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Everything posted by opentype

  1. A simple solution: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8992-og-image-for-forum-topics/ Only uses attachments though.
  2. It’s possible out of the box with some clever use of custom Pages database fields and just a tiny bit of HTML code. I use it here myself: https://www.opentype.space/free-articles/ That website also has an article which walks you through the steps, but that is part of my commercial Pages online course.
  3. There were too few sales to justify further development. Whoever has it already installed, can still continue to use it in the 4.x product line. I still use it myself on 4.7.9 and I am not aware of any serious issues with it. It’s just not being updated and officially supported on newer versions anymore.
  4. There is no switch. It’s automatic. How that image will be used depends on the template that is chosen for the various record views.
  5. You need to activate and use the dedicated “Record Image” to have a featured image representing the database record.
  6. Looking at my sites, it seems like spammers are already using it. I get more and more replies to old topics which somehow are on topic but still somehow make so little sense that I can’t believe a human registered to post it. I’m not afraid of AI and use it myself, but only like a brainstorming partner, where I judge which replies are actually useful and correct. I can’t imagine having AI (auto) reply/publish anything on my sites at the moment. And I think it would only dilute the value of a community. Because the AI answers will soon be available directly within search engines and other apps and services. I rather run the place where answers can be different and better than that.
  7. Version 5.0 will probably improve these things.Those are core files. Don’t mess with it yourself.
  8. That’s just how it works now. All working as intended (by IPS).
  9. With or without customizations/third-party templates? That makes all the difference. You can easily set up articles and landing pages with the Pages app, but the default layout is somewhat limited. With customizations/third-party templates the sky’s the limit.
  10. What are you trying to offer with the Downloads app? It is usually used for software, videos and things like that. That’s why “screenshots” makes sense as representation of the content. If you add images as downloads, then it would be a different story. And the software can’t always create screenshots. For example, I have a website where the downloads consist of images, but they are huge TIF files put into ZIP archives. It would be pretty much impossible for the server to generate thumbnails from that. So, a user field to add some representative images makes perfect sense.
  11. Please try it out on my website with the field shown in the screenshot (“Number of Desktop users”). The wrong value is added to the cart and persists throughout the purchase.
  12. I hope the patch also addresses this other issue, which does affect the actual purchase. At the moment, my customers are getting more than what they pay for because the product fields don’t work as expected.
  13. I’m just seeing this. All my products are shown as free. 😱 I hope IPS can push out a patch quickly. Very bad for business and bad in regards to the customer’s trust.
  14. I understood that and took that into account. I am still saying it is usually useful to create a custom version of the core block first and then call it with the custom key. That’s also gives easy access to the settings that these core blocks might have. You could even add small customizations easily without touching the original widgets.
  15. No, that would not be a good idea. You better stick to the record image. But accessing it through the REST API would be a core/IPS issue. I can’t help with that.
  16. The typical use would be to first create a custom version as Pages ACP block and assign your own key. Then you can call it as {block="your_key"}
  17. No. Every section has its own template and its own variables. There is no easy way to move templates between sections. It needs manual recreation with knowledge of every detail.
  18. Not, that’s not possible. I am actually using Pages database to run my ads, but it requires a lot of customization and has to run independently from the built-in advertising system.
  19. You could try hCaptcha to slow them down, but if they don’t validate their account, I would just ignore them. They will be deleted automatically anyway and cannot do anything on the front end. The IP addresses and email addresses will constantly change (as is evident by this random use of dots), so trying to create a ban filter is almost impossible.
  20. The “Manual” option is not meant for a payment gateway. It’s meant for a manual payment by the customer. The shop owner would (for example) put their bank account details in that editor field and then the customer pays using that option.
  21. Can we have a help guide how to phase out deprecated payment systems like Braintree? Does it need manual actions like cancelling all subscriptions on Braintree’s side?(Jump to the answer in the video)
  22. It has moved to System -> Web App. IPS should probably change the ACP search. Searching for “manifest” still points to Icons & Logos, where it has been removed from.
  23. I have a custom field with numerical values: Looks fine in the database: Looks fine on the product page: But once the product is put into the cart, the product in the cart will always use the next value in the set and continue to use the false value throughout the checkout. If I select “1" on the product page, the cart says “2”. If I select “2“ on the product page, the cart says “3” and so on. You can easily replicate it as a guest on my site. It happens for all products which use this field.
  24. You can check out the new settings for the gallery homepage: But yeah, it looks like this now. The width of the comment block looks a little weird though. It should use the entire column.
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