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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by LiquidFractal

  1. Ok I just upgraded to 4.2.2 and a bunch of things are broken. I followed EXACTLY the directions to upgrade without losing customisations: I deleted the two CSS files indicated and then Uploaded a New Version. - can't set background image, even with your Background Picker - there used to be an option where menu options were condensed into a "MORE" option at the right the use could click. Now I get this: and I have to rearrange the entire menu to get rid of these spilled-out options. As I mentioned before, teh Fluid View forums view has NOT been fixed (You can also see the terrrible top menu situation) And the previous option (below) has NOT been solved: It's getting so that I'm afraid to update this theme because something ALWAYS breaks.
  2. I'm really liking the Forms application so far, but a couple of observations/suggestions: Could there be an option to include the field description just above the title? In the following example: the address description ("Your address") is much too far below the field. Being able to include this just above the title instead would make more sense. Right now, the presentation of fields in the Forms is rather linear. Would it be possible to make more use of the on-screen real estate and, for example, allow more than one column for a list of checkbox options? So if you have a list of checkbox options that looks like X X X X X X X You could instead have something like: X X X X X X X X X X X X ? Thanks!
  3. Except that now changing these colours messes with other menus which were fine with the previous colour setup. Below, the blue background around the Spaces tiles is not something I want but making it light again will bring back the problem I had with the Settings menu: So is there custom code for the Settings page? Because changing ipsMenu background hover, for example, also changes the background hover menu options on the splash page menus (in the Sticky Heading). SO I need precise control over the Settings page so nothing else gets changed.
  4. @TAMAN, just letting you know there is another area taht will need to be fixed for the next release: the user Settings page: Thanks!
  5. Hi @TAMAN, Are there any plans as per a previous discussion for an option to make the slider block only visible on the splash page? I think that would be amazing, since some of us use that as a front-page promo for newcomers to the site but don't necessarily want it on every page, e.g. articles being read by people who are already members of the site. I can only speak for myself by saying that this option would be a huge plus, but I think others here have mentioned that too. So please think about this and keep making great stuff. ?
  6. Ahh, so. it just says "TypeError: whitelist is null", and after finding the linkfavicon selection in the adminCP (an indicator on the product page would be helpful ) I entered a couple of sites in the whitelist and the page loads up fine. So right now you have to have at least one entry in the whitelist to get rid of the error. Here's the issue I have with this, however: it seems as if now you have to add each page you link to on the whitelist in order for linkfavicon to show the favicon. For example, on the page I gave above I have two links - one from change.org and another from snopes.com. I added change.org to the whitelist and that comes up fine and fixes the page. However, I still have to add snopes.com in order to get that favicon to show up. Rather inconvenient as it stands, and I (and others I wager) don't have time to add each link we include to the linkfavicon whitelist. For this reason I have to throw in with others here who think a blacklist would be much more useful.
  7. I've used this for a while and really like it, but it seems as if with one of the recent updates (4.3.1 or 4.3.2; I am currently running 4.3.2) this has effectively broken my site. I know it's linkfavicon because I disabled all of my customisations and enabled each one until I got to linkfavicon. Here is my site with favicon disabled: beneath this screen (out of view here) is a link with a favicon followed by some excerpts. Now, below is a picture of the same page with linkfavicon enabled: as you can see, the background doesn't load; the MORE from the first image is broken and on top of the news ticker; the topic cover photo doesn't load, nor do the star pips for the topic rating. As a result of all this, it screws up any number of links so the page is obviously useless. I hope you can fix these issues as I really enjoy using this app on my site!
  8. Oh and - any plans to incorporate Blog posts into the feed blocks? That would be very useful.
  9. Ok, I know someone has probably asked this before but: how do you configure the graceful wavy line separating rows in the screenshot?
  10. NO. You will give it to me NOW. j/k....thanks for letting me know!
  11. Thanks @TAMAN. I might also suggest some padding, and perhaps some control (if possible) over the heading text colour, because if you see below: it would be nice to have it formatted a bit better, and to change the text color for ""Profiles," "Store" etc. But thanks for this! Hm...doesn't seem to work after updating my custom.css with this. That forums panel remains the same.
  12. And yes, one more: I need to be able to customise the Fluid forum view text: Again, I can't change text in the theme menu without throwing of other parts of the site, so I need to tweak these two things manually. Thanks!
