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Martin A.

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Posts posted by Martin A.

  1. 15 hours ago, iacas said:

    I changed the location of a member today… but his marker never updated its location. This was nearly immediate before. Hours later, it still hasn't been updated.

    You changed it from the marker view, in his profile or on the map while signed in as the user?

    16 hours ago, haqzore said:

    @Martin A. - when I try to "Add Location" and use the "Enter your zip code, city, county and/or state/province, then pick your location from the results"... It is non-responsive. Nothing happens or loads, regardless of typing / hitting enter / clicking save / etc.

    HTML 5 geolocation worked fine when enabled. I've since disabled it, and trying to use the search function now & getting the above result.

    Do you have anything in your system log that could relate to this?

    6 hours ago, dhpunkt said:

    Thanks for the latest update, @Martin A., great that you could fix geocoding!

    Autocomplete is also not working here. Response of the locationSearch AJAX request:

    {"statusCode":"400","error":"Bad Request","message":"\"lang\" must be one of [ab, aa, af, ak, sq, am, ar, an, hy, as, av, ae, ay, az, bm, ba, eu, be, bn, bh, bi, bs, br, bg, my, ca, ch, ce, ny, zh, cv, kw, co, cr, hr, cs, da, dv, nl, en, eo, et, ee, fo, fj, fi, fr, ff, gl, ka, de, el, gn, gu, ht, ha, he, hz, hi, ho, hu, ia, id, ie, ga, ig, ik, io, is, it, iu, ja, jv, kl, kn, kr, ks, kk, km, ki, rw, ky, kv, kg, ko, ku, kj, la, lb, lg, li, ln, lo, lt, lu, lv, gv, mk, mg, ms, ml, mt, mi, mr, mh, mn, na, nv, nb, nd, ne, ng, nn, no, ii, nr, oc, oj, cu, om, or, os, pa, pi, fa, pl, ps, pt, qu, rm, rn, ro, ru, sa, sc, sd, se, sm, sg, sr, gd, sn, si, sk, sl, so, st, es, su, sw, ss, sv, ta, te, tg, th, ti, bo, tk, tl, tn, to, tr, ts, tt, tw, ty, ug, uk, ur, uz, ve, vi, vo, wa, cy, wo, fy, xh, yi, yo, za]"}


    What have you selected in the "Limit the location search to specific countries" setting? I've tried both selecting all, none, and de-selecting a few, and all works for me.

  2. What's written above is correct. The file is not approved yet, but it shows as "updated" because I removed some old references in the description. If you follow the file you'll get a notification here once it's approved.


    On 12/4/2022 at 10:37 PM, haqzore said:

    Also - do you have a guide on how to setup the Geoapify key? Example: which API type to select, URL format example, etc?

    As far as I know there is no need to select an API when you create the key. The box below the keys are for you to test the key and generate example code to all the different endpoints. This isn't something you need to look at.

    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Plot, Chart

    All you need is that key.

  3. I have settled on a new API provider to replace MapQuest - Geoapify

    Geoapify have a free tier with far more requests per day than MapQuest had. I have been in contact with them today, and there are no limitations to how we use the API, as long as you stay under their daily limit. That limit is 3000 requests per day, which should be more than enough for most of you. This is not a hard limit, but should you constantly go over the quota they will send you an email asking you to upgrade your account. 

    See more about that here: https://www.geoapify.com/pricing


    I have converted all API calls over to Geoapify today. Just needs some more testing before I can give you an update.

    Too bad the marketplace doesn't offer a way to do beta versions, or even have private testers... Can't really do a public beta version either, as the approval time for new versions can be up to a week.

  4. Glad you got it solved 🙂


    Regarding the API issues; I received news last night that MapQuest have (rather silently) decided to close all their "open" APIs, which sadly included the API used by Community Map. While there might have been possible to use other API endpoints provided by MapQuest, I will not do so because of how they've handled this and their lack of communication. I assume none of you got any news about this, even though they should be able to see that you are actively using an API that's about to be shut down.

    As of the next update Community Map will not use MapQuest. I am currently exploring the possibilities to host this on my own, as there is a pre-compiled database available that doesn't have the same requirements as previously mentioned. I'm gonna check this out some more over the weekend, and I will hopefully have a solution within reasonable time.

  5. 9 hours ago, Alex Duffy said:

    I just bought this without checking this support forum tread :mellow: and I can't get a key from Mapquest, I haven't tried contacting the yet. Maybe you might put something on the download page to stop people from buying until this is resolved. 

    I have no idea what's going on with their services, but I'm looking for a replacement. 

    Currently ruled out both Mapbox and Google for their limitations and pricing. I just stumbled across https://geocode.xyz/ now, and they do offer a free tier, although limited to one request per second. The location autocomplete becomes useless with such a limit, which is a bummer.

