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  1. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Colonel_mortis in Hump Day: do you use the poll feature?   
    If there are polls in the middle of the topic then yeah they could definitely get lost, but I would imagine polls like that to be pretty ephemeral anyway - if you want a poll that everyone sees, you add it to the first post (or recommend it).
  2. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Sonya* in Hump Day: do you use the poll feature?   
    I assume the first issue is a bug.
  3. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: do you use the poll feature?   
    Great suggestions! I like the idea of members being able to add a poll directly into their post. I wonder if it would get lost or buried in an active topic though? Cool ideas. 👌 
  4. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Colonel_mortis in Hump Day: do you use the poll feature?   
    One frequent complaint that I see is that every question is mandatory, which forces members to add a "not applicable" option when they have multiple questions. The poll title is a waste of time, given that there's already a topic title and poll question title I think it would be really neat if polls were attached to posts rather than to topics - that would force people to actually read the first post before answering the poll, and would allow for people to add polls in replies (and other places such as status updates) too
  5. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Jordan Miller in Hump Day: do you use the poll feature?   
    Hey team, Happy Hump Day! 
    I just recently penned a blog entry on our new reporting and metrics added into 4.6.8 (out now btw 🎉). It got me thinking about another means to collect data directly from your members is our polls feature!
    I think the poll system in topics is an underrated gem of our platform.
    It's engaging, easy to participate with and provides real results. You can even share the poll for others to partake in (and its results) across any page of your community using the poll block inside the Block Manager. It's a pretty nifty feature we don't talk about enough! 
    Would love for you to participate in this poll and also hear from you!
    As always, here's a roundup of updates/fixes our devs accomplished in the last week. Mad props to them!
    - Changed value for prune_member_history setting from null to an empty string for Cloud.
    - Fixed a broken getLastComment link in the forumRow template.
    - Fixed an issue where the topic summary may only show 3 top posts instead of 4 if the topic contains many guest posts.
    - Added reputation titles & icons back to the Reputation Activity page in user profiles.
     - Changed value for prune_member_history setting from null to an empty string for Cloud.
    - Improved the club landing page for closed clubs to return an error with further information.
    - Fixed the badges for 'seven consecutive days' and 'Five Hundred Items'.
    - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to delete the Apple startup icon.
    - Fixed an issue where email exceptions did not show the correct message in debug mode.
    - Optimized deletions from Redis after processing content views.
    - Fixed an issue where text direction was not set correctly in some emails.
    - Fixed an issue where creating an OAuth2 login method would result in an array with IN_DEV. 
    - Fixed an error shown if a shipping order is deleted for a no longer existing invoice.
    - Fixed an issue where member group formatting may break the who's online and active user widgets.
    - Removed no longer used sitemapLinks functions.
    - Fixed unreliable sorting on the admin control panel tasks table.
    - Added some missing rel=nofollow attributes on add new content links.
    - Fixed an issue where no default badge was shown in the admin control panel streams list.
    - Added a missing search keyword for block caching.
    - Fixed an issue where editing anonymous items could change the author.
    - Fixed a broken link when configuring VigLink.
    - Fixed some missing email template titles.
    - Fixed the duplicate rel attribute in the facebook share link.
    - Fixed a missing search keyword for block caching.
    - Fixed some missing rel=nofollow attributes on add new content links.
    - Fixed a niche issue with the Marketplace interface showing an entity instead of dollar sign in some browsers.
    - Removed no longer used sitemapLinks functions.
    - Fixed an issue where pagination links could redirect to the wrong location when using Blog categories.
    - Fixed the design on the Zapier Integration page and added the clipboard copy button for easier data copying.
    Do you use polls in your own community? Do you have any ideas that could benefit this feature? Any feedback/input would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Everade in Google Core web vitals   
    You forgot: "In 5 years from now." 
    And yes, i mean it.
    Maybe they do, but they don't care. There are hundreds of community posts screaming for improvements but they couldn't care less. You're better off preparing for your funeral than waiting for a patch that adresses long standing issues. They simply don't have a big enough team to work on whatever they want + plus community requests.
    5.x may address some issues, but you're better off not betting on it. Never take their word, there's still a ~3 years waiting list of other promises.
    But what you can expect is another new re-design as usual. Because new looks and marketing sells best. Let's just cross our fingers that at least some of the underlying ancient code gets updated a long the way.
  7. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Matt in Google Core web vitals   
    Yes we do monitor web core vitals and have plans to improve performance. 
  8. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Percival in Google Core web vitals   
    @Matt has already explained this: "(...) that will likely take 6-12 months to really complete, so it's not something we can do on a development sprint."
  9. Like
    sobrenome reacted to 13. in Google Core web vitals   

