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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Normally, you just hit the “Source” button in the editor.
  2. Yeah, it is unexpected that in only exists in the ModCP. I knew it because that is the ONLY reason I ever use the ModCP. 😉
  3. From the announcement section in the /modcp/
  4. It’s a theme template. It’s in the customization section of the ACP.
  5. There is no direct option define the forum output for the record image. But everything about the forum post content is controlled by this theme template: You could probably customize that to get what you need. I assume the record image is in $record->record_image, but I haven’t tested it.
  6. Already used it! Thanks! Works great. My suggestion would be to auto-fill the email address with something like the site’s “Incoming email address” so it doesn’t have to be typed in again over and over again.
  7. Yes, the group promotion is not an instant bulk action. But that shouldn’t matter much in your case.
  8. You should be doing it the other way around. Remove the 150 posts rule and instead use the group promotion system to push members with 150 posts into your existing secondary group. That should solve it.
  9. Have some proof for that? I mean the comparison of calling and caching a webfont once vs. calling all that CSS + JavaScript + single SVG graphics. What are the loading times and execution times for both cases when used on an IPS installation? I am happy to be convinced of improvements, but I am a little sceptical. Newer doesn’t automatically equal more efficient—which is quite obvious when sticking with your car example, where tons of new features in a car might actually raise the fuel consumption. 😉 In any case, as you know, the suggested native implementation of 5 and 6 are not downwards compatible, so a large amount of theme templates needs to be touched, which creates conflicts for modified templates during upgrade. And of course every theme designer would also need to update every template in each of his or her themes that uses FA4. And then there are other 3rd-party templates, like my Pages templates, which also make use of FA4, which would all break and require updating through me and the users, which entered FA4 codes in their settings …. Considering all this, it’s no surprise should IPS decide to postpone an upgrade until a major releases (like 5.0) that might restructure and touch all templates anyway. To be clear: Not that I have anything against an upgrade of Font Awesome. I might like it when it’s there. But looking at the bigger picture—as explained—I tend to believe that the cost–benefit analysis might not swing so easily to “overwhelming benefits” as your first post or that entertaining FontAwesome ad want to make it appear.
  10. I would say it’s not correct that it’s not correct. 😉 Font Awesome in Invision Community 4.x is used to show pre-defined UI elements and the vast majority of IPS users don’t do anything else with it (because you need custom coding or 3rd-party resources for it). So going from FA4 to 5 or 6 doesn’t change much. That 4.7 notification bell is then a 6.0 notification bell. Big whoop! 😉 So for the platform as a whole, very little changes and Rikki’s statement is actually correct.
  11. That makes perfect sense! 👍
  12. That would entirely depend on what you put on that alternative page. In theory, its a chance to improve things.
  13. No. You are not listening. Every IPS installation will show the system module locked at any time, because unlike every other module, the system module needs to stay active at all time. If your homepage link isn’t working as intended, you need to switch the default app/module back to the app/module you want. That’s what that star icon in the screenshot is for. Click it for the forums app for example, if you want your forum index to be the homepage.
  14. It’s locked because it is always required. It shows like this for everyone. That’s totally normal.
  15. ACP → Applications → Profiles → Permissions
  16. Simplest way is to just make the forum members-only. If you don’t want the content indexed, then there is also little use showing it to guests.
  17. I don’t see how it would be useful in a forum. Twitter consists of millions of unrelated text snippets per day and tying them together by typing something directly in the text is more or less a necessary evil on that platform. In a forum, that isn’t necessary. If Black Lives Matter is currently discussed in a forum, then you probably have an entire topic dedicated to it, which shows front and center in the activity feed and the forum—and there is even the “popular topics” feature to further highlight active topics. Hashtags wouldn’t be necessary. All they would do is decrease the readability of the posts.
  18. Modified templates will not be overwritten automatically. But in general, you will have to manually maintain any change you make to any IPS template.
  19. My best advise that is even free: invite people (you know and that hopefully know you) via email. I don’t mean spamming people, but a personal invite specific to the user. That has a high conversion rate and can get the ball rolling.
  20. There is no such option, no.
  21. I would always try to narrow it down first. Check if it’s every video or just a specific one. Ask what browser they use and things like that. And what exactly is the behaviour these users are seeing. “It doesn’t work” is usually not a useful description. Testing here:
  22. If you lost traffic, how do you know what the cause is?
  23. Well, yes. It’s a subscription and that’s how subscriptions work in general. They renew until cancelled by the subscriber. A payment plan feature is something completely different and not available in the Commerce app at this time.
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