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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. I was working with @CodingJungle's Menu Groups Manager app in the Magnum theme and I got this error: Fatal error: Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global' not found in /.../public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(871) : eval()'d code on line 11 The default Invision theme works fine however. I also tried re-uploading the theme with a freshly-downloaded copy (Upload New Version) but that didn't fix the problem. As it stands, I can't use Magnum at all on my site right now.
  2. 1. Yeah, it was an upgrade and not a fresh install. 2. The first time (when I got the error), no, I don't remember getting the backup page reload. 3. Ok, cool...will try that out. ?
  3. Would it be possible to include an option for a read receipt, or log of who among the recipients has/hasn't read the Bulk PM? If I'm sending an important PM only to paying tutor clients, for example, I may need to know who has/hasn't read it so I can prepare accordingly.
  4. Do you by any chance have a test site or demo of Menu Groups Manager so I can see it in action and get a sense of how menus can be organised? Some of the app description doesn't really make sense to me so I suspect that seeing it in action would help me a lot. Never mind - got to your website and MGM looks pretty sexy. ?
  5. Thanks Mike - there were no extensions specified there so setting that up fixed things. However, something else I just noticed: from the adminCP, I deleted a test category which had one YouTube video in it. It disappears from the Category listing in the adminCP, but the category and video are still on the site! In fact, I just ctrl-F5ed my adminCP Videos category listing and my test category reappeared! So deleting categories doesn't seem to work. EDIT: I tried deleting it again and got the proper menu for move/delete content as well, which for some reason I didn't get when I deleted it the first time around. Don't know what happened there! And one small question: under the General tab when creating a category, what is the Group field for? Thanks!
  6. Cool...thanks for helping me check this out. ?
  7. ok done....and weird! THIS one is draggable...but when I send myself a Sticky Note it isn't.
  8. Yep...even tried changing the position on the page in case it was conflicting with some element or other on screen...still can't get it to drag.
  9. Yesterday I did a completely fresh install of the newest version (2.2.5). Cleared the cache, switched between my custom and default themes again, etc. With a pinned SN I still get the 4-way X-arrow, but can't drag anything. If I switch to taped, The pointer doesn't change at all and I can't move anything. Haven't got time as of yet to enter into the fun process of disabling customisations to see what, if anything, is preventing this specific function. ?
  10. Is anyone else having problems with dragging Sticky Notes on the screen? I have Allow Dragging enabled and have created a new Sticky Note, and when I mouse over the pin the pointer turns into a 4-way arrow X, but I can't seem to click and drag the Note anywhere. I'm using the most recent Firefox.
  11. A (what I think is a) great suggestion for Keywords Tooltips: Could you please pretty please make a Colour-Coded Categories option for Keywords? For example, I use keywords right now to highlight rhetorical techniques and literary devices (anaphora, metaphor, analogy etc). But while I only want a certain group or groups to be able to see these, I'd also like a different category (for, say, philosophy terms or literary works or authors) which might be available to different groups, or to everyone. So instead of customising the one keyword CSS class (which I've done), the ability to specify custom CSS code for each category would take Keywords to the next level. Ohh, yeah. ?
  12. Just updated to Videos 3.3.3, and when I add a new category, fill out title, description etc., then go to add a category image, there are no accepted file types listed and I am unable to upload any image of any format (GIF, PNG, JPG).
