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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Probably 'modified files' etc - if it was extracting files for the new version, and stuck, then those new files don't match up to the current installed version so are considered modified. Go to the client area, download the full package, upload via FTP and perform the upgrade manually.
  2. *jumps in to flesh stuff out* <figcaption> Image added to a post, changed the 'title' (ie the 'alt') to 'This is the IPS Spoiler image'. Then a little HTML manipulation to show the possibilities...
  3. What MP resource is this in relation to?
  4. v1.6.0 is currently pending approval adding ability to check email address on neutrinoapi.com
  5. v1.3.2 is now pending approval FIXES fixed issue (by workaround) where hyphens in link text may cause DeepL to detect the source language incorrectly (hyphens in link text are converted to underscores to work around this) fixed issue with title translation, where pinned/featured icons in the title would display the translated title too. ACP Settings: the 'Your DeepL plan' setting no longer appears when API is set to Google. ACP Translations: fixed issue with javascript not loading on the page. ACP Translations: fixed issue with 'Prune Settings' form not displaying. CHANGES Modified the 'Translate this topic' functionality to ensure that the option no longer disappears on Phone if the viewer doesn't have permissions to post in the forum containing the topic being viewed. NEW None
  6. That will be changed in the next release.
  7. Thanks for that - I'll have a think on that one; the issue is that the location I am hooking into is hidden on phone if the viewer doesn't have any of the surrounding site permissions, one of which being the ability to comment on the topic which a guest won't have unless "post before registering" is enabled, or the forum allows guests to post. Shouldn't be a problem to change that up.
  8. That's a desktop screenshot I've put up above - so is it "not" showing on mobile? If so, I'll take a look later.
  9. I'll take a look - the hook is probably into an area where guests can't see, so should be an easy fix. Nope, shows fine for me: And there it is on your site: You've asked previously, and the answer is still the same - currently, the application is in bug-fix only mode. If I add new features at a later point, then it will be one I will take a look at.
  10. @Jim M Tagging an IPS staff member to assist you.
  11. Post in the following location instead - that's the official support location: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/forum/497-help-support/ You've posted in community support and may or may not be seen by IPS staff in a prompt manner.
  12. It has been 'pulled' because the author currently doesn't have an active license...it's a rule of the MP. Simple. The reasons why they don't have an active license? Ask the author.
  13. This should make it clear for other to understand: Valid code (works) & syntax highlighting ok: Valid code (works) & syntax highlighting no longer ok: Combine both & syntax highlighting now ok: Flip them around & syntax highlighting no longer ok:
  14. That will be 'avoided' in the next release - I will be replacing - with _ if it appears in the text of a link, prior to sending to the DeepL API.
  15. Potentially, yes - any editor instance anywhere can be targeted. Unfortunately, however, I don't use Downloads - if you have a test site I can access to check a few things over, and provide ACP access to, then I can attempt to code it in to try it out (I will do the installation)
  16. If you want to see what was updated, then check the change log. The change log of this resource indicates that there was no version update (stays as 1.1.6, following its previous release on Jan 7 2021) and the update was to mark it as IPS 4.6 compatible
  17. Nah, stuff that. A little bit more testing, based on a hunch, and it appears that the issue is the hyphens separating the words in the text of the links. If I convert them to underscores then it translates and ignores the links, just like Google. Off I go to tinker...
  18. Confirmed on my side - when the request is processed by DeepL's API, the source language is being detected as English. But I'm not sure why it's then NOT translating the English words to the chosen language instead - it just leaves it untranslated, and sends it back as such. So, here is what I am going to try out... Either detect an unchanged translation (text before & after exactly the same) and put in a fall-back to indicate to the user that the translation couldn't be done, and to choose the source language themselves for a further translation attempt. Or...just exclude text in URLs from the content being translated. (which is what Google does by default) See how that goes.
  19. Thank you - will take a look tomorrow to see what I can do. No need - I will test myself tomorrow.
  20. I will look into it on Thursday. Actually got 5 mins at the end of my day to take a look - I reckon the DeepL API is detecting the source language of the content as English because there are a lot more English words in the content than there are Polish. Change the content to the following and I reckon it will be all good: Can you confirm? Not sure there is anything I can do about it, if it is the case, but I'll take a closer look on Thursday.
