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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by opentype

  1. When I upload an image (like cat.png) it will be stored as something like “cat.png.12345678901234567890.png” on the server. But for non-image files (PDF, DOC …), the file suffix is not repeated at the end. Is there a specific reason for that? Is it for security purposes or something like that? Is there a chance to have the suffix added for file type like PDF as well? My current use case is to show Pages database uploads inline in a PDF viewer, but even after days of dealing with this, I don’t get it to work because the missing suffix is causing the file to be rejected or downloaded instead of shown. Happy to hear if there are any solutions for that.
  2. You don’t even need to do that. There are already feeds for “content I started” and “content I posted in”. You just need to link them in your menu.
  3. That’s already an option with the activity streams and you can even put it in the menu. (Not sure why it should go in the user menu though.)
  4. After importing Pages databases from one installation to another, I kept running into this error when trying to create records in the imported databases: After investigation, I found it is caused by having database relationship fields which point to non-existing tables on the new website. After having all the databases present and re-assigning the fields, the error disappears. I am not sure what a good solution would be, but there is probably a better one than just this error.
  5. If that setting is turned on for the member group, the entries can be created anonymously.
  6. A global sidebar would break certain pages or conflict with the fixed sidebar content that exist on certain pages. But it’s really not much trouble to put the same widgets in the sidebar slot on multiple pages. In case you need a lot of configuration or you have WYSIWYG content, create all the widgets as Pages ACP blocks. Then you can reuse them in multiple places and edit them globally in the ACP.
  7. Check that your Cron job is running. Maybe it stopped working after you updated PHP or something like that.
  8. I can’t see it on my computer, so I can’t do any testing with it.
  9. https://www.typografie.info/3/topic/40490-ähnliche-fonts-wie-“canela”-und-“proxima-nova”/?do=findComment&comment=279819
  10. It doesn’t change much. It just means that “first contact” is here on the Help & Support forum now. If a private support ticket is necessary, it will be created after you posted here.
  11. You are missing that this is impossible. There is no bullet-proof way to differentiate registrations that have the intention to spam your site from those which don’t have that intention. Captchas reduce the amount of bot registrations, but bots can also be trained to get through captchas eventually. And spam is not necessarily made by bots. Tens of thousands of people in low-income countries have the sad job of doing nothing but manually registering on websites to post spam. So even if detecting “automatic spam” would be possible (which it is not), it wouldn’t mean that there would be no spam. You can use the anti-spam services (from IPS or third-parties) which use known spam IPs and email addresses, but nothing is stopping the spammers from using a new IP and new email address and then register successfully. That’s just the way it is.
  12. You should moderate the first posts from new members. Otherwise these type of attacks are unavoidable.
  13. It’s definitely connected to the truncation of the description. It dynamically breaks down the description into 3 separate <span> tag and then there are potential problems with lines not fitting and content being moved around after a text reflow in an endless loop. Just looking at these examples in combination makes it clear that the line-lengths aren’t correct.
  14. I said, check the HTML in the “posts”. The code you show here is not from the posts. Changing this code will not have any influence on old posts.
  15. You could check the HTML that is created in the posts. It should not have a large/fixed WIDTH value and everything should be wrapped in an ‘ipsEmbeddedVideo’ container. For example: <div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo" contenteditable="false"> <div> <iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/4uoSk_iv8Lk?feature=oembed" title="Bildschirmaufnahme+2022 10 15+um+21 42 24" width="200"></iframe> </div> </div> This would be a responsive video.
  16. How are the YouTube videos added? Just by pasting the YouTube URL?
  17. Looking at the two examples, I would guess it’s a problem with the IPS text truncation JavaScript. There is an unexpected text reflow, causing the scrolling bars to appear, which is causing another text reflow, causing the scrolling bars to change … and so on and so forth.
  18. I now have users reporting this too. Browsers: Chrome/Brave.
  19. You can control it in the Commerce settings. You can set one or both of those values to “0”.
  20. The number relates to the current selection, even if it is the default selection.
  21. What aspect of it do you like/want? As far as I understood it, the header menu is completely custom. So it probably doesn’t even tie into the menu manager and is therefore not something they could ship with a stock theme. Apart from that, it’s pretty much stock anyway.
  22. Before assigning a new Google font, you need to turn off the Google fonts assigned in your theme settings. You are still calling Merriweather from Google. I have a detailed article about the process here: https://www.opentype.space/free-articles/how-to-use-custom-webfonts-with-invision-community-r4/
  23. It might simply not have content to show. The old method to feed this widget is tags. So when there are no matching tags, nothing shows.
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