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Alex K.

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  1. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Stuart 4 in 3.0.3   
    When it Reday :)
  2. Like
    Alex K. reacted to matiatosi in no pm download?   
    My forum users love to keep copies of their pm's, yet that feature has been removed!!!
    PLEASE put it back!!!
  3. Like
    Alex K. reacted to bfarber in favicon   
    Unfortunately, this isn't logical or possible. To upgrade your forums we *have* to replace the files. Our technicians are inundated with requests as it is, and don't really have time to be picking apart individual directories to determine which files should we upload and which ones shouldn't we upload.

    At the end of the day, as Charles said, we simply take the entire installation and upload it. When upgrade packs are available, we will use those as appropriate. I would agree with Charles that if you make a small note when you request an upgrade stating "please don't overwrite my custom favicon" the technician will surely see that and do his best not to do so. :) It's just a little thing to do on both our parts.
  4. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Wolfie in favicon   
    I have a simple enough solution. Remove the write permissions from all images that you don't want to have overwritten. favicon.ico (in root and admin folders), emoticons and anything else.

    That's my solution to the problem and it works beautifully. :D
  5. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Rheddy in IPB 3.1.0 features   
    I would like to see IPB ACP configured so that Admin's can drag and drop the order in which the Skins appear on the forums. Sort of like how we can drag and drop the forums in ACP.
  6. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Matt in How to install Sphinx with IPB   
    This is just a one off.
  7. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Wolfie in IPB 3 Security Vulnerability Question   
    Of course for me, I dare someone to try to hack into http://n-raged.com/forums/admin/ since I doubt they'll gain anything from it.
  8. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Wolfie in [Suggestion] Collapsable sidebar items   
    How about being able to [X] items from view altogether, rearrange the order and with an 'edit' option, you could add/re-add more items. With some items being unmovable or undeleteable via the ACP of course (so if an admin wants to include an ad, then they could and the member couldn't [X] it).
  9. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Ryan H. in IP.Board Loses Traffic Rank on Alexa   
    On Alexa:

    Mid May: When site staff were instructed to install the Alexa toolbar or extension.

    I don't put much value on its rankings, personally.
  10. Like
    Alex K. reacted to bfarber in Anyone gonna attend to the IPS Site project?   
    A month is hardly a decade. :rolleyes:

    I suppose we could all stop working on IPB, Gallery, Blog, Downloads and CCS to fix some bugs on our own website? I mean, if that's the consensus that is.
  11. Like
    Alex K. reacted to ᴡᴅツ in IPS makes me all warm and fuzzy inside   
  12. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Charles in Working at a ticket?!   
    Perhaps you could instead reply to the ticket with more information :)

    You are asking us why the right click "save as" menu is not appearing in your Firefox. We have no idea really. It's not like IPB has a do not allow right click "save as" menu feature.

    It is the equivalent of us saying "we cannot reproduce" so all we can offer is that you reply back with more information so we can find out if there is something wrong. Right now your ticket is in "Awaiting customer response" so if you provide more information our staff would be happy to research it again.
  13. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Matt in Matt / Charles   
    Of course you did. Once you start a public rant that compares us to Nazis, the best course of action is to keep quiet on any details that back up your complaint. ;)

    Regardless, I see no way to move foward and will lock this topic. I have nothing further to say either publicly or via PMs. Jawohl
  14. Like
    Alex K. reacted to diannabanana in Happy IPB customer here, SO happy!   
    I believe I have been a customer since 04. I usually do my own upgrades, but life happened lol, and I had IPB do my upgrade to 3.0.1. First, they worked so fast, hours really only. Not only am I happy with how fast they worked, but that they made me verify that I had a backup- that was awesome. Then, the board...wow. I liked 3.0. I LOVE 3.0.1. In 3.0 I had to modify the skins to show authors in my new content- 3.0.1 has an amazing amount of information, more than I could have ever hoped for. I love it so much, as do my nearly 400 members. I am so thankful to all of you IPB employees and everyone here that test the software, I couldn't ask for a better platform to run my board from. Thank you so very much, keep up the great work, and I look forward to many more years running the most awesome board software, ever!!
  15. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Malefickus in When will the CCS be released?   
    When it's Ready
  16. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Guest in When will 3.0.2 be released?   
    I felt like smacking someone when I saw this thread's title.
  17. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Wolfie in When will 3.0.2 be released?   
    Not really asking, just know that someone is going to create a thread asking, so thought I'd toss it up so that the initial "When It's Ready™" and complaints about people trying to rush IPS will all be out of the way.


