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Everything posted by bfarber

  1. You can adjust the height using pixels by editing the CSS variable instead if that works better for you.
  2. If you use the browser developer tools to inspect that element, is the text possibly there but maybe behind the image or something along those lines? You may need to submit a ticket so we can take a look.
  3. They would need to use the "Forgot Password" tool to reset their local password afterwards.
  4. Unless I'm misunderstanding, you can go to AdminCP > System > Menu Manager and edit/delete the menu entries.
  5. Pruning follows only impacts stuff that hasn't been updated in a while, so it would be impossible to calculate that. What if a topic gets replied to tomorrow (after not receiving a reply for 1000 days)?
  6. I rarely set a cookie_path tbh. The prefix is enough as Stuart said.
  7. I don't think disabling the task is likely the best solution to your concern. You might be better off pruning older follows that haven't had replies in a while or something along those lines.
  8. What you would need to do is create a new user group with extra storage space and then apply that user group as a secondary group to the users you want to give extra storage.
  9. Yes
  10. The rawProperties array essentially lets you adapt any column in the core_members database table.
  11. If you prune data, then it cannot be incorporated into statistics. Hopefully that answers your question. For instance, if you prune old follows (looking at the screenshot there), then the statistic values will adjust as the data is pruned. We don't store historical data separate from the raw data that is used to generate the stats.
  12. There isn't a way to do this from the UI, but you could look in the database directly if you're familiar with phpmyadmin. You'll want to look at the core_ratings database table.
  13. Well, if you set up group promotions upon purchasing a product or subscription and the user doesn't renew, they will be automatically returned to their previous group (assuming that option is enabled). The behavior is time-based dependent upon the product or subscription renewal period.
  14. I'm afraid not, but you can set up "Automatic Content Moderation" to perform certain actions when posts receive a certain number of reports.
  15. You may want to avoid letting guests post topics and so forth in that case - if you allow guest posting, you're going to see spam. It's just the nature of the beast.
  16. $record->truncated( FALSE, 500 ); The first parameter is a boolean indicating if you intend to only show one line of text. We will swap line breaks for spaces to make the returned text a little more useful. The second parameter is how many characters to return. You'll need to play with that if you intend to show "3 lines of text" dependent upon the viewports you are targeting and so forth.
  17. If I'm not mistaken (without dropping everything to go test it right now), those users can use the "Forgot Password" tool to reset their locally stored password should you disable any third party login integrations.
  18. bfarber


    I answered this yesterday in a peer-to-peer topic on this community, but some versions of Chrome seem to prefer the "application icon" defined in the manifest.json file as the favicon for the front end. We are outputting the correct favicon mapping HTML tag, so this is really on the browser and I've not found much documentation that explains why this occurs, or a simple workaround (outside of uploading a literal "favicon.ico" to your website root directory, which isn't feasible especially for Community In The Cloud customers).
  19. The format is not widely supported by backend libraries yet unfortunately (including PHP's native GD library).
  20. bfarber

    RSS Feeds

    https:// should already be allowed - are you saying you want the RSS import section to accept a URL with the feed:// protocol too?
  21. We actually made massive improvements to the language system in 4.x (such as the pluralization system we have in place now), and we introduced some new improvements to managing language strings for 4.5. This sort of thing is something we can address when it's reported. It might be best if you made a list of any language strings where you run into problems and we can address them on a case by case basis.
  22. Depends on the context. There's a truncated() method for content items that can be used. If you wanted a general purpose method to truncate text you'd need to write it, though you could model it off of our truncate template plugin most likely.
  23. There are no sent and trash folders in the latest releases.
  24. The easy mode theme editor is still present in 4.5 yes.
  25. You POST to the /core/members/X endpoint and set rawProperties[pp_reputation_points] to whatever value you want.
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