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    aia reacted to Yamamura in So much empty space...   
    Wow, I love this minimalistic quoting that doesn't take up space:

    Invision is so dated 😞
  2. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from sobrenome in Amazon Elastic Transcoder - mov to mp4 SDK   
    Better not just Amazon, but also (at least) FFmpeg.
  3. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in Persist forum view setting for logged in members   
    Members would like the choice to select from one of the available forum views (grid, traditional forum view, simplified listing with filters) and have that value persist across sessions on their member account. After submitting a support request, we were informed that this setting is stored in a cookie. Members clearing cookies, using multiple devices, or browing incognito are not having this value saved.
    This should be a user account setting, restored upon login regardless of whether or not cookies are stored.
  4. Like
    aia reacted to Colonel_mortis in Allow following users' new content on a per-user basis   
    Currently, there are no config options when following a member, so it's just binary following/not following. This means that you have to opt into all or nothing for being notified about new content posted by your followees - there's no way to follow a member for status updates only.
    It would make sense if the follow dialog when following a member let you choose between "status updates only" and "all content".
    Implementing this would be pretty straight forward I believe - just update the special casing of following members in \IPS\core\front\modules\system\notifications::follow to add another option for status updates only, then update the follow types checked when sending status notifications to include that type. Unfortunately the aforementioned follow method is basically unhookable because it constructs and uses the form in the same method without exposing it to hooks.
  5. Like
    aia got a reaction from cocoliso in Option "Insert external images only by HTTPS"   
    It looks like one important question was missed in the off-topic messages flow:
  6. Thanks
    aia reacted to PoC2 in Please add ...-nocookie.com and &rel=0 for YouTube embeds   
    For increased privacy, please offer youtube-nocookie.com and adding &rel=0 to auto-embeds for YouTube videos.
    Safari 14 now makes it trivially easy to see what trackers are trying to follow you on what web sites. Cheers.

  7. Confused
    aia reacted to Charles in IPS miss Saved Content   
    For such a thing you can use the Follow system but choose not to notify you of activity or you can use your browser's built-in bookmark feature.
  8. Like
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in User groups should be blocked from Flag as Spammer by config   
    Why on earth would you be able to flag another moderator as a spammer?
    The ability to be flagged as a spammer should be a usergroup permission item, or the tool should have a list of groups that it can be used with.

  9. Thanks
    aia reacted to kmk in IPS miss Saved Content   
    While using forums or ips platform, is necessary to save some posts, topics, or whatever content for future access, there are Follow and I like features, but still miss Saved Content feature. So many time I want to revisit some technical posts, but I lost in the search functionality...
  10. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in Post-upgrade configuration onboarding   
    It would be lovely if the next IPS major upgrade were to provide administrators with a walkthrough of all new configuration options either during the upgrade or post-upgrade. This would help us identify what settings and features have new behavior or options that did not exist prior to the upgrade, so we can make decisions on what appropriate values would be to set. Some effort was made for an onboarding experience for new installs, yet a "what's new" onboarding would be most helpful.
    Further broken down by:
    New things that are turned off by default, but you might want to consider turning on Things that will be turned on by default, but you might want to consider turning off New options for things that already existed, yet now have additional granularity or choices From the 4.5 release, some things that would have been nice to be guided through in this way would have been the addition of Pixabay, the configuration of the thread statistics and timeline settings, calling out the move of the anonymous login setting to within account settings, etc.
  11. Like
    aia got a reaction from CoffeeCake in A Small Observation (Moderation Edits)   
    I also would love to see here an option to display these messages to all users but without mentioning the exact moderator, who performed the action.
    I.e., groups with permissions will see:
    %username% changed the title from "ABC" to "123" %username% moved %n% messages to the %topic% While ordinary users will see:
    Moderator changed the title from "ABC" to "123" Moderator moved %n% messages to the %topic% Where %username% is the username and Moderator is just text.
  12. Like
    aia reacted to Brian Klein in A Small Observation (Moderation Edits)   
    I do have a small observation or small critique on this; please don't take this the wrong way but it seems like this could be a big issue moving forward and I hope my voice will be heard here. I mean NO disrespect.
