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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. v2.0.0 is currently pending approval... NEW Added functionality in Tracker to allow quick addition of email and/or IP addresses to your site's ban setting. Available only if using the check against "Non-Registrable Email Addresses" the tracked entry has been tracked as a 'Valid' email the email and IP address are definitely not already banned (someone manually adding them since the email was tracked) Added functionality to allow deletion of entries in the Tracker, either individual entries, all entries or specific email or IP addresses The 'ban' button: Confirmation of what to ban: Tada!!
  2. v1.1.0 NEW Added functionality to allow users to add their own Mastodon servers FIXES Fixed issue with site servers not being saved correctly CHANGES Minor language string changes Moved CSS styling out of template into CSS file
  3. For that to be considered and looked at, unfortunately you're going to need to provide a bit more than "it would be nice" I would need to understand the benefit to you, and what email addresses/IP addresses you are talking about (if they are in the tracker then the application has done its job as configured - why does adding that information to the ban filters add value?)
  4. @Clover13 Global block... Create a custom HTML block, add other blocks in using the {block='myblock'} logic and then drag the custom block into place.
  5. .ipsQuote{ background-color: red; } .ipsQuote_citation{ background-color:cyan; } .ipsQuote_contents{ background-color: orange; }
  6. Firefox, on Windows. Typography - Invision Community — Mozilla Firefox 2022-12-27 18-49-28.mp4 Chrome, on Windows. Typography - Invision Community - Google Chrome 2022-12-27 18-50-29.mp4
  7. v1.1.0 is currently pending approval NEW Setting added to assist with the situation where the custom profile field you wish to show is not set to be shown on the user's profile. You can now choose to see a listing of fields in the settings, based on: PROFILE = "Show on member's profile?" is set to something other than "Do not show" (this is the current behaviour, hence need for this new setting) EDIT = "Member can edit value?" is enabled. STAFF = field is editable by a staff member (for use when the above two don't list the field for you - if in doubt, select this one so you can see all fields)
  8. So, after a little testing, a better explaination of the issue (for other's reading this) is that you can't see the profile fields in the settings of the plugin, if the profile field is configured as per your screenshot. I'll have a think about possible changes here to accommodate whatever use-case you have for the above.
  9. Is this a loaded question in that you have tried it and it isn't working? If so, provide more details on what the problem is.
  10. This resource allows you to place profile fields in the quick registration page. If it is possible to create a checkbox profile field then I would expect that it is possible to use this to then place it on the quick registration page.
  11. What type of block? If Editor then what you see is what you get - you typed in the content that is going to be displayed (same for using the WYSIWYG editor block in the front-end too) If Manual HTML then you're on the right track to use the key, as it allows template logic (which is what the {advertisement=....} is) in the content. If Manual PHP then you won't have been able to save the block as {advertisement=....} isn't PHP.
  12. With 3 characters per group ID, plus 61 commas = more than the length of the column... Just pointing out the reason for the error. Ask Invision nicely to change the length.
  13. So once this gets approved, it will be followed up by v1.1.0 - this will allow you to give users the ability to put their own choices of Mastodon servers in place too
  14. Pretty much what it says...the data you are attempting to save in mgroup_others (column for secondary groups) is too long for the column. That column's length is 245 in the schema.json: Does the member really need to be in that many secondary groups?
  15. Thanks - can confirm that I can reproduce with that too. And it's something to do with the device model in the User Agent that is the triggering it. This in the emulator will see the issue... Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; motorola edge 5G UW (2021)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 This won't - all I have done is remove the space between edge & 5G: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; motorola edge5G UW (2021)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 This won't either - I have removed the word edge... Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; motorola 5G UW (2021)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 And this won't either - I have added a letter to the word edge... Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; motorola 5G edger 5G UW (2021)) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36 And with that, my theory is that the browser is being detected as the unsupported non-Chromium based version of Microsoft Edge that came out a few years and triggering onwards issues as a result. And now I am out.
  16. Pending approval at the time of posting. Adds a Mastodon option to the default share services provided by the community suite. Settings included to... Populate the target Mastodon servers for share links If you list one server, then a normal Mastodon button will be displayed (screenshot 1) However if you list multiple servers then that button becomes a menu instead (screenshot 2) Use a Font Awesome icon instead of the bundled SVG image Requires the use of the (aXen) Font Awesome 5 in IPS plugin or the (aXen) Font Awesome 6 in IPS application (by @aXenDev)
  17. That's not a feature of the application - but to do the above, you should go to the indicated area below, and add the email address to your site's ban settings. Once you've done that then the application can be used to:
  18. Then getting the actual string might be useful (that's what the post earlier was for) to investigate further. With regards to your user agent - it's for a browser that isn't supported by CKEditor, so not surprised that something strange is going on.
  19. Being honest, I' m not sure they're using Chrome either if you've gotten that user agent information (from your reproduction steps) from him previously.
  20. I may having fallen back in, as I decided to dump out CKEDITOR.env and take a closer look... @Clover13 - ask that user to go to https://www.whatsmyua.info/ in Chrome and Firefox and provide back the exact text of the user agent string
  21. Following the addition of a check of the browser's compatibility with CKEditor, using a good old alert(CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible), then finding that it comes back as False, and then forcing that to True, I have now decided to get out of the rabbit hole. Good luck!
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