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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. Did you nest the quotes properly? 'mymessage' => "<a href='#'>link</a>" or 'mymessage' => '<a href="#">link</a>'
  2. Did you turn the REST api on? That’s why it failed for me originally.
  3. You can create custom editor buttons for this in the ACP. It looks like this:
  4. No, there is no standard size. It’s responsive. The image size changes drastically depending on the screen size. You can make it 100x50 or 1000x500. It’s your choice and would depend on the actual images and website what makes more sense.
  5. Probably would make sense to offer that during the upgrade process as a choice. There were a few of these questions already.
  6. You’re probably running outdated templates. Delete them and install the latest versions.
  7. 4.x has the Activity feed, where everything can come together. That’s usually much better than having “forum users” which need special forum announcement to visit other sections as it was before 4.x.
  8. Yeah, they are indexed. It’s not surprising. If you start a new article page, it doesn’t rank well instantly. But your forum already gained credibility. It could change over time if users start linking your articles directly. But it can be confusing with the same content twice on one site. If Google can’t decide where to direct the user, it will also hurt the ranking. You could remove the guest permission for the article forum or not post the articles there at all.
  9. Have you done a site: check to see if it’s really not in the index? Google: “site:https://yoursite.com/your-article-page/” Chances are, the forum topic just ranks better, because the forum itself has gained more relevance already. (In which case it might be a good idea to hide that article-only forum from search engines.) Normally, there is nothing to configure. If the articles are public, they will be indexed.
  10. Which of course is a fully automated strategy. It’s not like the guy is really personally reaching out. Unless you ask them to shut up, you stay in the automated sales funnel, which can have many steps.
  11. Custom CSS goes in custom.css It won’t be touched during an upgrade. Changes in templates need to be dealt with manually.
  12. TikTok was already added to 4.5.
  13. This option currently exists, but it was removed from the upcoming version—among others for security reasons.
  14. I think the “copy link” code can be turned into an auto embed, just like with YouTube. Probably better suited for a third-party plugin though without the oEmbed. But I let Nathan go first. 😉
  15. This sounds a bit strange. The point of the permission system is that content without access wouldn’t appear at all, so clicking on it and receiving an error shouldn’t even happen. Not that I have anything against the request to have category specific error messages. One option to consider would be to use field permissions instead of category permissions. That’s what I use in my Typography.Guru Academy section, which shows and limits content access based on three member groups (guest/normal member/paying member). Even as guest you will be able to access EVERY record, but the course content (an editor field) might be hidden because of your member group. But in the end, for a good custom solution, it usually requires some custom Pages templates.
  16. What would you want to embed? The 30-seconds previews? Looks like that is all they provide. And where do they access this to potentially share it? In iTunes?
  17. Well, usually cheaper than the regular host’s space. That’s why it’s being used.
  18. The typical way to do this nowadays is to use store the attachments on a service like Amazon S3, which is supported by Invision Community. You just have to enter your API credentials and everything happens automatically in the background. Those free image hosting services are rather unreliable. The images expire. The service is shut down or requires a license later on. And you need to teach every user how to even get an image into their service and then into the forum post from there.
  19. Sorry. I didn’t understand that. There are no SuperHelp databases. SuperHelp is just styling through templates. The record content is handled through the Pages databases, but dealing with those is not related to the SuperHelp product so you better ask in the peer-to-peer forums.
  20. By the way: The Patreon API is no longer actively maintained. https://www.patreoncommunity.com/t/an-update-on-patreon-s-api/8628
  21. Automatic payments are already a user’s choice. Without them, renewals don’t have to be paid and will just expire. 4.5 also adds trial periods.
  22. Commerce only makes sense if you really have the products yourself. For my print-on-demand products with external fulfilment, I just show them as banner ads or through a dedicated static “merch page” with pictures and links to the external provider. If it’s handled externally, I don’t see a problem to make that clear to the users and send them there directly. It might even help with the sales if it’s a well-known provider of merch. And the customers will instantly understand that this provider will handle returns with them and not come to me for complaints. 😉
  23. Ordering is controlled through Pages, as with any other Pages database. You set the ordering in the Pages database settings. If you need custom ordering, you can add a dedicated order field to your database. You put “a” for your first entry, “b” for your second and so on—that way you can get an order you want.
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