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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. Thanks! I'll check it out. And for some reason I need that line in my custom.css in order to remove the commas on my test install (which is a fresh 4.5.3), but the line works so no issues there. 👍
  2. Did you try forcing a fresh page reload (CTRL+F5) and/or clearing your browser's cache(s)? Apart from making sure your browsers are completely up-to-date that's about all I can offer.
  3. @marco2306I'm having the same problem after a clean install on 4.5.3. Try using Firefox - I can click the pencil and edit the ticker with Firefox, but not with any other browser it seems (I've tried Edge, Chrome, and Brave as well, the most recent browser versions on two different computers).
  4. @FZThis looks different, and much more serious than what I was experiencing (I got no error messages; my CSS just tanked). I'm sure you've already logged a support ticket with Invision, which is the only advice I could give. Good luck!
  5. Oh, I meant this fix (above): This got rid of the commas in the list, but online users are still displaying twice.
  6. Hey @Adriano Faria, I'm running this plugin on 4.5.3. I implemented the code fix you suggested to me a while back (above) to get rid of the comma, but for some reason online users display twice:
  7. Thanks to everyone for their responses. I did mention the time because usually Invision respond pretty quick to my tickets regardless of day of the week. But no real gripes on that count anyway (although it was an urgent request and strangely it's been more than 24 hrs. and no reply...) I actually managed to navigate my way back to the Support page and click the option that gets to clearing the cache. That seems to have reset things and the formatting has returned (thankfully!). I actually get this problem intermittently: I go to Support and when the cache clears, and I try to return to the adminCP Dashboard but all my formatting instantly tanks. I have to sign out and sign back in to the adminCP in order to return to the Support page. 😞 That usually clears it up but this time for some reason it was persisting. So others have had this issue too? Interesting. I thought maybe it was because I'm on a VPS and not the cloud, but just guessing.
  8. Hey everyone, OK, so I go to log in to my site and I discover that my adminCP CSS is broken. No page formatting - everything loads as ugly raw HTML bullet-point lists and nothing works - I cannot do any back-end development as a result. I have not changed the adminCP theme at all (I never do). THe only thing I've done is install a new 4.5.3 theme, which I do not use for the adminCP whatsoever. The only other thing I think I've done has been to use the Support function, which cleared the cache (which has caused this problem in the past - it shouldn't, I know - but it always ultimately reloads until now). As one can no longer submit critical or important support tickets, and this current ZenDesk request has sat for 3+ hours with no response, I'm hoping someone who has experience this can be of assistance? Perhaps there's a file in which I can set the default theme or something in the hopes that it helps? Or something I can do to rebuild the cache (since it seems to be a formatting/CSS related thing!?!). I'm really just guessing as I have no idea what went wrong (adminCP was working fine yesterday). Rebooted my VPS as well, to no avail. Thanks!
  9. OK, so I was told by a developer that IPS plans to discontinue custom button management for CKEditor. 😞 I know there's a rationale behind this from the IPS side of things, but this poses a problem for myself and, I suspect, several other uses here who operate more "writerly" sites - sites that realise they aren't WordPress but would still like functionality to format text and sections in an article, blog post, even a forums post beyond the barebones CKEditor configuration. So my question/plea is: if what I'm hearing is accurate, could IPS please please consider a viable and flexible alternative? Is it possible to incorporate a new build of CKEditor which includes, for example, tables, color picker, and other essential formatting elements which are updated regularly? As it stands I have a couple of brilliant plugins (like @shahed's Wiki plugin and Infobox) which are now for all intensive purposes useless. OK, I get it, things change, but here's hoping for a CKEditor which evolves with IPS. It would also be nice to not have to reinstall more mainstream functionality like tables, colors, etc. every time IPS updates something which changes the CKEditor version. (I'd push for footnotes, but the CKEditor Footnotes plugin stopped working a few versions ago and hasn't been updated for years. 😥😥) So if you fine folks at IPS could tell us what you have planned that would be great. 👍
  10. Hi Adriano...any news on an updated version for 4.5.x?
  11. Hello, I think it would be a great idea to have notifications for new content in Club components, e.g., Forums, Blogs, FIles, etc. - exactly like the PM notification. It could list the number of new content items in said component, or (easier?) perhaps just a red dot or mini explosion icon or dare I say.....admin configurable? Either way, I think it would be a great way of showing people who splash down in a Club there's new content and where it is. Just a small icon in the top right of the component's button in the Club menu. Thanks!
  12. Hi all, I could be splitting hairs here, but is there an easy way to offer two different payment options with different costs for product X? If I want to offer PayPal but pass PayPal's costs on to the client, is there a way to list both options for the same product without creating two different products, e.g. two options for product X: pay via bank transfer or PayPal? I suspect most people bundle this fee into their product cost across the board, but I thought I'd ask. Thanks!
  13. I don't know if I'm late to the party on this and it's already been mentioned, but: I'd really, really like to be able to create file categories (which function like sub/folders) to organise Club files.
  14. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this or not, but: I have discovered a somewhat obscure glitch when using AF and sharing Gallery items to Facebook: If you want to share a Gallery image to FB if you have AF installed, it must have a description. If you try to share an image which doesn't have a description (just title and user comments etc.) AF seems to interfere; one of the blocks' text content appears where the description should. I disabled AF and was able to share description-less images without problem.
  15. Thanks Adriano! I assume this new version effectively replaces the Auto Follow Club plugin?
  16. LOL yeah got that at last...thank you! 😀
  17. OK, but I have no option to download - only the $30 purchase button. Am I missing something?
  18. So wait a second...since I have Clubs Enhancements do I have to apply for a discount or something? I don't have a download option - only purchase. NVM....read the original message. 😄 Will PM you.
  19. @Rikki made a dark theme for the core suite some time ago if I'm not mistaken. Not sure if it's been recently updated though.
  20. Awesome,,,works great. Many thanks for the update. 😁
  21. @Kevin Carwile, since you're the guy for this app now: are plans still in the works to extend this app's full functionality to blogs, pages, and other Invision components? Pretty close to buyin this app but would like to know if this is planned. Thanks!
  22. Hmm...ok: I retried embedding a link on my dev site and it worked. I suppose there was something going on with the connection and fetching the embed information or something. 🤔
  23. Ok, so I just upgraded my test/development site to 4.4 and I think it's broken External Link Rich Embed. After I upgraded I noticed that a previously embedded link had broken, so I tried posting another link (from Wikipedia). The link doesn't embed, and it doesn't post as a clickable link either - it only shows up in a blue font. When I disable the plugin, the link shows up properly.
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