    ACP -> Community -> Forums -> Settings -> disable "Moderation events between posts"
    I feel this option should not be an 'On' or 'Off' option, but rather a "permission set" type of item or perhaps both one to turn it on and another to allow who can see these; allowing me to chose which groups can see it. I feel this particular item is a staff only sort of item and I wish there was a way to only allow my moderators or administrators to see this; guests have no reason to see moderated modifications to posts but staff does. While this option is awesome for staff use, it seems a bit misplaced allowing a visitor to see changes that moderators do.
    Please don't take this to heart, I just feel it is a change that needs to be implemented having used the product a long time, love the staff, and company, it comes from a good heart and place.
  13. Like
    aia reacted to Noble~ in When plugin/application upgrades fail in 4.5   
    I hope not 🙁
  14. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in When plugin/application upgrades fail in 4.5   
    Today @Michael.J's Auto Welcome plugin was updated with 4.5 support. As a part of the upgrade process in 4.5, an incrementing process runs to presumably move data out of a Not Good Place(tm) in the database into a place deemed acceptable by IPS Marketplace guidelines. As we have many, many members, this process was slowly incrementing, 50 at a time, toward the very large number of members that we have. This must have met the IPS standards and must have been blessed by IPS' review process.
    Unfortunately, my internet connection blipped out during the upgrade, causing the process to fail, and leaving the plugin in a state where it's not fully updated, it's trying to rerun SQL queries that were already run, and there's no way to move forward. I can't download the 4.5 resource to see what it's doing, nor can I restart or pickup the upgrade process. Maybe I could uninstall and lose all data associated with it through a reinstall, but that's ... less than ideal.
    What's the plan, IPS, for this sort of stuff? Who supports this? You? Michael, the third party developer? I'm out of luck? Thankfully we test rigorously before doing things in production, yet it seems that these sorts of things (moving data within the database) should be required to be developed as background processes that continue to run and aren't dependent on the administrator's internet connection. Is that not possible for plugin/application development? Are you not thinking to check for this? Did this get overlooked? Where's the developer documentation for background processes even located?
    No criticism of Michael here. He's doing good work, and making a good product. IPS needs to take ownership of this nonsense by making it impossible to see these issues in advance and locking out downloads from the Marketplace. This isn't the Apple experienced we were promised. And if there's a place where Michael could have learned about how to setup background tasks in the upgrade process for a plugin or application, then I should be able to find it when I look at the developer docs.
  15. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in When plugin/application upgrades fail in 4.5   
    That would be the day we'd immediately begin transitioning to another platform.
  16. Thanks
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in When plugin/application upgrades fail in 4.5   
    No, it's not a terrible idea on its face, and I don't think it's fair to characterize it as such. IPS is now dealing with the reality of the concerns raised during the beta. If I, as a customer, had a marketplace available to me of supported, quality products, that IPS took ownership of, controlled, and gave me assurances would be supported long term, I'd have no issue here. I'd just open up a support request, let you know that something was not working right, and IPS would help me fix it.
    Now that you recognize the degree to which the items available via Marketplace are not following your best practices, I'm glad you're doing something about it. Please continue that effort. It improves the ecosystem. Yet, I think we'd be better served if you owned the shortcomings of the execution of that strategy, rather than characterizing those who alerted you to the issue in advance of having some sort of agenda. I also think you need to be in better touch and communication with your stakeholders regarding your roadmap for major changes like this and involve them in those conversations so you can get a better sense of the impact that may be difficult to see from your perspective. We could have likely had a thirty minute call that could brought to light these issues and concerns earlier on in the process and have helped guided your direction and execution. I think IPS would be well served to seek out and embrace those sorts of partnerships with customers.
    Maybe that's the goal, yet the state of Marketplace in 4.4 and below was exactly the opposite, and you're now catching up. From our vantage point, the Marketplace was a hodgepodge of questionable practices, of which there was no assurance of quality, stability, or functionality. I'm glad higher degrees of scrutiny are being placed on new offerings, and that you're seeing just how that was the case, yet the purpose of my opening the topic is to ask what happens when your best of intentions fail. This is an example of where there's a clear lapse in the considerations being made by reviewers. This is an issue IPS needs to address to reach your goal. Part of the review plan should be install/upgrade/delete this on a large sized community.
