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    Ibai reacted to Gabriel Torres in Adjustment to the default Pages > Display > record template   
    The default Display > record template from Pages has a small glitch. The <br> tags at the end should be inside the {{if}} statements, otherwise we have too much space at the bottom of the page when the {{if}} conditions aren't met.
    <br> {{if $commentsAndReviews}} <a id="replies"></a> <h2 class='ipsHide'>{lang="user_feedback"}</h2> <div class='ipsResponsive_pull'> {$commentsAndReviews|raw} </div> {{endif}} <br> {{if $updateForm}} <div class='ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionHead'>{lang="cms_front_update_fields" sprintf="$record::database()->recordWord( 1 )"}</h2> <ul class='ipsForm ipsForm_vertical'> {$updateForm|raw} </ul> </div> {{endif}} Suggested fix:
    {{if $commentsAndReviews}} <br> <a id="replies"></a> <h2 class='ipsHide'>{lang="user_feedback"}</h2> <div class='ipsResponsive_pull'> {$commentsAndReviews|raw} </div> {{endif}} {{if $updateForm}} <br> <div class='ipsAreaBackground_light ipsPad'> <h2 class='ipsType_sectionHead'>{lang="cms_front_update_fields" sprintf="$record::database()->recordWord( 1 )"}</h2> <ul class='ipsForm ipsForm_vertical'> {$updateForm|raw} </ul> </div> {{endif}} Thanks.
    PS: Please move this topic to the suggestions forums if this isn't considered a bug per se. Thanks.
  2. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Gabriel Torres in Comma after username in topics   
    I noticed today in our community, and could confirm that this is also present here at your community, that there is a comma placed after the username in topics. See it in the screenshot below:

    Investigating this further, this issue is caused by the byline_itemprop language string: By %s,
    This string is used whenever a date is placed in the sequence, however in this particular context, as the date is placed in a new line, and the comma looks ugly IMHO.
    So, I believe the byline_nodate_itemprop language string should be the one used in the forums > front > topics > topic template, not byline_itemprop.
    I don't know if this topic is a bug report or a suggestion, please move it to the suggestions forum if that is the case.
  3. Agree
    Ibai reacted to Grafidea in Advanced Tags & Prefixes   
    What do you think about creating an option to add prefixes in front of the topic name in different colors? to choose from in some sections of the forum? something like in the attachment. I think this is a very useful feature and needed.

  4. Like
    Ibai reacted to Ghost Face in Advanced Tags & Prefixes   
    Yes, definitely! That's actually a core feature I was expecting IPS to have but was surprised it didn't. 
  5. Like
    Ibai reacted to Feneroin in Advanced Tags & Prefixes   
    We're in Feature suggestions forums, not plug-in forums.
    So i'm agreed with @Grafidea for this feature. It'll be useful this prefix feature
  6. Like
    Ibai reacted to SeNioR- in Optimization for speed   
    I know that, I am a designer myself 😉 My point is that many lines of CSS and JS code are not used at all (on the homepage and elsewhere) hence such poor performance on mobile devices in the PageSpeed test
  7. Like
    Ibai reacted to SeNioR- in Optimization for speed   
    This is the worst. I hope that IPS will "somehow" optimize it, although I know it will not be easy.

