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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Do you have your web hook setup within Stripe? IPB uses the web hook to finalize the capture. See:
  2. The ban settings prevents someone from registering an account. My understanding is that does not to guest posting and it does not prevent them from browsing the site. If you don't want them using your site at all, you might want to use a WAF, or htaccess (https://htaccessbook.com/block-ip-address/)or something similar to just totally block them from your site.
  3. They’re independent. The ban settings can be managed independently without the Spam Defense. If you ban an IP, it has no dependencies for the Spam Defense service. Now you would not have the benefit of auto stopping bad accounts, but you still have tools to manually deny access via email/IP/username.
  4. No, it's not part of the Ban Settings. If you select "Register the account but immediately ban it", the account will be created, but immediately have the ban flag added to it. The email address or IP address is not added to the ban settings. The username itself does not need added to the Ban Settings because the account already (now) exists, but just is flagged as banned.
  5. Again from a high level statistical level. It’s not meant to be a proactive debug and engage tool. 🙂 That would most likely come with a HUGE price tag. If people are complaining about the cost of cloud hosting, just imagine the cost it would take to provide proactive eyes on glass monitoring.
  6. No. It logs high level statistics not every single exception. It monitors things like if you use features like elasticsearch or how many sites have marketplace resources, or if SSL is enabled. Think of it more as trending data such as common errors. It does not report every single exception, etc. That could result in HUGE amounts of storage being used. it’s on you to monitor your community. 🙂
  7. Unless it’s continually happening for long periods of time, it’s fine. It’s saying you made a request to Facebook, but it timed out with no response after 10 seconds. If it happens infrequently, it’s most likely just a temporary routing issue between your server and Facebook. If it’s ALWAYS happening, a firewall or something similar is blocking your server from reaching the Facebook endpoint.
  8. You may need to look at your cache policy. Many default rules will treat files with a query string as uncachable. Since the requested object has a query string, it could be skipping cache and considering the file as dynamic.
  9. Have you checked if you're already on 4.7.1? What does the ACP's support section say? If you are still running 4.7.0, and the online updater is not letting you update4.7.1, you can download a fresh set of files from the client area, upload them to your site, and then run yourdomain.com/admin/upgrade.
  10. It’s not possible to do by default. You would have to do this with some sort of customization and would be outside of the scope of what can be done with the base product.
  11. If you do this, 100 percent confirm you login as the support account using the info on file including the security questions. Make sure the info is spot on to avoid delays in getting help.
  12. I put the account used by IPS into a new group called “Admin Backup”. That account uses security questions for login. I stored the answers for each in my client area notes. It lets me keep 2FA on for normal admins and IPS can still access with the security questions.
  13. Glad you got it squared away! It’s hard sometimes to figure it out without going back to the basics!!
  14. Sounds like a theme issue. Does this happen on a stock unmodified theme? If so, have you disabled your various plugins and custom applications?
  15. This is not an IPS bug. It’s a bug within PHP itself. Meaning you could have had a perfectly working installation and then upgraded your version of PHP and it magically broke without you doing any update. Even outside of that however ANY complex piece of software will have issues. There are literally hundreds of thousands of interdependencies and it is impossible to test them all without doing releases only every few years. Even then you’ll miss stuff. Look at major operating systems for example. This is one of the reasons to use software that is well supported and maintained.
  16. Take a look at: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/?advanced_search_submitted=1&sortby=primary_id_field&sortdirection=asc&content_field_124[1]=9 🙂
  17. Yeah... I already fixed that while you were typing your reply. 😄
  18. As noted by @media, this looks to be a bug in the latest versions of PHP (8.0.22 & 8.1.9). You can use a different version of PHP for now this is a show stopper for you.
  19. Please note... this is NOT supported by IPS. It's not recommended to play/touch the database directly. If you break something or you do something wrong, it's on you. Do not try this at home. Actual results may vary and are not guaranteed. (Anything else I'm missing for a legal disclaimer?!) Look in the table core_sys_lang_words. core Specifically word_key guidelines_value, reg_rules_value, and privacy_text_value._sys_lang _wordscore_sys_lang_words
  20. It looks like I can reach your site now... However when I try to access the forum, it does not display any content. https://www.glrf.info/alloars/forum/298-general-discussion-forums/ So it looks like you're moving in the right direction. Just looks like some info might be missing from your database. I take that back... now I can't access anything at all for the domain. It looks like the server is coming up and down. There is something definitely going on with your hosting provider.
  21. It's possible your old conf_global had a hard coded IP address or hostname pointing to your old host. When they deleted the old account, it was removed. The screenshot you posted showed the domain being www.glrf.info. When I look up that domain, I get an NXDOMAIN error meaning there is no DNS records configured for that domain. So it's also possible a DNS configuration issue is also in play if that is your domain as well.
  22. You can configure your community guidelines, privacy policy, and Registration Terms & Rules from: ACP > System > Settings > Terms & Privacy Policy
  23. If you moved to a different host, your conf_global.php file (located in the root folder of your IPB instance) should be updated to reflect the correct mySQL hostname, mysql username, and mysql password provided by your new hosting provider. <?php $INFO = array ( 'sql_host' => 'localhost', 'sql_database' => 'MYSQLDB_NAME', 'sql_user' => 'MYSQLDB_USER', 'sql_pass' => 'MYSQLDB_PASSWORD', 'sql_port' => 3306, IPS won't be able to tell what info to enter in those fields... that would need to be provided by your host. But that's where the database info is entered. 🙂
  24. Not sure what you mean by database address. If you are trying to change your database server info (host/IP) and/or database username and password... that info would be in your conf_global.php file. $INFO = array ( 'sql_host' => 'XXXXXX', 'sql_database' => 'YYYY', 'sql_user' => 'ZZZZ', 'sql_pass' => 'AAAA', 'sql_port' => 3306,
  25. That would be a great question for the sales team. 🙂 https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/
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