    We purchased your software because it was modifiable, and with the intent to modify it ourselves to suit our community's needs. We know that what is good for our community may be completely different from the needs of other customers. And to be able to create modifications, we do need the access to developer documentation and to the community of developers that is currently available only to those who contribute Marketplace resources. We purchased modifications from your Marketplace in 4.4 because we were able to see, understand, support, and take over maintenance of those resources without depending on someone else. Now that this isn't the case, and we don't yet have the necessary trust in the direction the Marketplace is shifting, we've had to quickly reverse course and strategy to making the modifications ourselves. We went from two custom modifications in 4.4 that weren't from the Marketplace to ten customizations we've developed ourselves in preparation to migrate to 4.5. In addition to taking on that technical debt, we're being limited in learning from the collaborations with others. That's not right.
    For the Marketplace to work for communities like ours, we need assurances on the following things:
    IPS' commitment to amend its review processes to look for issues that manifest themselves in larger communities (i.e. communities with millions of rows in each core table) and for issues that occur in the install, upgrade, and removal of third-party resources. Support for circumstances that arise from missing an issue on the IPS review of a third-party product (i.e. "We missed that this botched the conversion process in our review, so we'll provide support to you to fix the state it's in and work with the developer to get it working") Transparency in the expectations you place on developers that are viewable to individuals who have not released an item on the Marketplace (i.e. where can I learn about developing background tasks?). IPS' assurances to address the very real, and unfortunate reality of a third-party developer being no longer able to support or update a resource purchased through the black-box of a Marketplace. (i.e. We can't have a dependency of Developer X being the only one with keys to our enterprise.) IPS' commitment to notify self-hosted clients well in advance of major strategy changes such as these in the future. We would have significantly amended our budgeting and resource allocation had we known about this change to the Marketplace in advance, and you lost a great deal of the trust we put in you as a vendor by failing to do so. We're left with egg on our face making up for this lapse in the eyes of our stakeholders. We see ourselves as having a symbiotic relationship with Invision, where our respective successes help grow and support each other. We want you to succeed in these ventures as your successes enable ours. Yet we need to have a trust in our partner to ensure that our interests are protected. Doing so positions us to be advocates for your company and solutions, over simply being a client looking for the next best thing.
  17. Like
    aia got a reaction from Yamamura in So much empty space...   
    Some related problems:
  18. Like
    aia got a reaction from bosss in So much empty space...   
    Some related problems:
  19. Thanks
    aia got a reaction from kmk in So much empty space...   
    Some related problems:
  20. Thanks
    aia reacted to bearback in So much empty space...   
    got to admit even with all available options showing and enabled there is still a lot of white space and does not look good. needs reducing or options moving to reduce the space.  Apart from that the theme seems a lot brighter than the previous one. 
  21. Like
    aia reacted to Quotes in So much empty space...   
    The existence of this topic is enough to tell you some people are unhappy with this change.
    We could have it both ways with an option to minimise the new additional header space - e.g. disable follow section, reposition, toggle
    Both viewpoints can co-exist but at the moment only one is being catered for.
  22. Thanks
    aia reacted to Morrigan in Ability to multi-quote selected text   
    No, do it similar to the way you multiquote full posts. When the "Quote selection" popup comes up have a "plus sign" that quotes that text.
    The biggest flaw I'm finding with the "select text" bit of quoting is that, if you have a few posts that you want to quote specific text from spans multiple pages the only way to do it is to multi-quote then to cute the quote down to the specific text (or texts) that you actually wanted to quote which is tedious at best.
  23. Thanks
    aia reacted to Yamamura in So much empty space...   
    I can take a screenshot of forum 4.4 where everything was fine.

    Why did they move the follow button to a separate line, which takes up a HUGE white space??? Previously, this button was in the title bar and did not take up extra space. Read "Web Design For Dummies" before commenting here.
  24. Like
    aia reacted to Gabriel Torres in Location of "Edit" and "Report" links on the new 4.5 theme   
    I had to edit our theme here to restore the "Edit" and "Report" links to their previous (< 4.5) locations. The "Report" link must be very visible to our users, and as for the "Edit" link, it gives us extra work. When seeing a post that requires editing, our moderators must scroll back to the top of that post, click on the "..." and then click on "Edit". So, there are two extra steps required, i.e. wasted time.
    Just my two cents.
  25. Like
    aia reacted to CoffeeCake in Location of "Edit" and "Report" links on the new 4.5 theme   
    After converting our community to 4.5, we received almost unanimous feedback that the moving of these links was a crime against humanity. I'll be posting a free plugin on the Marketplace that restores all that is right in the world.
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