  13. Hi @TAMAN, This time I really do need some of your customisation knowledge! All the menu and text colours I have are fine and work everywhere, it seems, except the ModCP menu! Can you provide soem custom code for the wrapper that controls thetext/background colour of the modCP menu at the left hand side of the modCP page, e.g., TOOLS, STORE, etc. (with the options for Deleted Content, Announcements, Recent Warnings)? Thanks!
  14. Thanks Mike. The license issue was occurring on the adminCP page, and only when i (re)installed. Again, it posed no long-lasting problems as I clicked the Refresh license information button and all was well. disabling and enabling Forms didn't raise any issues.
  15. OK, well that was weird...I just deleted the first (default) form that was there upon install and created a new one from scratch and everything seems to be working...
  16. And now, upon editing the first field in my new test form and attempting to save the changes, I get the following error "A configuration or server error has occurred EX1054 Sorry - we couldn't process your request. To contact an Administrator please click Contact, below." Here is the code it returns: UPDATE `form_fields` form_fields SET `field_options`='[""]',`field_value`='',`field_toggles_on`='',`field_toggles_off`='',`field_toggles[]`='',`field_toggles`='[[]]',`field_multiple`=false,`field_required`=true,`field_input_format`='' WHERE field_id=1 IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'field_toggles[]' in 'field list' (1054) #0 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Patterns\\...', Array) #1 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`form_fields` f...', '`field_options`...', 'WHERE field_id=...') #2 [internal function]: IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save() #3 /XXXXX/public_html/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(120): call_user_func_array('parent::save', Array) #4 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Node/Model.php(2214): IPS\Patterns\rules_hook_ipsPatternsActiveRecord->save() #5 [internal function]: IPS\Node\_Model->save() #6 /XXXXX/public_html/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(990): call_user_func_array('parent::save', Array) #7 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Node/Model.php(2997): IPS\Node\collab_hook_ipsNodeModel->save() #8 [internal function]: IPS\Node\_Model->saveForm(Array) #9 /XXXXX/public_html/init.php(458) : eval()'d code(83): call_user_func_array('parent::saveFor...', Array) #10 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(408): IPS\Node\rules_hook_ipsNodeModel->saveForm(Array) #11 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Node\_Controller->form() #12 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(62): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #13 /XXXXX/public_html/applications/form/modules/admin/form/forms.php(38): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute() #14 /XXXXX/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\form\modules\admin\form\_forms->execute() #15 /XXXXX/public_html/admin/index.php(14): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #16 {main} I tried disabling all my customisations and re-saving my changes, but got the same error. ALso, FYI, for some reason on both occasions when I installed Forms I got a system error message saying my license information was out of date. Refreshing the data fixed this, but it seemed to happen upon installing Forms.
  17. I just installed the most recent version fresh on my 4.3.1 install and I'm missing some language strings on he Form Settings tab: Tried installing fresh version overtop the first install (same version), and I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling. Unless I misunderstand, I'm missing some language strings that seem to be present in the sample screenshots e.g. "Email Message"
  18. HI @TAMAN, I think I need to add some code to my custom.css to change the text colour of the main menu system (the dark text works fine elsewhere on the site but not here, and if I change it to white it will be invisible on other pages). Can you kindly provide me with the CSS info. I need to change the colour of this specific menu text? Thanks!
  19. Cool...new version fixed the Firefox issue right up. Thanks TAMAN ?
  20. So lest I get into the same trouble I did last time, I just use "Upload a new version"?
  21. Hrm, yeah, should have checked the obvious. Apparently this happens with Firefox; Chrome and Opera render the slider fine. IE and Edge have the same problems rendering it as Firefox, but that's to be expected as they're terrible browsers.
  22. Actually, it's still there - you can see the shading extend above where it should be. I tried redoing the screenshot and indicating with red where the edges extend above the field (the chosen selection in the menu should also highlight the shading): and I don't have any customised CSS - all Ive done is change some of the colours from the adminCP menu.
  23. Thanks....figured it out ? I do have another question. In the screenshot below, taken from my splash page: If you look, you can see a shaded part of the slider screen which seems to extend above the slider image to just below the menu words. Is this normal? It looks as it the slider image screen needs to be shortened, but I tried adjusting that value in the adminCP and it didn't do anything. s
  24. Sorry - meant to address this sooner. Due to other issues I ended up reinstalling said custom theme and the collapse arrow is fine now.
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