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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. And just to be sure you didn’t miss it: There is a stock “acronym” feature in the software already and there are improvements of it in 4.5.
  2. What are you trying to achieve exactly? It would help to know that to give a better answer. Those attributes being listed are processed on the server. But the server doesn’t know where the generated page will be displayed and it doesn’t deliver anything different to mobile devices vs. desktop screens. You can however mark content to be shown or hidden based on the viewport size. This is handled through CSS. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/css-framework/responsiveness-r250/
  3. It shouldn’t. I use it the way you asked and I have tested it on another installation as well. Maybe open a support ticket so someone can investigate in your ACP directly.
  4. That’s regular Pages functionality. The two fields are set to be filters in the fields settings and then the Filter widget is placed on the page.
  5. I don’t know. You haven’t shown your category permission. Did you give guest access there? That would be required. If the container doesn’t allow guests, the container content can’t override that.
  6. The first part is possible—I am using that myself for this type of forum. However there is no post count and no last poster information, since those are “private information” in this type of forum.
  7. You mean the group permission “Require approval before content shows?”. That’s indeed global. It doesn’t say anything about “forums” in the settings.
  8. Approval is a category setting, not a user group permission. So out of the box, it doesn’t work like you want. But you could add a “queue” category as the only category where new users can upload and then you would approve and move the file to the correct category. That could be a work-around.
  9. Custom sign in for what? A certain area? The whole site? For the whole site, you would just use the regular registration system and add custom profile fields as needed in the ACP. To control what guests can see, you would change the permissions for the individual apps (like “forums”) in the Applications section of the ACP.
  10. You don’t have to do anything. Google will add that after some time if the site gets relevant enough. https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/47334?hl=en
  11. Probably rogue ads. I would look there first. In theory, your site could also be hacked and the malicious code is delivered from your site directly.
  12. Click Help Guides here on the page. Custom Pages database fields like “select box” and “radio” can be used as filters and there is a filter widget you can place on a database page to show these filters. That might be want you want.
  13. There is an option for Pages database fields to be unique, so you could use that to ask the user for their user name as “member field” and then no entries with the same user name could be created. It’s not bullet proof, but might be enough for your use. For a more robust solution, you would need a developer to create a custom submission form. This way, the user name or ID could be set in the background and wouldn’t need to be entered manually.
  14. Different databases make sense if you have completely different kind of data sets. For example: If I wanted to create a book database that also stores authors and publishing houses, I would create 3 separate databases and link the authors and publishers from the book database. Categories make sense if the data is similar, but a structure makes sense for the user and/or if fields need to vary. That book database might have a field for number of book pages, that gets turned off just for the e-book category for example. Lastly, it can also make sense to not use categories at all when you want to use fields as filters which can act on the entire database, not just categories.
  15. It seems to be compatible with the IPS 4.5 Solved feature. Just to be sure: We can safely uninstall the app can’t we? It won’t wipe the Best Answer data, will it?
  16. Probably better to post this as a bug report, but yes, I can confirm it on all my sites, both running 4.4 and 4.5.
  17. I only allow VIP members to hide their posts, which tend to be trusted long-term members. For regular members, there would always be too much misuse of the feature. (Same goes for editing posts forever.)
  18. I expect it to continue working, but I haven’t started with testing and updating for 4.5.
  19. You could potentially change what happens inside each entry to deal with the pictures in a different way. That won’t interfere with the masonry layout.
  20. Personally, I wouldn’t mess with it. You seem to want to treat it as a grid, but it’s not set up like that. It’s a “masonry” layout, which is created on the fly through JavaScript based on the available space and the number of available entries. If you hardcode any changes, you easily break it for certain views or a different entry count in the future. If you really want the grid look, you would have to strip all the ipsPatchwork stuff from the template and rewrite it as regular ipsGrid setup.
  21. A star icon means you participated. You don’t even need a hover action.
  22. Just to avoid confusion: You keep posting in the SuperBlocks support topic, but the product on your homepage seems to be SuperTopics. Completely different products which are also built very differently.
  23. No, that won’t happen. Blocks are just “content teasers”. Latest, currrently featured, and so on. The pagination belongs to the linked pages.
  24. I would add that the invoice would need an editor to control how everything looks and what is actually shown. Both to make it compliant with legal requirements and branding requirements. The default IPS invoice is extremely simple. At the moment, I am dealing with every purchase manually and add them to my own invoice program, but that is a lot of unnecessary work.
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