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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Looks to be working for me at least:
  2. Do you have a cron setup to run tasks every minute? Is that cron job actually running?
  3. If it’s an ADDRESS, it must contain something@server.com. The server.com part is a HOSTNAME. But the bounce address that is used (in your case www@ is controlled by your mail server. You need to work with your hosting provider to set this within your mail server.
  4. Your server is trying to create a new connection to itself because none of the existing open connections are valid. 2022-07-13T06:44:02.365652Z 8488613 [Note] Aborted connection 8488613 to db: 'xxxx' user: 'abc' host: 'localhost' (Got timeout reading communication packets) Instead of trying to force your server to make a brand new connection to MySQL (opening another door to itself)… increasing the timeout value helps it already have an available already open door to use. By the way… hit Google for that phrase “Got timeout reading communication packets”. It’s not just us saying this. 😉
  5. That variable has nothing to do with an end user's wait time. Per the mySQL documentation, it is: It's how long mySQL will hold a connection waiting for more requests from the same server. (In your case, it's ALWAYS going to be the same since it's localhost.). Keeping the connection open longer means your server does not have to keep opening new connections to mySQL and instead can just use an existing one for longer. Remember... your server is serving multiple end users at once from the same machine. PHP can use the same connection to mySQL to get data for multiple users at once.
  6. I’m not aware of anything that exists today for this. I would personally do it with .htaccess instead of JS just to keep it cleaner and not mess with themes.
  7. If you deleted it from the database manually that is most likely the problem. There are other references smattered in various tables that were never cleaned up. Shame shame shame. Lol.
  8. My self hosted version has no issues. It’s using whatever the default values are from the EC2 PHP repository.
  9. Try increasing the wait timeout to 60 seconds. It's typically in /etc/my.cnf. If the variable does not exist, add it. wait_timeout=60
  10. It's likely the mysql server on the host is too busy and the response timed out.
  11. I agree that AWS is likely the "better" API-based email provider. The only reason I did not recommend it is that Sendgrid is already natively supported by IPB and that any other API-based provider will need a 3rd party application to support. In addition AWS email integration is not for the faint of heart if you're not very technically competent. 🙂
  12. Instead of using SMTP, you might consider using a mail delivery service such as SendGrid that IPB can use to send via API call. That would allow you to track delivery, opens, clicks, etc.
  13. Hey.... I resemble that remark! I remember when 3.4 was the new hawtness. Picture it... Sicilly... 2012.... The UK had informed the WHO of a novel coronavirus case originating out of Saudi Arabia (what would later be known as MERS). The largest Atlantic hurricane on record at the time, Hurricane Sandy, devastated the east coast of the US. Vladimir Putin was elected as President of Russia and Barack Obama was re-elected as President of the US. And in a small, quiet town... @Charles announced the best version of IPB ever made up to date.... version 3.4! Ahhh... those were the days!
  14. I saw this happen on my own site when we had new users auto moderated. It had the post properly held, but if you flagged one of them as a spammer without not first approving/rejecting the content this would occur. I did notice it went away after several days so I assume there is some sort of task that will eventually recount this and fix it after several days automatically.
  15. That works. I wrapped code in the correct div tags and they appear to be working. I just wanted to make sure I was not causing more problems for me down the line by loading ads but not displaying them. Thank you very much! 🙂
  16. Thank you for the reply! I appreciate you jumping in with ideas! 🙂 I had thought to use that, but my problem was that I'm trying to display some ad code.... <div class='ipsResponsive_showDesktop ipsResponsive_showTablet'> **ADCODE FOR DESKTOP** </div> <div class='ipsResponsive_showMobile'> **ADCODE FOR MOBILE** </div> Will this cause the code to be actually loaded twice (meaning the ad network will actually send two different ads but only one would display to the actual user which would skew conversions? I thought about trying to figure out something in javascript to look at the browser width and say if less than 425px, write mobile code. If bigger than 425 write desktop code.
  17. Is there a way we can trigger template logic for mobile devices? Something like: {{If mobile}} do this {{endif}}
  18. The "Pages" application serves as a CMS which allows you to have custom pages on your website that retain the rest of the site's branding and global header/footer. Once you've created your various pages in the "Pages" app, you can set it as the default application so it is loaded when someone accesses your site.
  19. The minimum requirement for IPB 4.7.0 is actually PHP 7.4 or higher. You would need to make sure you're using at LEAST 7.4 with the preferred version being 8.0. Initial 8.1 support was added with this same release.
  20. You need to reset your license key in the Client area? Removing www means you have a new board address. An IPS staff may have to help with this as the tool will still detect an instance in the old location still.
  21. Talk to your host. That’s a server issue with your ssl setup.
  22. This is a hosting related issue and outside of the IPS software itself. However with that said, the recommendations are best practices. You don’t “have” to follow it. Personally any script/addon using exec is lazy coding and is asking to be exploited. But that’s for you to measure the risk v reward.
  23. Remember... there are multiple events that happen for each transaction. Are you seeing 3 events for a transaction and are each of them showing up as 200 OK?
  24. What does the stripe transaction developer logs say for the uncompleted transactions? It should indicate if there was an error or what happened when it was attempting to post back to IPB.
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