  13. Thanks @TAMAN - I'll talk to Adriano.
  14. @TAMAN As you might have read, @Adriano Faria's development of the LMS (Learning Management System) is in full swing. However, I seem to have found a critical error when trying to use the LMS with your custom theme. When I try to create a new School for example I get the following error: ParseError: syntax error, unexpected 'endforeach' (T_ENDFOREACH), expecting elseif (T_ELSEIF) or else (T_ELSE) or endif (T_ENDIF) (0) #0 /home/xxxx/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(741): IPS\Theme\Cache\_Template->exists() #1 [internal function]: IPS\_Theme->getTemplate('school', 'lms', 'front') #2 /home/xxxx/public_html/init.php(460) : eval()'d code(20): call_user_func('parent::getTemp...', 'school', NULL, NULL) #3 /home/xxxx/public_html/applications/lms/modules/front/school/school.php(62): IPS\collab_hook_ipsTheme->getTemplate('school') #4 /home/xxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\lms\modules\front\school\_school->manage() #5 /home/xxxx/public_html/applications/lms/modules/front/school/school.php(43): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/xxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\lms\modules\front\school\_school->execute() #7 /home/xxxx/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} Originally I thought the conflict was with Collabs, but disabling it didn't get rid of the error. However, when I switch from your theme to the default theme everything works fine. When I use the default theme to get into a course view, then switch back to Magnum, I get this: [[Template lms/front/course/viewCourses is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] So it's definitely something to do with the theme. I know it's not "out of date" or anything, but I was wondeirng if you might be able to take a look? Thanks! ?
  15. If it's a cloud plan the best bet is probably to submit a support ticket.
  16. I was also wondering if an option could be included that would allow us to set the default size of text fields? It doesn't always look good when you have several text fields stretching the entire length of the webpage. This is kinda related to my previous idea of being able to set blocks of checkboxes for options instead of having everything listed all the way down the left-hand side of the page in a very linear fashion.
  17. I'm still exploring Forms, but I think the next significant step for the app should be the implementation of Likert scales, since they are the most popular and widely-used scales to measure user attitudes toward issues: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likert_scale
  18. (Umm...sorry for the triple post - for some reason I was posting the original and I got a push notification that read "200+ replies click more." I chose to open that in a new tab and everything went really wonky - saved my post and everything seemed to freeze so tried posting again and I am unable to edit the last post to remove the other instances! )
  19. A question and a comment about "Custom Width": Just a slight point of clarification: in your description for a keyword's "Custom Width" (beneath the field) maybe you should specify that it's for the keyword's hovercard and not the keyword itself (when I first read it I thought this controlled the width of the actual word...now I know that would be CSS ) Is there a way to customise the default width so that we don't have to modify each one if we want all of them to be, say, more than 300px? Thanks! ? A question and a comment about "Custom Width": Just a slight point of clarification: in your description for a keyword's "Custom Width" (beneath the field) maybe you should specify that it's for the keyword's hovercard and not the keyword itself (when I first read it I thought this controlled the width of the actual word...now I know that would be CSS ) Is there a way to customise the default width so that we don't have to modify each one if we want all of them to be, say, more than 300px? Thanks! ? A question and a comment about "Custom Width": Just a slight point of clarification: in your description for a keyword's "Custom Width" (beneath the field) maybe you should specify that it's for the keyword's hovercard and not the keyword itself (when I first read it I thought this controlled the width of the actual word...now I know that would be CSS ) Is there a way to customise the default width so that we don't have to modify each one if we want all of them to be, say, more than 300px? Thanks! ?
  20. Also found the Content Types menu in the Activity tab needs to be done as well :).
  21. I will...but thought I'd mention it here in case you could see anything glaringly apparent in the code. But in the meantime I'll try getting in touch. Do you have any plans to add a per-app configurability to the AF? Selfish question I know, but thought I'd ask anyway. ?
  22. Hi @TAMAN, I think I've discovered a potential conflict between Advanced Footer and @Kevin Carwile's Collabs app. I've configured the AF to display feeds from recent forum posts and media. Normally, AF displays fine, like this: When I am in a Collab ("Domain" on my site) category listing, everything is fine. However, when I am actually inside a Domain things change drastically: in many cases the feeds disappear completely: and in other Domains the Forums feed changes to conform to whatever is in the Domain currently being viewed (below, the topics are in the example Domain forum): Just in case AF is for some reason somehow supposed to display only what's in the viewed Domain, I uploaded a test image into said Domain and refreshed the AF. Nothing new shows up in Recent Media. So the Collab/Domain seems to be messing with the AF feed block settings. I'm hoping a fix for this can be found, as the AF obviously can't be restricted by app (which might be a good idea for a later version)? Thanks!
  23. Just wanted to say a big thank you to @AlexWright, who got me sorted on the button issue in record time! ?
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