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Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. Hey Adriano....I'm getting the same thing I think: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' (0) #0 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::autoloader('IPS\\invite\\task...') #1 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('IPS\\invite\\task...') #2 /xxx/system/Task/Task.php(718): class_exists('IPS\\invite\\task...') #3 /xxx/system/Task/Task.php(198): IPS\_Task::constructFromData(Array) #4 /xxx/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(56): IPS\_Task::queued() #5 {main} I had to disable Invites as it caused a huge backlog of system log errors. If there's a fix, could you pass it along? Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the response @rebraf. I checked the Bulk Mail product filter, and no, it is completely different. The Bulk Mail filter presents all current products as it should, and it also rather nicely nests them in their respective categories (whereas with EDC it was just one long list). If you want screenshots just let me know. Hope this helps!
  3. Hey @rebraf, A bug in EDC which needs remedying: I am trying to set up a drip campaign which begins when a member purchases a product or a selection of products. All well and good - however, I find that when I check the Product Purchased option and access the Products drop-down menu, the list includes every single product I've ever created in Commerce, whether they're current or deleted years ago - including tests from a couple of years back and custom invoices I created for individual clients! So obviously this list needs to reflect current products only. Thanks!
  4. I can verify that this also happens when one tries to order invoices in the Commerce module using the Customer field.
  5. Hope I'm posting this in the right place! Not a critical issue, but something I've noticed on a couple of occasions: I've been viewing active/running tasks in my community suite (adminCP>System>Advanced Configuration>View Tasks), of which there are 3 pages. I click Frequency because I want to see the tasks which run the most frequently at the top, in descending order. However, the list soon loses its sort order, as reflected in the screenshot below: By the last page, everything seems a bit off the rails in terms of sort frequency: I've seen similar issues when sorting columns in other adminCP views (it was a while back, so I can't remember what the old issue was). Just pointing this out in case someone wants to review the sorting processes for column data (I haven't yet tried sorting by date to see if analogous issues arise). Thanks!
  6. Of course....but I'm not the one who (ideally) tests its different functions under different circumstances. That's why the dev is a dev! And even then the app doesn't cause any issues...until it does. But at least the dev has used their expertise to give it trial runs and catch anything which mainstream users may not think to try.
  7. Couldn't agree more. I don't rest easy unless and until the developer actually takes the time to verify compatibility.
  8. @tnn makes a great point here. It seems obvious, but many sites don't provide a simple "About" post (or page) to tell people exactly what your forum (or site) is about. Something like a mission statement with good, relevant keywords in this page or post would also help your rankings on some level.
  9. Google has dedicated resources on how to write meta tags for its search engine (including which meta tags not to bother with), so I'd highly suggest checking that out first.
  10. OK, I've been messing about with EDC and I'm having difficulties setting up immediate post-purchase emails. I have set up a test campaign with an immediate thankyou email, a 2-day followup, and a 4-day followup. No matter what I do, the immediate email doesn't work - when I check Members in the adminCP, the next action is the 2-day followup; it seems the immediate step is being skipped. It also doesn't seem to matter whether or not Invision's own custom post-purchase emails are enabled (I initially thought there might have been a conflict).
  11. Hi @rebraf...in my initial tests of EDC I just wanted to point out some missing language strings. If you're viewing a member in the adminCP and click the All Recent Account Activity at the right-hand side, there are missing values:
  12. Sounds like icons with hover text may be a good replacement strategy...
  13. Hey @newbie LAC....just wondering when this will be updated for 4.6? I'm currently using it on 4.6, and while everything seems to work I'm hoping it will at least be version-updated so I can access it from the Marketplace. Thanks!
  14. I don't know if this is since upgrading to 4.6.x, but I noticed that when you mouse over a member name to bring up their hovercards the button labels are truncated, like so: So perhaps the card should be a bit wider....or the text a bit smaller?
