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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. IPS’ function only hides the content of a post. The post container still appears and you are able to reveal the content. Miss B’s version makes it so that nothing appears at all. I wish IPS would install it here. 😉
  2. No. It displays a link to reload the page manually.
  3. It’s a Pages database. Have you worked with that before? There are template sets for Pages databases on the Marketplace with a similar look: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8663-pages-superdocs/
  4. You might not “expect” it, but it is happening and so there also isn’t really a point made here. Instead of money, people can have other motivations to take part in beta programs.
  5. That isn’t logically sound. The entire point of a beta program is to have the external testers to spot potential problems with their usage. If no one participates (as this is supposedly the “smart” thing to to do), then the beta program wouldn’t reveal any problems and nothing could “stabilize”. So questioning people’s participation, which is the very thing that leads to the stabilization, is kind of weird.
  6. Yeah, but as far as I know, what you are sending to Twitter is just a link and Twitter will crawl the topic itself, which doesn’t have any information about the “promotion” (and the images chosen for it). So the best you get is the sharer image unless you have my plugin for topics. The Twitter card support itself is a stock functionality now, but there is not necessarily a meaningful image available for every URL of the suite.
  7. I never used function that but I doubt that it would post the image to Twitter. What kind of content are you promoting? It should pick up the OG:image automatically for the Twitter card, unless it’s a forum topic.
  8. Start by looking at the tables and sort them by size. There might be pruning options, but you would first need to determine which tables are the largest.
  9. Well, I could check it out with ACP access, but I wouldn’t do anything else than what I already suggested.
  10. The RSS import might still do the trick. I’m sure there are (free?) bookmark services that have bookmarklets and an RSS output for your link collection. So you use that and then the import to Pages is automatic. Might be better than a custom IPS script.
  11. I think you are focussed on the wrong issues. Your home page takes 18 seconds to even start rendering. Your site isn’t forcing SSL encryption properly. Those are major issues that need fixing. Whether or not a word appears or how high something is, won’t change much.
  12. It means the plugin CSS isn’t working at all. Make sure the plugin is turned on. Remove everything from custom.css and try again. If it starts working then, you have problematic code in your custom.css.
  13. It’s not set to use the most recent. It takes the first attachment that IPS returns as “content image” (and IPS controls that function). You can see it on my demo site: This topic has a monument as the first image and then later a street view. The SuperTopics page shows the monument, as expected. So I don’t see anything to change or fix.
  14. I set up a custom button in the editor for image captions. It applies CSS styling controlled through the custom.css to the caption paragraph. (P.S. I’m not fully understanding the phrase “image citation”. Legally, you always need a license to (re-)publish a copyrighted image and the licensor will decide how and where credits need to be given. Some even require it on the image so it doesn't get separated. Large image providers like Getty (which happens to show in the image above) are happy to sue providers for an unlicensed use—credits or not.)
  15. To add a little more context: The Marketplace downloads have been a big mess in the past. Behind the download button, there could be anything and any number of files. TAR, XML, PDFs, ZIPs (which could again include anything) of one resource version or even multiple resource versions. That was rather confusing for the users, since they had to figure out on a case-by-case basis what to do with the downloaded files and often it would lead to problems like trying to install a template as plugin, plugin as app and so on. The new system forces any resource to be a single file of a specific type. That’s a huge step forward and is the only way to allow the (now possible) one-click installations which benefit a large percentage of the users. Additional resources now need to be provided in a different way, but it is still possible. Check with the author of the file how to get those if it isn’t mentioned on the product page or the Additional Information tab. There is no need to keep full downloads just for the 1% of resources which had additional files in the package.
  16. I don’t think “a simple switch” is the solution. Putting it int he hands of the admin might be of questionable legality in certain jurisdictions. I would say the problem your client has is just a symptom. The cure, i.e. solution, needs to be somewhere else.
  17. Well, I think we are mixing the subscription terms with the payment schedule. If you set up a 1-year subscription in IPS it does behave like expected and like all the services you mentioned. I think the problem is that people want something like monthly payments for a 1-year subscription, so to do that, they actually set up monthly subscriptions, which of course can be cancelled within any month, even the first one. So yeah, that is something iPS could improve. Either allowing to spread out payments or to allow to force a certain amount of renewals.
  18. As I said before, this is addressed in the product description. Please read the entire product description before purchasing and the content of the “additional information” no later than after the purchase and before the installation/setup. And read it again if you run into problems. There is no need to waste other people’s time with PMs and support topics when everything is explained already.
  19. This is addressed in the product instructions/features.
  20. You need to drag the filter widget to the page.
  21. That field has just one option so far. Just click the ADD ANOTHER button to add the other two options.
  22. Just upload an attachment into the first post right when you create it. Topics do not have (stock) “featured images”. So they don’t get replaced. They don’t even exist.
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