Everything posted by bfarber
Just tried the mobile app... Yikes.
Web views are supported for anything that doesn't have a native view.
Download Member List - Include Custom Fields
AdminCP > Members > Download Member List.
Download Member List - Include Custom Fields
For this purpose, you would visit the member's profile in the AdminCP and choose to "Download Personal Data"
Autofill textarea fields
Generally speaking, textarea fields are not autofilled by most browsers. This isn't specific to our software. <input> (and <textarea>) HTML form elements have an autocomplete attribute that can be applied to turn autocompletion on or off, and we do not set this property for most fields, including textarea inputs (so it will default to on).
Table missing after character set upgrade
Submit a ticket for technical support and we'll do our best to help you get the site working again. Backups (that work) taken prior to major changes are always recommended for this reason.
Sell Tickets for Calendar Events
This does not exist at this time.
Video length limit in seconds on Gallery
Without some sort of transcoding process, that's not information we have any way to reliably obtain right now.
Increasing AdminCP 2FA Timeout
The length of your session will be based around your PHP configuration. Usually it's 24 minutes by default if I recall correctly.
Upgrade of apps and plugins throught Marketplace
If you are getting update notifications for 4.5.0, then you must have the constant previously referenced in your constants.php file. Beta releases do not trigger the "update available" banner otherwise. I would second the suggestion to submit a ticket. You should not need to uninstall anything in order to upgrade, and you should be able to update your existing resources post-upgrade as needed.
Site backup failed, upgrade producing error message
It sounds like the core_store database table was corrupted. Be sure you can access the table in phpmyadmin or similar afterwards to ensure it's working correctly.
Blocks position
Have you tested on the default theme to see if the issue still occurs?
Members are not deleting the announcement, they're hiding/dismissing it for their account only.
media file to big
No. If you limit the size of uploads and try to upload a file larger than the limit you've set, you'll get an error.
Twitch Integration
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/703505164 Twitch embeds are natively supported
Save a draft of a post
As you are typing the post content you type is automatically saved within your browser. If you leave and come back, or refresh the page, and expand the editor the post content should automatically be restored for you. There is no manual save process.
unhide content
That query won't cover the search index fyi
Lack of automation: Plans to add it to Invision Community?
Summary: Zapier functionality will be rolled out for Community In The Cloud clients initially, and rolled out for self-hosted clients later.
Security Check Missing in App
It's reCAPTCHA and it loads correctly for me. Perhaps you have some privacy options enabled on your phone that prevent it from being loaded, or the page loading had not yet completed?
Email Exploit of the Share Article/Post Function
It's not an "exploit". There is a "share by email" feature in the software and we have made adjustments to the feature following reports of spam being sent using said feature. We pushed out an ACP notification at the time, as well as a patch, to address the concern, but it's not a true security exploit - the feature is in fact doing what it is intended to do.
Accessing user data with Client Credentials as requirement
That would be a confusion point technicality. If you realllllllly want to know... The documentation is auto-generated based on docblock headers in the code. The core/me/GETindex endpoint has this /** * GET /core/me * Get basic information about the authorized user * * @apimemberonly * @return \IPS\Member */ That @apimemberonly tag says that the function can only be accessed as an authenticated user. However, the return values are not being defined here explicitly and instead are being returned automatically from the \IPS\Member::apiOutput() method. That method does not know where it is being called from (for example if you fetch a topic, the topic's author information will be returned from this same method), so the return values defined for that method denote if they're available when the request comes from an API key or not. /** * Get output for API * * @param \IPS\Member|NULL $authorizedMember The member making the API request or NULL for API Key / client_credentials * @param array|NULL $otherFields Array of additional fields to return (raw values) * @return array * @apiresponse int id ID number * @apiresponse string name Username * @apiresponse string title Member title * @clientapiresponse string timezone Member timezone * @apiresponse string formattedName Username with group formatting * @apiresponse string ipAddress IP address used during registration * @apiresponse \IPS\Member\Group primaryGroup Primary group * @clientapiresponse [\IPS\Member\Group] secondaryGroups Secondary groups * @clientapiresponse string email Email address * @apiresponse datetime joined Registration date * @clientapiresponse string registrationIpAddress IP address when registered * @clientapiresponse int warningPoints Number of active warning points * @apiresponse int reputationPoints Number of reputation points * @apiresponse string photoUrl URL to photo (which will be the site's default if they haven't set one) * @apiresponse bool photoUrlIsDefault Indicates if the value of photoUrl is the site's default * @apiresponse string coverPhotoUrl URL to profile cover photo (will be blank if there isn't one) * @apiresponse string|null profileUrl URL to profile * @clientapiresponse bool validating Whether or not the validating flag is set on the member account * @apiresponse int posts Number of content item submissions member has made * @apiresponse datetime|null lastActivity Last activity date on the site. * @clientapiresponse datetime|null lastVisit Last distinct visit date on the site. * @clientapiresponse datetime|null lastPost Latest content submission date. * @apiresponse int profileViews Number of times member's profile has been viewed * @apiresponse string birthday Member birthday in MM/DD/YYYY format (or MM/DD format if no year has been supplied). * @apiresponse [\IPS\core\ProfileFields\Api\FieldGroup] customFields Custom profile fields. For requests using an OAuth Access Token for a particular member, only fields the authorized user can view will be included */ The @clientapiresponse tag indicates the request must be made using client credentials or an API key, while the @apiresponse tag indicates the value is returned for any request. This is mainly because some data is more privileged than others and can't be returned for any old user calling the API. In other words, the endpoint cannot be accessed via client credentials/API key, only as an authenticated user, and the values returned will only be those that an authenticated user are permitted to see. If a member object is returned elsewhere, however, the notes you are referring to would apply.
Required prefix for forum
Prefixes are a function of the tag system, so they must choose the prefix as a tag first yes.
forum transfer
Run the support tool in the AdminCP, which will rebuild your CSS file caches and should resolve the issue.
Spam Defense info
We do not publicly disclose how spammers are identified because it would only give those who wish to circumvent the protections more information as to how to go about it. We use information from many sources (Stop Forum Spam, SBL, etc.) as well as Invision Community installations that report back to the spam service to devise a score that represents the probability the user is a spammer. As with any system, there can be false positives. You can either work with the user to register their account (i.e. manually from the AdminCP to "pre-register" the account for them), or you can submit a ticket and we can take a look on our end and make a determination as to whether or not to remove the block against the user. Unfortunately, however, we can't really get into "how it works" outside of that.
Why no widget block for custom HTML or Text
The Pages application is designed to allow you an easier way to create custom pages, layouts, blocks and so on. If you need more advanced widgets to build out your pages, then the Pages application is probably what you should look at.
Accessing user data with Client Credentials as requirement
Wait - the endpoint you are requesting states in the documentation that it is not available if you are using the client_credentials grant type. You said that's the grant type you are using, so that endpoint is not going to be available in that case.