  8. Like
    Ibai reacted to Runar in Optimization for speed   
    While this is true, most of the "opportunities" presented by PageSpeed Insights are things I have little or no control over, such as eliminating render-blocking resources and removing unused JavaScript and CSS. These improvements will have to come from you, though I imagine they would require insane amounts of work and are therefor not prioritized.
    I know these numbers will depend on a lot of factors, but I think they speak of an underlying issue – not as in something you've done wrong, but something that's hard to "fix": When viewing the front page on my community, 77% of root_framework.js and 92% of framework.css is unused. When viewing a topic, the numbers are 74% of root_framework.js and 89% of framework.css. Given the required time and resources, these files and the rest of the scripts and style sheets could be massively optimized, which in turn will benefit everyone, especially mobile visitors.
  9. Like
    Ibai reacted to Grafidea in Optimization for speed   
    I have best VPS server. php 8.0.14, redis on, and give 512MB php memory limit. Desktop ist good 96/100 points, mobile device 50-60 points. The mobile version should be optimized.
  10. Like
    Ibai reacted to ZLTRGO in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    And hopefully also a way to manage plugins with it too :,)
  11. Like
    Ibai reacted to SeNioR- in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
    Hope IPS is considering adding CKEditor v5 in 4.7.0
  12. Like
    Ibai reacted to S. Rose in Badges leaderboard?   
    This is a great idea. We would make great use of such feature since we're not using reputations and the current leaderboard is basically useless 
  13. Like
    Ibai reacted to Charles in Badges leaderboard?   
    As our new achievements system matures and grows, we do plan to rework the leaderboard to better integrate the features. 
  14. Like
    Ibai reacted to loccom in Badges leaderboard?   
    Hi guys
    Is there a way to view badges earned in a week or month? We would like a leaderboard of badges earnt?
    Is this possible?
  15. Thanks
    Ibai reacted to Marc Stridgen in Badges leaderboard?   
    There is no such leaderboard as such, but its certainly an interesting idea. I will move this over to our suggestions forum for future consideration
  16. Like
    Ibai reacted to Gabriel Torres in Meta tags and indexing user profile pages   
    @Stuart Silvester brainfart here. I was aware of that, I even exchanged a couple of messages with you regarding robots.txt. We have in fact this directive in our robots.txt. I edited the title of this topic to reflect our current (and correct) discussion.
    # Block profile pages as these have little unique value, consume a lot of crawl time and contain hundreds of 301 links Disallow: /profile/ I was intrigued on why Google was still indexing my own profile and found this:
    That is exactly what is happening here.
    Therefore, based on what you wrote, besides the nofollow, I believe that probably it should be added the noindex directive to the user profile pages.
    However, in order for the noindex to work, the pages must not be blocked in robots.txt:
    Could you please take a look into this?
  17. Like
    Ibai reacted to Stuart Silvester in Meta tags and indexing user profile pages   
    By default we nofollow profile links and block them being indexed via robots.txt
  18. Like
    Ibai reacted to Jimi Wikman in Dark mode inheratance for the main theme   
    I assume it is because it basically turns the default design into two designs and you need to add a switch somewhere, that take up more space in the navigation.
    It's not very difficult to add on your own, though. I have a codepen where I have my code that I use:
    I also added a cookie for this to make the change persistent.
  19. Like
    Ibai reacted to Makoto in Radical Tags   
    This is the support and feedback topic for the Radical Tags application,
    If you run into any issues, or have any questions/concerns, please let me know!
  20. Like
    Ibai reacted to OptimusBain in Plugin manager for CKEditor   
    Hopefully, IPS will find a way to manage all this. They should, because even though each of us is responsible for the changes made to the editor. There should be a way to prevent the editor from working if one uploads a plugin that doesn't work as expected.
  21. Like
    Ibai reacted to Gabriel Torres in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    @AlexWebsites Yes, and the latest version doesn't deal with the patterns I am talking about, hence me opening this topic.. 😉
  22. Like
    Ibai reacted to AlexWebsites in SEO: Blocked due to access forbidden (403) v. robots.txt   
    Ah yes, I see those strings are not added to the dynamic robots.txt. Good call out, I’ll have to check on my end as well.
  23. Like
    Ibai reacted to SeNioR- in Plugin manager for CKEditor   
    I also had a few times so that after adding the plugin, the editor was completely crumbling... Then the only solution is to restore the default configuration and set all buttons from scratch. 😕 
    Surely, but IPS Team must first update the editor to a newer 5.x version and then they will probably think about some manager.
  24. Agree
    Ibai reacted to KVentz in Plugin manager for CKEditor   
    Today adding new plugins to the CKEditor is a lottery: maybe it will work, maybe it will ruin the editor completely. No previews, no tests, no undo. If a plugin brake the editor, the only thing you can do is to reset it. And add all previous plugins manually again and arrange all the buttons again. Managing CKEditor plugins in Invision Community is a very implicit process. 
    I think Plugin manager for CKEditor will help many Invision Community customers who are not limited to standard CKEditor capabilities.
  25. Like
    Ibai reacted to opentype in Is there a way to turn the search function off for GUESTS???   
    ACP → System → Applications → System → Search → Permissions 
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