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Nathan Explosion

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Not looked but I would expect that a hook into save in \IPS\forums\Forum will be needed to allow you to grab your fields to allow you to then insert them to your table, and to also unset them from the values so that it doesn't attempt to save in forums_forum.
  2. If you are intending to release the resource on the MP then you shouldn't think about doing this and instead should... To then retrieve those settings when loading a forum, you'd need to hook into constructLoadQuery in \IPS\forums\Forum and do something like this: protected static function constructLoadQuery( $id, $idField, $extraWhereClause ){ $parent = parent::constructLoadQuery($id, $idField, $extraWhereClause); $parent->join('your_table', 'your_table.forumid=forums_forum.id'); return $parent; }
  3. v2.2.0 is now pending approval NEW Added support for Adriano Faria's Security Question Password Mask plugin
  4. Moving support for this away from PM (as I now have mine disabled) to a support topic.
  5. v2.2.0 is currently pending approval NEW Added a new setting to the 'Email validation' functionality which will allow suppression of the requirement for a validation code if a Guest has previously validated their email address within the last x amount of time (X is set to 0 at the time of installation, requiring a validation code each time) Added support for Adriano Faria's "Contact Us" application Submissions made using that application will now be checked against the services configured in this application The 'Email validation' functionality is also available for Guest submissions.
  6. As you don't indicate how you recovered, I am going to assume that you just uploaded the PHP files from the prior version. You need to upload everything, because if you leave a specific .json file from the newer version in place on a restored older version then you get that message. How do I know? Because I added a new version to the applications\core\data\versions.json file on an existing instalation of 4.7.9 beta 1 And here is the result: Recover ALL the files, not just the PHP files.
  7. Moving support for this away from PM (as I now have mine disabled) to a support topic. v2.1.0 is currently pending approval NEW Added support for @Adriano Faria's Topic Password Protection application
  8. No - the files are uploaded as attachments via the Editor in which you are located. For example: in a forum topic/post, the files are uploaded via the editor - and therefore stored in the location for attachments. if this was a completely standalone application, then I could do the above as per Adriano's application - but it isn't. I will keep it in mind for a future version, but zero promises.
  9. Yup, just checked the code...line 780 $tempData['blog']['video']['limit'] = $values[static::$videnLangPrefix . 'blog_limit']; If you're on Cloud, let me know and I'll release a bug fix.
  10. Actually, that'll be an easy fix without even looking at the code. If you are self-hosted and have access via FTP, edit the following file: applications\neappmediarecording\modules\admin\recorder\nmrsettings.php Search for viden and replace it with video - simple typo, and likely in the Blogs section of the processing of the form. Wouldn't have picked this up previously as I don't use Blogs. Thanks for the purchase.
  11. OK - I'll look into it over the weekend.
  12. This one? If so, simply change the domain element of the link (plus a little modification to https://) http://cpica.invisionconnect.com/uploads/gallery/category_35/gallery_1_35_12233.jpg to https://cpica.ca/uploads/gallery/category_35/gallery_1_35_12233.jpg
  13. Because the developer doesn't currently hold an active license.
  14. The above would be relevant for logging in - but the user isn't talking about that, they are talking about discouraging the use of the email address as the display name. Go to the following area in the ACP (Customization -> (Localization) Languages) and click 'Add phrase' and create an entry with username_desc as the key, and put your content into the default value field. Result: Where to go in the ACP:
  15. v3.0.0 is currently pending approval NEW Added functionality to provide the ability to reorder pinned topics in forums. The feature is available to users with the "Can reorder pinned topics?" moderator permission The order of topics is specific to each forum - if using the "Fluid" view of forums, this will have its own pinned topic order unrelated to the configured order of topics contained within sub-forums. Added a "Default state" setting which controls whether the pinned topics section will be expanded or collapsed by default. CHANGES Minor language string updates
  16. Reproducible with: https://www.theadminzone.com Not reproducible with: https://www.theadminzone.com/tags/forum/
  17. Reproduced on Firefox and Chrome...no plugins in the browser: It's definitely being submitted to check if it needs to be embedded, and it appears to be detected as an image. Here's the request: And here's the response: Not reproducible using https://www.ynwa.tv though (image = false)
  18. Or just edit your theme's settings, go to the front end colours and set the Mentions entry to the colour of your choice (this now works, it didn't previously)
  19. v3.0.0 of this is currently in final testing...have some of this goodness! Category One - YNWA.TV (Test site) — Mozilla Firefox 2023-03-17 19-29-05.mp4
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