  10. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Egorkin in Google Core web vitals   
    Does the team test the layout according to these indicators?
  11. Like
    sobrenome reacted to hpcrazy in Audio Player   
    The latest version of the IPB transfers any audiofiles automaticly to an audio player. I would love to have the option that I can choose if the audio player is activated or not since my members are paying to download my uploaded mp3 files.
    Since I am allowing access to uploaded mp3 files only for my premium members - could it be possible that users which don't have the permission to play or download an mp3 file get the costum error message the other file downloads create if such member want's to download a file without being in the upgraded group ?
  12. Like
    sobrenome reacted to MythonPonty in Voice message feature   
    exactly this feature is what i need... 🙂 
    @Adriano Faria maybe something for you ? 
  13. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Nathan Explosion in Voice message feature   
    There were a few people requesting this around the site so it might have been a popular one - but I couldn't get past the thoughts on codec compatibility issues, and various other potential problems that came to my mind.
    See video for the POC (you guys get to hear my dulcet tones)
    If another developer wants to take this on then I'm happy to share the code I have.

    Create New Topic - IPS 4.5.4 (B) - Development — Mozilla Firefox 2021-11-15 14-01-41.mp4
  14. Like
    sobrenome reacted to MythonPonty in Voice message feature   
    That's right @Darth Vortex, upload and playing works, that'a a great feature. But what i need is an integrated audio recorder. 🙂 
    I would probably have been the only one to buy it. 🙂
  15. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Nathan Explosion in Voice message feature   
    That's the logical way of doing it - but then you get to the "make it easier" element of just clicking a button on the site, having it begin the audio/video recording functionality on the device, and then when the recording finishes the file is automatically uploaded to the content.
    I actually did a POC of this a few months ago as a potential add-on to my HTML5 player but I decided not to proceed with it further because I could see that it would be a pain in the behind to provide support for it.
  16. Like
    sobrenome reacted to WP V0RT3X in Voice message feature   
    I thought uploading and playing audio files was implemented in one of the latest releases? Simply record the spoken word version of a poem with a smartphone and upload it as attachment to the posts?
  17. Like
    sobrenome reacted to MythonPonty in Voice message feature   
    No you're on a wrong way to discuss about it like your comparison.
    My approach is not to replace written content with spoken texts. The written text is still the most important in my forum.
    Voice messages are only a useful addition to convey emotions, intonations, rhythm, etc. 
  18. Like
    sobrenome reacted to IP-Gamers in Voice message feature   
    By adding such a possibility, you a priori kill the forum in the understanding for which it is intended.
    This is not WhatsAPP or Discord, this is the Message Board, which was originally conceived like this.
    It's the same as buying a motorcycle in order to convert it into a car... An idiotic solution.
  19. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Aramaech in Voice message feature   
    Yes, with forums generally waning in popularity, this would represent a chance to actually modernize.
  20. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Markus Jung in Voice message feature   
    Perhaps even voice and video? With a connection to YouTube?
  21. Like
    sobrenome reacted to MythonPonty in Voice message feature   
    Voice recording would be a nice feature for my community too... 
    i'm running a poems community. In addition to texts that are written, it would be a good extension if users can also publish the poem they have read.
  22. Like
    sobrenome reacted to kmk in Voice message feature   
    Just want to leave this request, please remember add voice ability to let us enhance and enrich our community communication... Today we don't have to limit us only as typing forum 
  23. Like
    sobrenome reacted to iacas in Auto Welcome Support   
    I think I get a lot of guests triggering things. Normally a welcome DM has the user's name in it. This is on my other site, thesandtrap.com. Those are all messages to members who are guests.

    So this seems to be "bad" behavior on both sites. It's just that on the one site, the AutoWelcome is set to create a topic, and on the other it's escaped notice longer because guests can create a post (it isn't shown unless they successfully register), but a topic isn't created for them.
  24. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Jim M in AggregateRating Schema to record pages 4.6.8   
    Thanks for posting!

    Unfortunately, this issue is beyond the scope of our technical support. 👩‍💻

    Our technical support is happy to help you with the Invision Community platform, but we're unable to help with things like server management, theme questions and modifications.

    I've moved this to our Community Support area where other Invision Community owners will see it and help where they can.
  25. Like
    sobrenome reacted to Marc Stridgen in Google - Invalid object type for field "itemReviewed"   
    Please could you also provide the item mentioned by my colleague there? It just means we can save some time and get to the bottom of the issue for you
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