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Martin A.

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Posts posted by Martin A.

  1. On 3/24/2023 at 9:11 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Its very likely the hook that is showing loaded these at the bottom. Try disabling that first of all. 

    Did you read his post? Specifically where he wrote that he tried disabling the mentioned application?

    On 3/24/2023 at 1:40 AM, ExiledVip3r said:

    While I'm here, another issue I've been having trouble tracking down lately is this error message popping up frequently in the system logs:

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


    I've been at a loss as to what could be causing it, but I've tried disabling the app the hook it's loading comes from, but the error still comes up frequently in the log, just without mentioning the loaded hook.

    Upgrading to 4.7.8 or newer will most likely fix this for you, as one of the calls in the stack trace have been remove. It's related to storing the members current timezone in the database.

  2. On 2/15/2023 at 12:47 PM, modman said:

    I updated to the latest version but the bugs are still there, please check this out:


    Could contain: Page, Text


    On 2/15/2023 at 12:47 PM, modman said:



    Could contain: Plot, Chart, Map, Text, Business Card, Paper

    Can you make sure you've not edited the template "popupContent" in communitymap > front > map, and that you've enabled the "show label" option for each for those fields? I can't reproduce your issue.

    On 2/17/2023 at 7:37 PM, beats23 said:

    Hi, I have an issue and would like to know if you could implement a feature that would be automatic. 
    I use Boris's members location plugin, which is supported by your Community Map app. I use Boris's members location plugin to archive member's locations when they signup to my website. In order to get the member's location data added to your Community Map app, I have to manually use the Community Map app settings, "profile sync/ Import members without a map marker" option and run the IPS ACP "system/advance configuration/task" and manually run the Community Map app task to get the location data that was collected by Boris's members location plugin to be saved in your Community Map app. So is it possible for you to add an option to have your app automatically run a task every 15 minutes to import Boris's members location plugin data and automatically run the IPS system task every 15 minutes, so all the members locations data gets saved to Community Map app automatically without me having to do it manually every time someone signs up to my website?


    Here I collects members location info on signing up to my website.

    Could contain: Tarmac, Road, Page, Text



    I have to manually use the Community Map app settings, "profile sync/ Import members without a map marker" option.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Night, Outdoors, Nature



    I have to run the IPS ACP "system/advance configuration/task" and manually run the Community Map app task to get the location data that was collected by Boris's members location plugin to be saved in your Community Map app.

    Could contain: Night, Outdoors, Nature

    Added to next version.

  3. We're having the same issue on your test install as well.

    Backtrace doesn't show much

    #0 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(1254): IPS\_Db->query()
    #1 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/applications/core/setup/upg_107640/upgrade.php(50): IPS\core\Setup\_Upgrade::runManualQueries()
    #2 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(594): IPS\core\setup\upg_107640\_Upgrade->step1()
    #3 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(326): IPS\core\Setup\_Upgrade->step1()
    #4 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/upgrade.php(47): IPS\core\Setup\_Upgrade->process()
    #5 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(93): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\_upgrade->IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\{closure}()
    #6 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/upgrade.php(77): IPS\Helpers\_MultipleRedirect->__construct()
    #7 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\_upgrade->manage()
    #8 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/system/Dispatcher/Setup.php(220): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #9 /home/nginx/domains/<domain>>/public/panel/upgrade/index.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Setup->run()
    #10 {main}


    But since I'm awesome, I got you the queries it's running as well.

    array (
      0 => 
      array (
        'table' => 'core_polls',
        'query' => 'UPDATE core_polls SET poll_item_class=\'IPS\\\\forums\\\\Topic\' WHERE pid in( SELECT poll_state FROM forums_topics WHERE poll_state IS NOT NULL)',
      1 => 
      array (
        'table' => 'core_polls',
        'query' => 'UPDATE core_polls SET poll_item_class=\'IPS\\\\blog\\\\Entry\' WHERE pid in( SELECT entry_poll_state FROM blog_entries WHERE entry_poll_state IS NOT NULL)',


  4. On 3/3/2023 at 5:42 PM, Stuart Silvester said:

    As others mention, either Google has sent these warnings by mistake, or they're just asking you to check your configuration. There must be a public API key that is passed to the JavaScript that displays the map. Providing that you're following our instructions of having two keys, and restrictions on the public key you will be following Googles best practices that were linked above.

    You could fetch the key with AJAX when needed. That would at least hide the key from plain sight, and prevent it from being scraped. 

    I've received this email from Google about API keys from multiple projects I'm involved in. I think they are sending this to everyone with a key visible in the source code regardless of restrictions applied to it.

