future I would recommend posting bugs in our bug tracker or submitting a ticket, but I've submitted a patch for this specific issue.
Best practice for adding buttons & links in Plugin Settings
How to acces to private field from $item member
$item->object()->customFieldDisplayByKey('my_key', 'display')|raw But be careful as this would result in an error if you promote anything other than a custom Pages database record.
Changing Text to Add More Instructions for New Topic Titles
You would need a hook, or a template modification. The language string here is used globally anywhere a form field is required, not just in this one place.
contact us three columns or two
Our contact page is an entirely custom page we've created, and then we updated the Contact Us link in the AdminCP to point to that custom page.
move a discussion from forum to blog
There is no built in option to do this, no.
SQL query to reset all members to take me to unread content
We have an open bug report internally to look into that behavior based on another topic here. Re-reviewing the queries I supplied, it should be members_bitoptions2 and not members_bitoptions (note the "2"). Apologies for that.
contact us three columns or two
The contact us form typically shows in a modal - out of curiosity, why even bother editing the page to add stuff to a "sidebar" which would never show for 99% of users?
-200 error????
Sometimes it is possible to use your developer tools in your browser to verify the actual response from the server, which may give a clue as to the problem. I would suggest if you are only having an issue in that one application, however, then yes it's likely an issue with that application specifically.
Mobile Application approval time
Are you talking about submitting your site to be included in the mobile app directory via the AdminCP in 4.5? If so, we are moving slowly with initial testing so it can take a little while. Sites will likely be accepted quicker in the future, but right now those managing the mobile app project are taking their time since we're still in early testing stages there.
Sharing Icons for Social Media not showing in 4.5 Beta 5
I would suggest it's probably better left to a custom plugin to make them more prominent for anyone who actually wants to, but we can always gauge feedback to get a feel for the general opinions. The change was deliberate though, based on independent research.
Support Request View Bug?
Where is that exactly? AdminCP? Front end support request listing?
Shortening links
Can you clarify what you mean? How would a long URL show "..." after it is clicked? Do you mean like instead of https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/457455-shortening-links/ (which is this topic's URL) if this were too long it would show in the address bar https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/457455-shorte...links/
Output my purchases in a block
This is how we list purchases on that page, which you could emulate in a custom block $where = array( array( 'ps_member=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) ); $parentContacts = \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn()->parentContacts(); if ( \count( $parentContacts ) ) { $or = array(); foreach ( $parentContacts as $contact ) { $where[0][0] .= ' OR ' . \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'ps_id', $contact->purchaseIds() ); } } $where[] = array( 'ps_show=1' ); /* Get only the purchases from active applications */ $where[] = array( "ps_app IN('" . implode( "','", array_keys( \IPS\Application::enabledApplications() ) ) . "')" ); $purchases = array(); foreach( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'nexus_purchases', $where, 'ps_active DESC, ps_expire DESC, ps_start DESC' ), 'IPS\nexus\Purchase' ) as $purchase ) { $purchases[ $purchase->parent ][ $purchase->id ] = $purchase; } \IPS\Output::i()->output = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate('clients')->purchases( $purchases );
Registration verifcation by Mobile Number
SMS notifications cost money, so anything like this would need to be an integration with a third party paid service (such as Twilio).
Sharing Icons for Social Media not showing in 4.5 Beta 5
Share logos were intentionally de-emphasized in 4.5. Research has shown they are typically very prominent yet almost never used by most users, so we felt that the visual clutter could be cleaned up a bit.
Error attempting to active the mobile app in ACP 4.5
Please submit a ticket for this.