  15. While I'm working on my test site, I wanted to take the opportunity to say that I really, really like what you folks at Invision have done with the Support page in the adminCP. You've really changed things up and made things very accessible and put a lot of useful server information in plain view (including System and Error Logs, which I may rarely remember to check otherwise!). And the Clear Cache button is finally here! Well done, and keep up the good work! 👍
  16. On my test site I sell Black, Green, and Special Blue Widgets. If I purchase 8 Black, 3 Green, and 1 Special Blue Widget, I receive 13 emails - 1 for the Payment Pending notification (since I'm testing with Bank Transfer) and 12 separate emails for each individual product purchased! Now I realise that this is "a feature and not a bug," since the Custom Emails stipulates that "The emails defined here will be sent for each purchase, so if a customer purchases more than one of this product, they will receive more than one email." But unless I'm missing some configuration option, IMHO it doesn't look incredibly professional to flood someone's email inbox with so much redundant email (and could a site get blacklisted or blocked for sending so many emails at once, depending on the volume of product purchased?). Are there plans to revise this? In the above example, I would expect to receive 4 emails - the first being a Payment Pending, and then one email for each product purchased (regardless of quantity). I mean, do I need to be thanked for each Black Widget I buy?
  17. Thanks for the reply @rebraf. I figured #2 was a little outside the app's wheelhouse, and you make a good argument as to why it might be a bit taxing on resources - especially if one wants emails sent out on all major holidays! As it stands, I'm definitely impressed enough to go ahead and pull the trigger on this. I would, however, humbly suggest you consider filtering by specific forum and/or section (containers), as I think that would really power-up an already great-looking app. Looking forward to using it! 🙂
  18. Hey there, Definitely interested in this app! A couple of questions (and perhaps ideas for future versions?): Is it possible to save campaigns to your local computer for backup (and of course reload them)? Or would this be overkill? Is it possible to create campaigns which send emails/PMs to specific groups, etc. on specific calendar dates, e.g. Christmas, New Years, etc.? You mention a trigger for when a user makes their first post. Can we limit a campaign to trigger on a first post for a specific forum (or even forums group)? This could also apply to specific blogs, albums/galleries...That level of granularity would be seriously awesome...especially for me, as I have "free" and "paid" areas and would only want certain messages to go to users who posted in the free public forums (and not, say, to paid users who post in their private Club's forums - a different message for that possibly!). Apologies if these ideas have already been mentioned/discussed. Thanks!
  19. Hey @Fosters...just upgraded to 4.6 and upgraded Notices to 2.0.1. I can create Notices without issues, but when I try set a date range to a Notice I get the following error: Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (14/07/21 12:00 AM) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character (0) #0 XXX/applications/notices/sources/Notice/Notice.php(307): DateTime->__construct('14/07/21 12:00 ...') #1 /XXX/system/Node/Controller.php(420): IPS\notices\_Notice->formatFormValues(Array) #2 /XXX/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\Node\_Controller->form() #3 /XXX/system/Node/Controller.php(69): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /XXX/applications/notices/modules/admin/notices/Notice.php(46): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #5 /XXX/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\notices\modules\admin\notices\_Notice->execute() #6 /XXX/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #7 {main}
  20. OK, cool. But if it doesn't need an update, perhaps it would be a good idea to update the version number (or compatibility setting or whatever) to facilitate future updates through the Marketplace?
  21. Hey Adriano....I'm sure you've already heard this question 1000 times, and I know you have lots of checks/upgrades, but just wondering when the 4.6.x upgrade was planned for Quizzes?
  22. Thanks Randy - yeah, someone else told me that the Marketplace excludes anything incompatible with your current version. A bit of extra work for upgrading, since there are some apps (like Linkfavicon) that still work on 4.6.x. Could Fosters then check and just adjust the version number, like other devs have done?
  23. Hey there, Just wondering what the status is on the 4.6.x compatibility? Not to sound all "me me me," but I rely on Clubs for my business and I'm sure many others here rely heavily on this app for Club enhancements.
  24. Any word on 4.6.x compatibility?
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