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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. I think so too, @Jordan Invision - but I also think it's the kind of thing that would add a new dimension to the Invision suite and allow for all sorts of possibilities - including all the possibilities I can't think of. Thanks for your response and for sending this forward!
  2. Perhaps this is a pipe dream, but as sub-economies have proven to be a very effective way of hijacking goal-oriented psychology I would love to see a native points system in IPB. In such an application one could develop different "banks" for different types of points systems depending on the nature of your website. Examples: "credits" (for purchasing services, Store products, exchanging for cash donations to relevant charities) tokens (for gambling, buying bling for their online personae) hours (if you're like me, you sell hours of tuition and/or consultation) How might these points be accumulated/awarded? Examples: buying blocks of tokens/credits/hours in the Store buying Store products: buy product X and get Y amount of credits in points system Z having the highest-rated answers in a Q/A Support forum having the highest reputation in a given forum Awarding points to people who invite new members to your community completing courses or other certifications Other ideas: Targeted emails to certain groups, or certain individuals when credits/tokens/hours are at X or 0 - time to get more!) Targeted emails to people indicating they've been awarded free tokens/credits/etc. Promotions where points are awarded under special circumstances from dates X to Y Toss tokens into a (virtual) fight pit and watch your community fight for them. Cue the oldschool Star Trek fight music. Dance, puppets, daaaaance! mwuahahaha) Hijacking goal-oriented psych--err, offering points could be a great way to spur development and participation in one's community. They could also obviously be integrated into other apps (or other apps could make use of points) as part of competitions, e.g., submitting the highest-rated photos, articles, blog posts, etc. The possibilities go on and on! As some know there have been a couple of third-party devs who have made Points systems, but I have come to think that if one is going to embed something like this into a community (let alone a business) I wouldn't want to trust it to anyone but the core developers for updates and stability. I obviously can't speak for others, but I for one would be happy to pay for this as an additional (optional) IPS module, similar to the way IP.Downloads is offered.
  3. OK....now I'm really wondering wth is going on with the update's release on the Invision site. How long has it been? @TheJackal84, is it possible for those of us who bought SN on the Invision site to get the update from your site?
  4. Thanks for the update @TheJackal84. I suppose it would be futile to ask if you know when IPS will approve the current 4.5.x version on its site (since it isn't yet available)?
  5. I for one would not agree with this. Renewal schemes have to be seen two ways: 1) yes, from the developer's perspective in terms of work, but 2) you have to think about what your end user is willing to pay for in terms of the functionality they get. This involves getting out of your developer mindset and thinking the way your customers think. Sure, you as the developer might think you've put a lot of work into something so it deserves a renewal fee, but as an end user there are more than a few apps which I won't buy simply because they aren't worth paying for perpetually in terms of their use-value (some of which equate to repurchasing the app every year!). I could name examples, but there are some apps that are drastically overpriced IMO. As useful as I find the app, if Sticky Notes were made into a renewal fee I'd drop it without hesitation. I'm suspicious of renewal fees, since there are some developers (some past, some present) who I believe just use it to gouge. There are exceptions to this rule - developers who actively update and think of new features and evolve their products, but not all developers are like this. I'm not saying anything either way about TheJackal when I say this.
  6. I can only speak for myself, but this is what I wanted to hear - just a basic update as to what's going on, given the length of time it's taken. I also understand that the holiday season will slow things up on top of that. Thanks for letting us know!
  7. @TheJackal84, as mentioned above, there seems to be a 4.5 compatible version on your website. As I have an account there (but did not buy it on your site), would it be possible for you to fix me up with download privileges there so I can get the most recent version (you can see in your records that I've already purchased the app)? I'm sure this would be useful for other members who have been waiting to update Sticky Notes as well.
  8. Yep...checked the file and it's still rated for 4.4. I assume that once it's cleared for the 4.5 version those of us who have enabled version updates will get an email?
  9. Yeah, quite honestly I'm beginning to wonder what's going on with this. @TheJackal84, do you have an update from either you or IPS as to when the 4.5.x revision of this is coming?
