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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Will the app be marked as compatible with IPS 4.7? Yes, at some point - it's not just going to be a compatibility update but will include some additional features (no comment at this time on what those are) This is from the description content of the listing: As you can see, it supports: Forums (so topics/posts) Caledar (so events/comments/reviews) Pages (so database records/comments/reviews. If you don't want it enabled in Forums, then don't enable it - if you just want to use it in Pages databases, then go ahead. Also, please define what you mean by Pages "things" so that I can clarify my answer further, if necessary.
  2. v1.6.2 currently pending approval FIXES Removed some debugging code which was stopping emails being sent Fixed issue with the specific stopforumspam regional API endpoints for Europe and US resulting in a failed check against stopforumspam (main api.stopforumspam.org/api endpoint unaffected)
  3. Scratch that - this is my fault..checking my notes, I also upgraded to my own v1.6.1 on 5th July too, and that introduces the stupid issue which is me leaving some debugging code behind on the hook. Apologies for this to anyone who had upgraded to v1.6.1 - my fault, stupid idiot. Also spotted an issue with the stopforumspam regional endpoint for Europe, so working on that one.
  4. Yep, I can reproduce this too - my most recent email via the Contact Us methid is dated 4th July. Looks like PHP 7.4.30 might be the culprit here - it was released on 9th June but was applied to my hosting on 5th July with no other changes occurring in my configuration. Leave it with me - will get an update out as soon as I spot what is going on.
  5. Recommending a post has the effect of 'pinning' it at the top of a topic, on each page.
  6. Thank you - I'll do some testing myself later, but I run the same config as you currently do on my own site, and I've got emails coming through ok. Update here later once I've checked it out further
  7. Is the providing of the above information a confirmation that you've done the suggested test, and the result was that you could receive an email via the contact form?
  8. You could disable it, and then test if anything is coming through without it enabled and thus rule out the possibility of an email configuration issue on your side. If you determine that you have an issue with the app as a result of the above then you provide more information for me to assist: Version of IPS (not 'the latest' but literally the version number) Same for this app Then screenshots of your settings Some details about version of PHP in use would help too (again, full version number)
  9. No worries - have pinged a PM with my paypal address; coffee today, as a little too much beer last night.
  10. Give this a try - plugin instead of trying to write some javascript. It will insert this: <div class="popup" id="51f18_16504"></div> <script src="https://www.powr.io/powr.js?platform=html"> ...on every front-end page of your site, apart from the /login page. (NE) Exclude _ hide script from loading in the login page 1.0.0.xml Off to the pub now, back tomorrow.
  11. If the countdown element isn't required, that's an ideal use-case for the new Alerts functionality in IPS 4.7 I'll take another look at options here tomorrow if I get some spare time.
  12. OK, I assumed by script you meant javascript code itself. To do that, you'd probably want to put a document.write in there to handle the outputting of the html into the page. Q: what exactly is it that you are trying to achieve? What is in the popup?
  13. Front-end, multiples can be awarded: Via the ACP - click 'Manage' Then click 'Add badge': And you can then give them any of the badges you have set as 'Manually awardable' The above method via the ACP would meet your initial request if your feature suggestion got implemented (no need to dig around and find a post made by the user then)
  14. Using this site as an example - you guys award badges multiple times to users. Example from my own profile - 4 helpful badges awarded in my last five:
  15. <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var page = $('body').attr("data-pageController"); if (page != 'login'){ //Your code... } }); </script>
  16. When the "Permanently delete content" setting is set to 'x days after it has been deleted', we see the following when content is being deleted: or And then, if you happen to go to the Moderator CP and select content in the 'Deleted content' section, you see the following: If you then change the "Permanently delete content" setting to 'Immediately' - you see those first 2 images again, and poof your content is gone. Maybe if the setting is set to 'Immediately' then the prompts should be 'Are you sure you want to delete permanently?" in the dialog, and the 'Delete' title on hover should be 'Delete Permanently'?
  17. All plugins are in applications\core\interface\ckeditor\ckeditor\plugins\ - custom ones are cunningly named custom-.......
  18. See, my reading of this is: The application titled "(DP45) Sponsorship System" needs to be updated, as per the 'Update available' link being shown. It's listed as a Marketplace app, as per the 'Marketplace' entry in the listing The "(DP45) Sponsorship System" application isn't listed on the Marketplace (I've searched for it) It's possible that it's actually a custom app that has been incorrectly linked to another resource The OP has contacted the developer (that's DawPi) and the "it is an IPB problem" is in relation to the item being marked as Marketplace incorrectly (which would stop the OP from uploading a new version if it was provided to them) and that is what is needed to corrected here. I am happy to be wrong here Provide a full screenshot of the page that is displayed at this point.
  19. Just curious - any reason for doing this, instead of using the native IPS spoiler?
  20. Log in to the ACP and type "Post before" into the search bar, and click the 'Post before registering' result. Alternatively - go to System -> (SETTINGS) Posting and scroll down to the 'Posting' section
  21. {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup(array(2, 3, 4,8, 10, 16, 19)) AND \in_array($item->container()->_id,array(3, 15, 23, 56, 73))}} STUFF {{endif}}
  22. Yep, because request.id will be the id of the topic. Is that the entirety of the requirement? Those groups, and those forums, and show in posts?
  23. Which specific groups and in which specific forums? Knowing this will help with checking your code - the above currently means that: If they are in the listed groups then show nothing, otherwise if the forum is 3 then show something, otherwise nothing (go with \in_array, by the way)
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