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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Do you have your IPB web hook setup within Stripe so that transactions can be passed back from Stripe to your IPB?
  2. You're running the installer? If there is already an instance, you should not be installing it. If the version in the database matches the version of the IPB files you're using, simply upload your files and edit the conf_global.php. (Once you can login, rebuild the system cache in the ACP and fix any path issues.) If the version in the database is OLDER (say you're database is 4.6.x and you're installing 4.7.0), run www.yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade.
  3. IPB 4.7 removed the SQL toolbox. So you won’t be able to make this sort of direct database query within the application. If you’re hosted on the IPS cloud, I’m not aware of a way to directly query the database like you are asking. If you’re self hosted you could use something like phpMyAdmin to do it.
  4. IPS is not using it. So it really does not make a difference one way or another in terms of IPB functionality. In general, if something is deprecated, it's going to be removed at some point. If that is the case and you're not using it today... why run the chance of STARTING to use something you know is on the way out the door in terms of being supported. The saying goes... "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". 🙂 You're not going to gain anything by turning it on, so I would personally leave it alone.
  5. If you want to manually award a badge, you need to make sure it's set to be manually awardable. ACP > Members > Achievements > Badges Find the badge you want to manually award, and choose "Edit". There will be an option to enable to make it manually awardable. Once the badge is awardable, you can either award it from the ACP or award it in response to a specific content item. To award it from the ACP: ACP > Members > Members Find the member, and there will be a section called "Badges". Click on "Manage" and then "Add Badge".
  6. I generally would not run them via phpMyAdmin. Instead run them via SSH inside of the mysql command.
  7. When you run those commands via SSH, what was the output?
  8. ACP - System - Settings - Contact Us You can use the following: Send email to incoming email addressThe email will be sent to the incoming email address set up in the Email Settings Send mail to these addresses Link to a URL Create Support Request
  9. Glad you were able to resolve it. 🙂
  10. It’s a new alert feature included with 4.7. It looks like your theme is hiding the button to dismiss it. As a result, you might need to update your theme. By the way the dismiss button is in the bottom light grey area. That should let you guess where it’s at to dismiss it so that you can go fix your theme for anyone else.
  11. Is the URL you are installing it on EXACTLY the same as the one defined in your client area? It should literally exactly match for it to work. Otherwise just reset your license key from the same spot you checked it at.
  12. The picture itself if it's remotely linked is a URL. The software is displaying the picture, but if you're pasting an external image, it is still an external hyperlink. (It has http/https.)
  13. Stuart noted what was happening above. The count there is approximate. As a result, it does not make sense to try and use it to get a truly accurate number. In fact, in the latest version of IPB, the SQL toolbox is removed. So in a nutshell... forget about what you're looking at there. 🙂
  14. Have you tried viewing it on a default theme without ads on it? There are like 9 different ads on the page and it looks like you're using Google AutoAds. It's possible either a theme or ad code is breaking the page.
  15. Yes, that is absolutely a hosting issue. 🙂 They SHOULD be able to create exceptions to certain WAF rules which will allow it to work. Otherwise, IPS does offer a hosted solution where all of the infrastructure and server issues are taken care of by them.
  16. It will eventually hop over to something else for a bit. I've given up trying to figure it out to be honest. (By the way, the other thing I've seen is that even when the dashboard says "100%", it is not quite there. It' rounded up and has a couple left until it actually disappears. Once the item actually disappears, you know it's really finished. 🙂
  17. It actually does not do every task in order. It rotates through small amounts of each based on my past experience. For example, it might do 200 posts, then some topics, etc. If you run the tasks manually you'll see what I mean how it will do some of each. 🙂
  18. Well, you'll be able to find out how things went by looking at your PMs. 😄 There just may not be much to do with it and the job could blow through it quickly.
  19. If your users have not sent a lot of PMs, it won't take long at all for it to rebuild. There's a TON of things rebuilding... some complete super fast and others will drag on for infinity. 🙂 I pulled up another tab and ran the task queue manually while I worked in other windows to help make me feel better about everything finishing faster. lol
  20. Hey @Matt... you need to hire more Matt's like @Matt Finger. He's doing an awesome job of holding up the reputation of the namesake! I think I'm on a roll now as the debug view is now pulling in the info as expected in GA. That was a LOT of typing though to define all of the tags, triggers, and variables! (Not the fault of IPS... though sometimes good things deserve it's cost in effort!) I'm going to give it a day or so to make its way out of the debug view so that I can start creating some interesting dashboards. But this is EXACTLY what I've been hoping for when I asked for better GA integration. That's awesome! That was literally going to be my next ask.
  21. @Matt Finger ahhh haaa.. I think I'm starting to pick up what you're putting down. In order to push from Tag manager to GA, do you need to define each individual event in the data layer (account_login, account_logout, content_view, search, etc) or once you create one will it pass through all of the various events that exist?
  22. Language translations are created by other IPS customers. They can choose to share those with other users. When they upload that file, they indicate what version of IPB software that resource is known to be compatible with. For example, the French language pack created above was made by @Invision Board France but is only flagged as compatible with versions through 4.5. In order to download it, the author needs to flag it as being compatible with the version of IPB you're using (4.7). So as @Jim M noted, you would need to contact the author for assistance.
  23. Marc, he may be referring to the new info included with DataLayer. I’ve enabled this on my board, but the extra detail from datalayer push does not seem to be making it into GA. I was going to try to figure this out more later and create my own issue for it, but I’ve been busy today. Lol
  24. I received the same prompt but did not have to do anything manually. If you did, you would need to login to your server via SSH and access MySQL. If necessary, you would paste a command you need to run manually from the MySQL prompt that the upgrader would give you. Again, it’s likely you won’t need to… but IPB is trying to prepare you just in case.
  25. https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/ Choose your purchase and then click Stored Access Information. As a tip… actually confirm each of the details you provide. I’ve seen many people store a bad password or put in a username to login to ACP when their board requires an email address for example.
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