    If you think I'm actually asking when IP.Board v3.0.2 will be released, then you need to read this post again. Continue until you stop thinking that I'm seriously asking.
  18. Like
    Alex K. reacted to osman84 in Moving a forum to a new server with almost zero downtime   
    Hey guys,
    So I'm not an expert (in anything), but I've been running a few pretty active forums for almost 8 years now (most of these years were IP.Board!). I've had to endure several server moves. I wanted to write a brief outline of my experience, since moving an active forum to a new server isn't the easiest thing in the world.

    The dilemma with moving an active forum is that:
    a) because it's active, you don't want your many users to tolerate any downtime.
    b) because it's active, chances are your DB is huge and so this increases the time required to move over, and the potential downtime.

    Moving a forum entails a few things:
    1) Getting the code up and running on your new server
    2) Getting the database moved over to your new server
    3) Pointing your users at the new server. I'll assume you're sticking with the same domain so this will be just a DNS flick.

    Solution #1: You could blindly do these three steps, but you'll be faced with a bunch of issues. The main one is that you will have two servers running off of different DB's, and there's no way to guarantee that the DNS change propagates at the same time for all your users. You'll have people posting and browsing the old forum, and people posting and browsing the new forum. Any changes to the "old" forum will disappear once everyone has propagated over to the new forum. Unacceptable.
    Downtime: None.
    Discrepancy: Yes.

    Solution #2: To prevent the discrepancy between having and old and new forums running, you could just turn your board "offline" during the propagation period. The procedure would be:
    a) turn the board offline on the old server
    b) move the code/DB over
    c) wait for propagation period
    d) turn the board online again on the new server.
    This will prevent your users from wondering where their posts went, but you have to remain offline for the DNS propagation period (which is on the order of hours, and reportedly can be even more). Again, unacceptable, because you don't want to be down for hours.
    Downtime: Several hours, but you can post a nice message.
    Discrepancy: None

    Solution #3: Point both servers at one DB (DB-copy). The procedure is:
    a) Setup/copy all code to the new server
    b) Turn your forum offline.
    c) Copy your DB over to the new forum
    d) Point both servers code to the DB on the new server
    e) Turn your forum online.
    f) Flip the DNS switch and wait for propagation.
    By pointing both servers at one database, you guarantee no discrepancy. That way, whether users are accessing the old or new server when DNS propagates, they will see the same things. You only need turn your forum off for the duration of DB copy, which you can probably pull-off in less than an hour, depending on the size of the DB.
    Downtime: Probably on the order of minutes, and you get to post a nice message.
    Discrepancy: None

    Solution #4: Point both servers at one DB (DB-replication). The procedure is:
    a) Setup/copy all code to the new server
    b) Setup master->slave replication between the old and new DB's
    c) Point both servers' code to the DB on the new server (which is the slave)
    d) Cancel the master/slave replication on both servers
    e) Flip the DNS switch and wait for propagation.
    Essentially, this is the same as solution #3 but instead of having to turn the board off, you rely on MySQL's replication functionality, which lets your new DB mirror your old one. The one issue is that replication requires a bit of technical know-how. There's a good guide here. Also, that you will have a bit of cross-server traffic (for the DB replication, and from the old server's code to the new server's DB during propagation).
    I just tried this on a site with several GB's worth of MySQL DB (forum, etc) with zero downtime as far as my users are concerned. A completely transparent move.
    Downtime: None
    Discrepancy: None

    The devil is always in the details, and I didn't go into any of the technical ones. There's some good guides around about how to carry-out any of these steps, and they'd probably do a better job than I can. I just wanted to point out that there is a process whereby you can move a large, active forum in a way that's transparent to your users.
  19. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Michael in Topic Multi-moderation   
    How would it do it with one click? IP.MindReading? It would have to in order to figure out with one click which posts you wanted to move and what you wanted to call the new topic you're moving them to.
  20. Like
    Alex K. reacted to AtariAge in IPS (site) frequently slow to respond   
    Holy cow, that server load (86.71) is incredible!

  21. Like
    Alex K. reacted to Alahmnat in No more links in new window?   
    Then middle-click. :)
  22. Like
    Alex K. reacted to media in Positive Feedback (Invision Power Services)…   
    Positive Feedback
  23. Like
    Alex K. reacted to bfarber in Community Content System   
    We're focusing on 3.0.1 at the moment, but you'll hear more about it soon.
  24. Like
    Alex K. reacted to bfarber in Why has giving positive feedback been restricted?   
    If you guys start going over 20 we can revisit it.
  25. Like
    Alex K. reacted to tranceandy in Why has giving positive feedback been restricted?   
    Maybe it has! Bad Wolfie, Bad
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