  10. Thanks for this, but how do I use this? Is this something I'd look up in the language settings?
  11. Thanks to everyone for their responses! It was lurking in the back of my mind that it might have to do with the language pack, which is a bit surprising, but copying my default language and changing the locale to Australia did the trick, so thanks for that. 🙂 However, this has led to another wrinkle. In the Store on my test site, prices were previously listed correctly in AUD, e.g., "AUD 35". Now, however, with the Aus-locale language set as default, the same price displays as "A$35" when I expected something more like "AUD $35." My default currency is also clearly specified as AUD. Is this a bug or a feature? 😉 Thanks for your help so far!
  12. Thanks for the response @bfarber. By "locale" do you mean something definable in the adminCP, or does that mean the selected currency? If you mean the latter, I don't have USD configured at all in Commerce - only AUD. Either way though, I do find it strange that even in the adminCP view the suite reverts my back-end configuration to Imperial every time.
  13. I've been experimenting with adding physical objects to the Store, and notice that whenever I add the physical dimensions of an object (height/width/weight) I can choose cm over in., kg over lb, etc., but when products display in the website store they are always displayed using Imperial measurements. Moreover, if I return to the product in the AdminCP the suite has reverted my data back to Imperial in the product edit screen. 😶 I can't possibly be the first one to notice this, so I was wondering if this is going to be fixed at some point as a nod to those of us who have embraced the Metric system? 😄
  14. I've been developing a splash-page slideshow (all CSS) as a first encounter for people who visit my base URL. From that page, they can then click through to the main Invision site. So, first visitors who enter/click the base URL go to, say, www.mysite.com/splash, and they can then click through to www.mysite.com/welcome (the main Invision site). My problem is this: since my splash page is configured in Pages and set to be the default page for the main folder, whenever I click my site logo or the Home button I'm sent back to the intro slideshow, which is tedious to say the least. Can I/How do I redirect the Home button/logo to point not to www.mysite.com/splash, but instead to www.mysite.com/welcome so that after they see the slideshow once they can move entirely within the Invision site? Or do I need to tell users to bookmark the welcome page once they're in? Thanks!
  15. Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any tips for creating responsive tables in CKEditor? I'm using the Tables addons to create some FAQs using @HeadStand's wonderful FAQ app, including a simple 2col X 3-4row table. Works great for anything except the smallest (smartphone) display, and even then it's great if you turn your phone on its side but in default view there's text spilling out of the site area. Anyone had experience coding responsive elements in CKEditor who might have some insights about creating simple tables which will display on a default vertical smartphone screen? Thanks!
  16. Have you fine folks at IPS considered a loyalty discount for we existing clients who may be considering purchasing another license?
  17. I totally get this, and have complained about this with other developers. But I also know how much life can get in the way, and after one is here for a while one gets a sense of who the serious developers are, so @TheJackal84 still gets my thumbs-up 🙂. Here's hoping your bad times are brief times!
  18. Sorry...it was just a misunderstanding. It's apparently difficult to install an app you haven't renewed. 😄
  19. Yes, he should. That said, all I have to add is that while we haven't heard from @TheJackal84 in a little while, he does have a rep for being one of the more reliable developers. I have never had issues with him, so while I do think this app should have been updated some time ago I want to see what happens.
  20. I too would like to know when (if?) this is going to be updated for 4.5.
  21. For some reason I can't automatically upgrade this via the new Marketplace auto-update. It's worked for other apps I've upgraded over a test and live website. But for some reason, this one gives me an error window when I attempt an update.
  22. I had PCI disabled on my most recent 4.5.x installation, but when I enable it (or even if I don't), and try to click through to its Marketplace entry I get a red-window error saying: "3C409/G This file is not compatible with the version of Invision Community you are using." So I assume this will interfere with updates at some point? But I'm getting that at least for now it works fine with 4.5.4?
  23. This deserves a bump. I'd love to see a native Categories functionality for Clubs. The very fact that they can be used for so many different things begs for this functionality! All respect to thejackal's work (I have purchased several of his apps and am happy with them), IMO this is essential to have baked in to the native framework without having to pay a subscription/renewal fee (especially since according to one of thejackal's own posts the new framework seems to be creating issues for the third-party creation of categories).
  24. So this file is not currently available for purchase. Is there an issue with it according to IPS? Can you provide an update as to whether or not there will be an update for this app? Thanks!
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