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Martin A.

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    Martin A. reacted to Colonel_mortis in Users shouldn't be able to change a poll to display names   
    If a user posts a poll and sets it not to display the names of the people who voted for each option, members don't get warned that their vote will be public and they may wish to share their opinion anonymously. However, the author of the poll can just edit the poll to set it to public, and see the names and choices of everyone who has already voted. This defeats the point of having private polls.
    Either it shouldn't be possible to change a poll from private to public, or votes from when it was private should be anonymised.
  2. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from sobrenome in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
    2.3 is not supported.
    /** * @brief Elasticsearch version requirements */ const MINIMUM_VERSION = '5.6.0'; const UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = '7.0.0';  
  3. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Thomas P in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
    2.3 is not supported.
    /** * @brief Elasticsearch version requirements */ const MINIMUM_VERSION = '5.6.0'; const UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = '7.0.0';  
  4. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from ASTRAPI in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    As long as you follow the steps about Cloudflare, DNS, and naming of the bucket, you can do so free of bandwidth charge. The URL from the guide (cdn.yourdomain.com) points to the root of your bucket. If you upload static content to a folder named "static", the URL to files in that file is cdn.yourdomain.com/static/image.png.
  5. Haha
    Martin A. got a reaction from CodingJungle in Here we go again...   
    Whoops\Exception\ErrorException thrown with message "Method IPS\Helpers\Form::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: Undefined index: developer_build_type_desc" Stacktrace: #2 Whoops\Exception\ErrorException in /tmp/theme_core_admin_global_globalTemplateWqIz0B:0 #1 Whoops\Run:handleError in /home/sites/dev/www/ips44/dev/Whoops/Run.php:433 #0 Whoops\Run:handleShutdown in [internal]:0 I got this today trying to get to the app download page.
    Hadn't it been for @CodingJungle who made me aware of this issue, I could have wasted hours rolling back to older PHP versions, reinstalling, etc.
    The patch for this must be pretty simple, as all I had to do was add ", TRUE" to the code, and that makes me wonder why you haven't included this is any of the 5 releases (not including silent patches) since this was marked as solved.
  6. Like
    Martin A. reacted to ahc in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    I wanted to provide some feedback for anyone interested in Wasabi since we've been using it for two billing cycles now.
    In the beginning I was afraid of the switch because hearing something is not directly supported by Invision with a built-in feature specifically for it is a bit scary.  Before my community switched to self-hosting with this software in 2017, all of my experience was using hosting websites that did most of the work for you, and I was like a fish out of water learning everything about web development on the fly. 
    I'm not going to lie and say this was easy as pie to set up for me because I did experience some issues that were not applicable at the time the guide was written, however, it is not hard either and I was able to solve things with quick troubleshooting in Wasabi documentation.  I have a large community, so it took about 3-4 days for the switch to be fully complete working overtime, and we did have some content loss.  I'm still not sure what went wrong, but the attachment folders did not transfer over correctly and a good majority of them were shot into the void somewhere.  It took us about a month to get most important things updated with new attachments, but we still occasionally find ourselves coming across a page or article that has some broken ones.  This is not an issue with Wasabi, this is an issue with either Invision or human error during the transfer.
    Regardless, I would do it all over again anyway, because this not only works the same as if you had S3 with Amazon, the amount of money we have saved is so drastic that it's hard to believe Wasabi is capable of providing this service at such a low cost.  The pricing is as advertised at 5.99 per TB of storage.  There are no hidden or surprise fees at the end of the month and so far our bills have never been over $18.  (We store everything except theme based resources on Wasabi.)  The cost breakdown in your control panel is very easy to understand what you're being charged for and what is free.  The same storage for us on Amazon cost roughly $5-7 a day, sometimes more depending on how many requests came in.  The requests are really what dig a hole in your pocket.  We are an art based website, so we were being charged out the hoo-hah for everything no matter where we tried looking for storage, and keeping it on our main server was completely out of the question.
    We did experience service failure once a few days ago where requests to pull images from Wasabi were being met with time-out and write permission errors, but I also am aware that Wasabi is growing quite fast right now due to word of mouth and they are trying their best to increase their resources to keep up with the growth.  I'm not worried about having to potentially switch again anytime in the foreseeable future.
    We are an established community with a steady income, so I can only imagine how helpful this would be to small communities ran by hobbiest leaders out-of-pocket if you get to a point where you outgrow your server resources.  I imagine that 5.99/m price is what a lot of people will only end up paying for a while.
  7. Like
    Martin A. reacted to Daniel F in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
  8. Like
    Martin A. reacted to MrUtOpiK in Member Map   
    Hi Martin,
    Yes, sorry you're right, this is related to "Member Location" plugin. I'm trying to use it and sync between your plugin.
    I'll try to have help from "Member Location" plugin. Thanks for your help.
  9. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from iacas in Member Map   
    Those settings are not related to this application. You should post your question in the "peer to peer support forum" instead.
    If you're looking for the settings for Member Map, those are located here, and you'll need a MapQuest API key, not a Google key. 

  10. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Fatal error with upgrade on PHP 7.4   
    It should only throw a E_DEPRECATED error now, which can be suppressed in php.ini. Based on the path in your error stack I'm going to assume you have access to that.
    error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR PHP will only die on errors after you change error_reporting to this.
    The other option is to go back to PHP 7.3.
  11. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from The Old Man in core_output_cache   
    It's the ... output ... cache... 
    It is used to cache the output for guests in order to reduce load time and server usage for guest traffic.
    The default time to store the cache is 30 seconds. If you've increased this the size of that table will drastically increase. If you're low on space you may consider turning it off.