    Other suggestions are much welcomed! If it weren't for the insane server requirements I could have set up something in AWS or a VPS. The API used now require 1TB for a full install and 64GB minimum RAM.

    2 hours ago, Larry Kachadorian said:

    saw this after the upgrade in AdminCP under MySQL errors, and was unsure if it was actually safe to  click auto fix ... ??


    Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

    Just click "Fix automatically". The upgraded should have added that column. Happens sometimes.

    1 hour ago, Larry Kachadorian said:

    I updated today from 1.3.7 after finally updating to IPS 4.7 (we'd held off for a long time to let the PHP issue settle)

    And did notice that although the Community Map update seemed to complete it still shows the older version  in AdminCP....


    Could contain: Page, Text

    No indication on the app overview that there's an upgrade available?

  6. Loading the alerts list is taking a lot of time as it's checking the mt_alert for every single alert that is owned by the current user. As all our alerts are pretty much sent from the same account that's ~25 queries, each taking 2.5-3 seconds. Looks like there should be an index for alert_enabled in core_alerts as well.

    And why's an alert sent to a single user still active after the alert is viewed (and replied to when required)? AFAIK there's no way for the user to see this again. 

    # Time: 221116  8:34:55
    # Query_time: 3.358027  Lock_time: 0.000015  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587695;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=177;
    # Time: 221116  8:34:59
    # Query_time: 3.350071  Lock_time: 0.000019  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587699;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=176;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:02
    # Query_time: 3.022629  Lock_time: 0.000013  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587702;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=173;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:05
    # Query_time: 2.857855  Lock_time: 0.000020  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587705;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=167;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:07
    # Query_time: 2.593997  Lock_time: 0.000013  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587707;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=165;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:10
    # Query_time: 2.959022  Lock_time: 0.000020  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587710;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=164;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:13
    # Query_time: 2.626848  Lock_time: 0.000024  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587713;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=163;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:16
    # Query_time: 2.797712  Lock_time: 0.000959  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017771
    SET timestamp=1668587716;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=160;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:18
    # Query_time: 2.512759  Lock_time: 0.000010  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587718;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=155;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:19
    # Query_time: 2.802615  Lock_time: 0.000012  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587719;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=177;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:21
    # Query_time: 2.917076  Lock_time: 0.000010  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587721;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=176;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:24
    # Query_time: 2.744089  Lock_time: 0.000262  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587724;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=173;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:27
    # Query_time: 2.998646  Lock_time: 0.000011  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587727;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=167;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:30
    # Query_time: 2.818053  Lock_time: 0.000013  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587730;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=165;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:33
    # Query_time: 2.563267  Lock_time: 0.003858  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587733;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=164;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:35
    # Query_time: 2.827758  Lock_time: 0.000272  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587735;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=163;
    # Time: 221116  8:35:38
    # Query_time: 2.910577  Lock_time: 0.000010  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587738;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=160;
    # Query_time: 3.039357  Lock_time: 0.000010  Rows_sent: 1  Rows_examined: 6017772
    SET timestamp=1668587741;
    /*database::username::IPS\core\Alerts\_Alert::membersRepliedCount:227*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `core_message_topics` WHERE mt_alert=155;


  7. 22 hours ago, derpunker said:

    No, I tried the geocoding-api with a browser call yesterday and correct data was returned.
    Only the nominatim-api seems to be affected.

    Thanks for checking it out. I've sent another email to Mapquest.

    15 hours ago, brandoninsc said:

    I'm having an issue where Define Forced Bounding Box and Default Zoom Level do not change the zoom or the focus of the map. 

    Is there a known issue, or could I have something wrong on my side?

    It's related to the API issues mentioned in the past few posts.

  8. 1 hour ago, sound said:



    are you getting the same problems? 

    ie no autocomplete return etc

    Yeah. Not sure what's happening right now. The API is returning blank responses, the documentation page doesn't load, they haven't replied to my email yet and they haven't replied to a forum post where someone else is having the same issue.

    They're either having issues, or they've silently discontinued this API.


    On 11/6/2022 at 6:23 PM, bassangler said:

    I cleared all cache several times, reverted to the default theme, etc.  The ONLY time the error went away is when I disabled community maps.

    Underneath this error you'll see a list of loaded hooks. Any Community Maps stuff there? And do all of these errors look the same? 

  9. On 11/7/2022 at 12:24 PM, Marc Stridgen said:

    Im a little confused here. The author wants to remove the application and its not allowing the uninstall due to an issue. That would indeed be an issue with the 3rd party application. 

    So ... How long after an app is unsupported am I supposed to keep supporting it then?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I also had one of this yesterday… I’ve made it compatible, asked the ACP credentials, updated and uninstalled. Didn’t give the chance to keep using it.