  21. Great, thanks mate - hadn't bothered testing it until I saw something in the notes. And there's lovely 👍 C:\wamp\www\ips_46_dev\imagetest.php:9: array (size=2) 0 => array (size=25) 'attachment_id' => int 7 'location_key' => string 'forums_Forums' (length=13) 'id1' => int 9045 'id2' => int 134363 'temp' => null 'id3' => null 'lang' => null 'attach_id' => int 7 'attach_ext' => string 'png' (length=3) 'attach_file' => string 'Screenshot_5.png' (length=16) 'attach_location' => string 'monthly_2022_01/Screenshot_5.png.84eaf28cad8e8180ac656013f340bd03.png' (length=69) 'attach_thumb_location' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_thumb_width' => int 0 'attach_thumb_height' => int 0 'attach_is_image' => int 1 'attach_hits' => int 0 'attach_date' => int 1643127460 'attach_post_key' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_member_id' => int 1 'attach_filesize' => int 44115 'attach_img_width' => int 517 'attach_img_height' => int 342 'attach_is_archived' => int 0 'attach_security_key' => string '0bd559dda2983ec77484aa0565b3f674' (length=32) 'commentUrl' => string 'http://localhost/ips_46_dev/index.php?/topic/9045-more-images/&do=findComment&comment=134363' (length=92) 1 => array (size=25) 'attachment_id' => int 6 'location_key' => string 'forums_Forums' (length=13) 'id1' => int 9045 'id2' => int 134363 'temp' => null 'id3' => null 'lang' => null 'attach_id' => int 6 'attach_ext' => string 'png' (length=3) 'attach_file' => string 'Screenshot_2.png' (length=16) 'attach_location' => string 'monthly_2022_01/Screenshot_2.png.34fbc11507d07754db1428ca3ab20d2f.png' (length=69) 'attach_thumb_location' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_thumb_width' => int 0 'attach_thumb_height' => int 0 'attach_is_image' => int 1 'attach_hits' => int 0 'attach_date' => int 1643127460 'attach_post_key' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_member_id' => int 1 'attach_filesize' => int 42300 'attach_img_width' => int 517 'attach_img_height' => int 331 'attach_is_archived' => int 0 'attach_security_key' => string '0059e55a74d4383f81fd717b5a098e00' (length=32) 'commentUrl' => string 'http://localhost/ips_46_dev/index.php?/topic/9045-more-images/&do=findComment&comment=134363' (length=92) C:\wamp\www\ips_46_dev\imagetest.php:9: array (size=2) 0 => array (size=25) 'attachment_id' => int 5 'location_key' => string 'forums_Forums' (length=13) 'id1' => int 9044 'id2' => int 134362 'temp' => null 'id3' => null 'lang' => null 'attach_id' => int 5 'attach_ext' => string 'png' (length=3) 'attach_file' => string 'appurity_android_hdpi.png' (length=25) 'attach_location' => string 'monthly_2022_01/appurity_android_hdpi.png.a8aa536510389ada9a2d25b2725260ce.png' (length=78) 'attach_thumb_location' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_thumb_width' => int 0 'attach_thumb_height' => int 0 'attach_is_image' => int 1 'attach_hits' => int 0 'attach_date' => int 1643127363 'attach_post_key' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_member_id' => int 1 'attach_filesize' => int 69118 'attach_img_width' => int 480 'attach_img_height' => int 480 'attach_is_archived' => int 0 'attach_security_key' => string 'e2ab614780fe49a4412a84b04a0095b7' (length=32) 'commentUrl' => string 'http://localhost/ips_46_dev/index.php?/topic/9044-images/&do=findComment&comment=134362' (length=87) 1 => array (size=25) 'attachment_id' => int 4 'location_key' => string 'forums_Forums' (length=13) 'id1' => int 9044 'id2' => int 134362 'temp' => null 'id3' => null 'lang' => null 'attach_id' => int 4 'attach_ext' => string 'png' (length=3) 'attach_file' => string 'appurity_android_dpi.png' (length=24) 'attach_location' => string 'monthly_2022_01/appurity_android_dpi.png.cca173201044545ed3ae9c519cab3b57.png' (length=77) 'attach_thumb_location' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_thumb_width' => int 0 'attach_thumb_height' => int 0 'attach_is_image' => int 1 'attach_hits' => int 0 'attach_date' => int 1643127362 'attach_post_key' => string '' (length=0) 'attach_member_id' => int 1 'attach_filesize' => int 69118 'attach_img_width' => int 480 'attach_img_height' => int 480 'attach_is_archived' => int 0 'attach_security_key' => string '28af7c712c5508a97b92b86ee857b37e' (length=32) 'commentUrl' => string 'http://localhost/ips_46_dev/index.php?/topic/9044-images/&do=findComment&comment=134362' (length=87) C:\wamp\www\ips_46_dev\imagetest.php:9: array (size=0) empty C:\wamp\www\ips_46_dev\imagetest.php:9: array (size=0) empty C:\wamp\www\ips_46_dev\imagetest.php:9: array (size=0) empty
  22. @Daniel F - did this fix make its way into a release? I've not seen anything in release notes that would describe it, so just checking in case I missed something.
  23. Do you have "Post before registering" enabled on your site? It would account for a) what appears to be a guest posting something b) it not appearing visible to end users and c) you thinking they were added to the table directly instead of via the IPS software.
  24. v1.0.4 is now pending approval FIXES None CHANGES 'View badges' string in the front -> postbit -> myBadges template is now a language string, allowing translation via IPS language tools NEW None
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