    Search for "guest cache" in the ACP search bar to find the setting.
  12. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in IPRelease Notes suggestion I made back in the day   
    If you have this issue yourself, and wondering how to solve it, the change would be on this part:
    this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( link, { data: { rating_submitted: 1 } }) .done( function (response) { var responseContent = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); var content = responseContent.find('#elCmsPageWrap'); infoPanel.html( content ).css({ height: 'auto' }); $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ infoPanel ] ); }); Change it to:
    this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( link, { data: { rating_submitted: 1 } }) .done( function (response) { var responseContent = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); var content = responseContent.find('#elCmsPageWrap'); infoPanel.html( content ).css({ height: 'auto' }); window.scrollTo( 0, 0 ); //$( 'body, html' ).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); // Or this if you want to animate the effect. $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ infoPanel ] ); });  
  13. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from Meddysong in IPRelease Notes suggestion I made back in the day   
    If you have this issue yourself, and wondering how to solve it, the change would be on this part:
    this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( link, { data: { rating_submitted: 1 } }) .done( function (response) { var responseContent = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); var content = responseContent.find('#elCmsPageWrap'); infoPanel.html( content ).css({ height: 'auto' }); $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ infoPanel ] ); }); Change it to:
    this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( link, { data: { rating_submitted: 1 } }) .done( function (response) { var responseContent = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); var content = responseContent.find('#elCmsPageWrap'); infoPanel.html( content ).css({ height: 'auto' }); window.scrollTo( 0, 0 ); //$( 'body, html' ).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); // Or this if you want to animate the effect. $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ infoPanel ] ); });  
  14. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from Maxxius in IPRelease Notes suggestion I made back in the day   
    If you have this issue yourself, and wondering how to solve it, the change would be on this part:
    this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( link, { data: { rating_submitted: 1 } }) .done( function (response) { var responseContent = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); var content = responseContent.find('#elCmsPageWrap'); infoPanel.html( content ).css({ height: 'auto' }); $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ infoPanel ] ); }); Change it to:
    this._ajaxObj = ips.getAjax()( link, { data: { rating_submitted: 1 } }) .done( function (response) { var responseContent = $("<div>" + response + "</div>"); var content = responseContent.find('#elCmsPageWrap'); infoPanel.html( content ).css({ height: 'auto' }); window.scrollTo( 0, 0 ); //$( 'body, html' ).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); // Or this if you want to animate the effect. $( document ).trigger( 'contentChange', [ infoPanel ] ); });  
  15. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Square Wheels in core_output_cache   
    The size will of course vary with guest traffic. I guess you'll see an increase when a crawler is accessing your site. 
    I've never monitored the size of that table, so can't tell you if what you're seeing is normal.
  16. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Starship in Community Guide on Setting Up Wasabi and CloudFlare   
    Did you name your bucket the same as your CNAME, if you chose that option? Is the endpoint URL correct for your bucket location? 
    There IS something that can be done wrong, you probably did one of them since it's not working for you.
  17. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Clubimport in Member Map   
    🙂 https://www.paypal.me/MartinAronsen
    The members are imported in a daily task. So it may take up to 24 hours before members start showing up. This will process 50 members per time, so don't expect to see everyone on the map immediately.
  18. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from sobrenome in Manifest caching   
    What he's saying is that one week is quite a long while to cache something without a "cache buster" in the request URL. The cache buster is the string of random characters you see in the CSS and JS requests, and it is used to detect changes to the file. When a file changes, the cache buster changes, and it will thus look like a new file to those who have cached it.
    The manifest file does not have that added to the URL, and with a week of cache time any changes to the manifest may take up to week to take effect.
  19. Like
    Martin A. reacted to interfx in Member Map   
    Working great now!!!  Thanks - works awesome!
  20. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from interfx in Member Map   
    🙂 https://www.paypal.me/MartinAronsen
    The members are imported in a daily task. So it may take up to 24 hours before members start showing up. This will process 50 members per time, so don't expect to see everyone on the map immediately.
  21. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from Clubimport in Member Map   
    You have the most recent version of it? You don't have to do anything, it should appear automatically.
  22. Thanks
    Martin A. got a reaction from JohnCourt in Member Map   
    3.6.4 is released
    If you have Pages records that have a location stored, this can now be shown in the map ( @JohnCourt ) It is finally compatible with the Member Location plugin. In the list of profile fields, you'll see an entry for this plugin on top of the list. ( @fix3r @SMen, and possible others ) Added a setting to disable the "Staff" grouping in the member list sidebar ( @AtariAge ) Added a setting where you can define the profile fields that should be visible in the marker popup for members. ( @ToeJam ) No, you did not miss v3.6.3. I know I skipped it.
  23. Like
    Martin A. reacted to broni in Member Map   
    Wait...it worked after reopening Map page.
    Good going 🙂
    Thank you 🙂
  24. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from AmericanRev2 in Member Map   
    Looks like I discovered a bug when I restored to the old version on the Marketplace, so I'm not able to upload the fixed version yet. Uploading it here for now
  25. Like
    Martin A. got a reaction from AmericanRev2 in Member Map   
    3.6.4 is released
    If you have Pages records that have a location stored, this can now be shown in the map ( @JohnCourt ) It is finally compatible with the Member Location plugin. In the list of profile fields, you'll see an entry for this plugin on top of the list. ( @fix3r @SMen, and possible others ) Added a setting to disable the "Staff" grouping in the member list sidebar ( @AtariAge ) Added a setting where you can define the profile fields that should be visible in the marker popup for members. ( @ToeJam ) No, you did not miss v3.6.3. I know I skipped it.
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