  5. 12 hours ago, JaiKai said:

    Is there any way this can be used to create way lines from one marker to the next.

    I run a car club and looking to create custom routes and it would be great to group and show markers as a sequence like directions.

    I'm afraid this isn't possible. It is probably better to create this in Google Maps and then embed it into the event/marker/topic.

  6. On 1/15/2023 at 2:25 AM, pixeldude said:

    Is there an easy way to change the icon of the member group?

    I've added this as a member group setting now, so all your member groups can have different icons and icon colors, as opposed to just a different pin color.

    On 1/11/2023 at 9:11 PM, modman said:

    So far I have found many errors...


    BUG1: The description does not appear even if it is set, this has no function now.

    Could contain: Text, Page, Business Card, Paper, UML Diagram, Diagram

    Could contain: Page, Text


    BUG2: The custom field is shown the same even if it is deactivated, it will be mandatory to delete it.

    Could contain: Text

    You say "many bugs". Was it just those two? With bug 2 I assume you mean it still shows in the popup even when disabled? Saving the form a second time after disabling it would have "fixed" that. Fixed this in the next version.

  7. 2 hours ago, modman said:

    So far I have found many errors...


    BUG1: The description does not appear even if it is set, this has no function now.

    Could contain: Text, Page, Business Card, Paper, UML Diagram, Diagram

    Could contain: Page, Text


    BUG2: The custom field is shown the same even if it is deactivated, it will be mandatory to delete it.

    Could contain: Text

    I'll have a look at this next week. 

  8. We're a dying race, no one's gonna take our place once we eventually leave and this platform will be without any 3rd party developers to bother them and break their codes. Sounds like the dreams of the IPS management 🙂 

    How long haven't we begged them to do something about the marketplace?
    Everything we say is ignored. The amount of topics lacking a staff answer in this forum is evidence of that.

  9. 4 minutes ago, iacas said:

    Yeah. I did a few of the 100-run ones (like 10 or 12), then I changed it to 1000 and did it once.

    Could contain: Chart, Line Chart, White Board

    Still good. And still 43,000+ remaining. 😄 Doing it by the hundreds… they'd still be processing in 2024.

    Good thing it selects the members based on their last activity status then 🙂 

    You can also run this query to have it run hourly (Don't do this with a 1000 limit tho!)

    UPDATE `core_tasks` SET `frequency` = 'P0Y0M0DT1H0M0S' WHERE `app`='communitymap' AND `key`='locationSync';


  10. 6 hours ago, iacas said:

    Is there a way to bump it up from processing only 100 at a time? To like… 2000 at a time? I've been running this for awhile now and still have 45000+ to process.

    I changed the $limit to 1000 on line 54 of the task. That may do it.

    Yeah, changing the limit on file is how to do it. Do mind that it's now sending 1000 requests to Geoapify at once, this may result in a timeout and it's not actually processing 1000 members. Not that it really matters, as it will redo those it couldn't on the next run.

  11. 7 hours ago, iacas said:

    Processing 100 member map markers per day is annoying and bad for my site: visitors who don't visit every day are going to miss out on posts and content that's new that occurred just before that day's processing of markers.

    Is there any way to mark these as read for everyone? Or to not have them show up as "new" in a default stream of "unread" content, @Martin A.?

    Or at least… let me process ALL of them instead of 100 at a time, so they're "out of the way"?

    How many members are you going to import? You can manually run this task as many times as you'd like, just be aware of the daily API quota that you should exceed. Search for "tasks" in the ACP search to get to the task manager.

    6 hours ago, P1P2C said:

    We're currently running latest Invision version (4.7.5), previous one was 4.7.3 (the last which could still run on PHP 7.4). Here's how the application is displayed in the list :

    Could contain: Page, Text

    So it still points to the old version, not to Community Map.

    If you click that "Marketplace" link in the image, where does this take you?

  12. 2 hours ago, P1P2C said:


    We've migrated recently our forum to PHP 8, so as planned the old Member Map doesn't work anymore. We've bought the Community Map, when I have a look at the Marketplace to install it states that "This resource is already installed and up to date".

    I guess it's because Member Maps is still present in Applications, albeit it's deactivated. If I try to uninstall the old applicaation it states that "All data belonging to this application will be completely deleted", which I don't want (got a few hundreds markers I'd like to save).

    What's the correct way to migrate from Member Map to Community Map without losing data (I hope there's one 😬) ?

    You don't say which Invision Community version you've upgraded from. Have you selected as part of the 4.5 onboard process that the "Member Map" application you have installed is "Community Map" from the marketplace? In your application list, when you click on the "Marketplace" link, are you taken to the Communtiy Map page? 
    If this is the case you'd have to get IPS support to remove this connection, or link Member Map with the correct Marketplace file.