    That works unless they've associated the app with the marketplace listing, or on a cloud plan that don't allow manual uploads.

  11. 1 hour ago, teraßyte said:

    IPS cannot support 3rd party modifications. It's best if you ask directly for help from the developer in the application's support topic:

    Yeah. I'm not really sure if I consider this "my" issue. That was an app that had its end of life more than two years ago, with the latest supported IPS version also being EOL.

    Doing a patch release for it would also make it a free alternative to Community Map, unless I spend time making it unusable by removing lots of stuff

  12. 1 hour ago, bassangler said:

    I disabled Community maps, and the errors went away. So I updated from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3, and updated IP to 4.7.4 and re-enabled....and the errors returned.  I disabled Community maps again, and the errors disappeared.

    The errors are occurring on a wide range of forum pages and users. 

    There's nothing in that error that points towards Community Map, so I'm afraid this might just be a coincident. 

    Have you tried keeping this app enabled and then clear the cache from the support page?

    The error points toward a cache write issue.

  13. 19 hours ago, sound said:

    when using on default theme, both on map page and marker page

    'Autocomplete and suggestions' is not working when entering a new location by keyboard

    which results in the form being unable to submit a new or edited location


    am getting this in console

    listener not found 



    which links to https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.8.0/leaflet.min.js

    everything else seems ok, just the 'Autocomplete and suggestions' features when adding/editing a location resulting in the form not working

    any pointers/advice?

    Can you send me your site and login credentials in a PM to reproduce this error? 

    Although it looks like MapQuest may have changed something on their end, as I'm not getting any location results back from them. Is this the same for you? Regardless of what location I enter, there's no suggestions returned.

  14. 6 hours ago, Dknelson said:

    Maybe this has been answered but I didn't find it.  I have a few different groups.  I recently changed the map so that it is only accessible to my paid members.  So now I have "expired" members who are still showing up on the map.  Is there a quick way to remove all the markers for expired members?  The only way I've found is to delete them one at a time.  If it can't be done through the app, can it be done through the database?

    Yeah, those would need to be manually deleted. That would also mean that should they renew their subscription they would also need to re-add their location.

    Would it be better if I added a member group setting to hide the markers instead?

  15. Getting lots of logs for classes I have that extends global classes, such as \Exception, \DateTime, etc.

    You would have seen this yourself if you hadn't excluded your own code from being scanned 🙂

    The class \Braintree\Transaction\AddressDetails extends \Braintree\Transaction\Instance, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \IPS\core\api\GraphQL\Types\ProfileFieldGroupType extends \IPS\core\api\GraphQL\Types\ObjectType, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    A class in an app extends the class \IPS\Node\Api\GraphQL\ObjectType for which no file /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/system/Node/Api/GraphQL/ObjectType/ObjectType.php exists! The method scanner skipped comparing that file to any of its subclasses
    The class \IPS\nexus\Hosting\Exception extends \RuntimeException, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \IPS\nexus\CommissionRule\Iterator extends \FilterIterator, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\SizeRangeFilterIterator extends \FilterIterator, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \Laminas\EventManager\Exception\DomainException extends \DomainException, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception extends \Exception, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.


    And it doesn't understand imports.

    The class \IPS\toolbox\Slasher extends \IPS\toolbox\Singleton, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    The class \IPS\toolbox\modules\admin\build\build extends \IPS\toolbox\modules\admin\build\Controller, but the parent class couldn't be loaded.
    use IPS\Dispatcher\Controller;
    class _build extends Controller


    Would also be nice if there was a way to trigger the full compatibility scan without having to create an issue in a hook in order to see what's wrong. Two of my apps were disabled in this update, but the block on the support page said everything was fine. After creating an issue with a hook it would tell me the arguments for getItemsWithPermissions was incorrect in the full scan popup.

    The system log fills up with ~15 pages of the above log entries whenever I hit the support page. Going through all that in order to see what could have triggered the scanner is not gonna happen.

  16. TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, bool given (0)
    #0 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/system/Application/Scanner.php(786): IPS\Application\_Scanner::scanExtendedClasses()
    #1 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(519): IPS\Application\_Scanner::scanCustomizationIssues()
    #2 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(228): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->_showBlockHookscanner()
    #3 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->getBlock()
    #4 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/applications/core/modules/admin/support/support.php(48): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #5 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\support\_support->execute()
    #6 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/init.php(927) : eval()'d code(28): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #7 /home/sites/dev/www/473b3/admin/index.php(13): IPS\Dispatcher\toolbox_hook_dispatcherStandard->run()
    #8 {main}

    $methodIssues = static::compareMethodsForIssues() can be both an array or bool. Should check for that before using it in a count().

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