    Once you've done that you can (purchase and) install Community Map which have an import tool to bring your markers over. There is also a new version of Member Map which is uninstallable, as the one you have will most likely give you error if you try to remove it.

  13. The issue with the strong tag will be fixed in the release. I couldn't upload a fix for that until the current version was approved, and asking them to cancel the pending version would delay the fix for the autocomplete even further.

    1 hour ago, sound said:

    also having issues with members permissions, eg deleting a marker

    only marker option shows to a normal member is  the 'edit' ?


    I know permissions are a bit weird for the member markers, but this particular permission is handled in the group setting. 

    Could contain: Text, File


    @dhpunkt I've noted down you feature suggestion and I'll see what I can do about it.

  14. 1 hour ago, AlexJ said:

    @Martin A. Getting this error on website in ACP. Can you please help. Is it because I am on php 7.4? I am planning to upgrade later.. did i upgraded application earlier? 


    ParseError: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '|' or variable (T_VARIABLE) (0)
    #0 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::autoloader()
    #1 /home/xxxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Admin.php(167): spl_autoload_call()
    #2 /home/xxxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(110): IPS\Dispatcher\_Admin->init()
    #3 /home/xxxxx/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher::i()
    #4 {main}


    If you're still on PHP 7.4 and an older version of Invision Community I'm definitely going to say that's an issue. 

    Report back when you've upgraded everything.

  15. 15 hours ago, derpunker said:

    @Martin A.

    There is another code part which could be more robust.


    In case of and bad request response, the code throws an exception.
    => "Result" is not part of the return data.


    Could contain: Plot, Chart, Text



    line: 269

    Thanks. I've improved this. (isset( $json['results'] instead of in_array).

    12 hours ago, derpunker said:

    Anyone an idea how to override functions with defined return type "void"?


    Due to the fact that "manage" has a return type now, I'm unable to override this method.
    IPS adds automatically a try-catch around and then return value doesn't match? 😞

    Could contain: Text, Plot, Chart

    Wow, this isn't something I've even considered would be an issue. I've removed the return type on all void methods.


    11 hours ago, haqzore said:

    Thanks. I started the task manually from the task list. The result displayed:




    I have more than 2 members with the appropriate profile field data. When checking the Map page, zero members are displayed. Calendar markers are still working fine. 

    There are no entries in the Error Log or System Log in the ACP.

    Did you click the "Restart sync process" first?

    Also be aware that deleting the markers would put them in the deletion queue, if that is enabled. Go to your moderator CP and have a look at the "Deleted Content" page. From there you can permanently delete the markers. The default suite setting is for content to be "soft deleted" for 30 days.

  16. 5 hours ago, iacas said:

    As an admin on the public profile page. The location was Youngsville, Louisiana. He had typed in "Youngsville, LA" and it located it somewhere near northwestern NY, so I changed it to "Louisiana" and nothing changed, so it may have simply been a matter of… a map failure to locate the correct location, even with the state name in it.

    That's weird, as I did exactly as you wrote on a new test account, and I got this result.

    Could contain: Plot, Chart, Map, White Board, Atlas, Nature, Outdoors, Vegetation, Plant, Sea

    I then changed his location to "Paris" and is was immediately placed in Paris France.

  17. On 12/9/2022 at 12:34 AM, iacas said:

    In his profile. Previously this resulted in an immediate change to the marker.

    As the user, as an admin, or in the ACP? I tried this on my install. Changed the location in the profile field that is selected in the profile sync setting, the change was immediate.

  18. 15 hours ago, derpunker said:

    Facing the same issue.

    Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart


    The calculate language is in my case "de-de" and not only "de".

    Changing your parameter "lang" to only "de" works.

    This is most properly the root cause of this issue.

    My bad. I see now that it's the parameter to return localized results, not the setting where it only returns from selected countries.

    A patch will be released soon

    13 hours ago, haqzore said:

    @Martin A. - I have been fiddling with the settings for a while, and not seeing any recent errors in logs.

    For some reason, the Profile Sync worked once, and not again.

    I ran the profile sync & ended up with several members on the map. Then, I changed some settings of that profile field and wanted to start fresh. 

    So on the front-end, I viewed all markers > Members > Select all > Delete


    Now, in the ACP > Profile sync... The "Import members without a map marker?" seems to be stuck "on", and clicking Restart sync process isn't bringing any members back to my map.

    Members are imported in a daily task, max 100 per day. You can manually run this from the task manager if you want it to run more often. 

    I think this is the case for you now, the task isn't scheduled to run until the next day.

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