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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. You can setup S3 as a website using Cloudfront. Then set that as origin in Cloudflare to keep you within the Cloudfront free tier.
  2. Hint: Cloudflare works pretty well for full site delivery. It won’t cache the base pages associated with the board itself but can offload a large amount of requests.
  3. There are bugs in ALL software programs. From Windows/MacOS to iOS/Android to small apps. That's why each regularly release updates/fixes. A bug lasts for as long as it takes to fix. It might be a month or it might be much longer depending on severity and difficulty to address. (Low priority issues sometimes take a backseat to bigger more important issues.)
  4. Do you have some sort of firewall on your server such as CSF? It's possible your server is blocking calls to IPS.
  5. When accessing the support tool in the ACP, the PHP8 compatibility scanner spins for a minute and then just turns red like below. There is nothing noted, but I'm wondering if this is a problem that needs to be addressed as it is highlighted as an error.
  6. OK. Click the Disable Customizations button. It will turn off the plugins for now and switch you to a default theme. If everything starts working again, you know it's one of the things highlighted in yellow. You can then turn on the various items one by one till you find the one causing problems.
  7. Use recovery mode to disable all plugins etc. That should help get you back in the ACP.
  8. You cannot go back to a prior version without restoring from backup which can result in a loss of data. There is an optional patch that can be installed that allows 3rd party apps to still run (but provides a warning in the ACP). I would recommend installing it.
  9. Just watch the forums for when it’s posted. Once it’s available, go to your ACP, and under Applications, check for updates. It will find the platform update as well.
  10. You cannot export passwords. Even the IPB software itself does not know what the password stored in the database is.... the password itself is hashed hashed and salted in a unique way per community that is stored in the DB. That value is them compared to what is entered by the user when the same salt/hash is done again. So just taking an encrypted password would not work as you would also have to understand how the password was hashed and salted uniquely to simply compare a password. To be honest, you're better off just having the password set a new password via email verification on first login.
  11. It's most likely either a problem with your theme or a 3rd party plugin. Per my note in your other topic.... disable them all and re-enable one at a time to find your culprit.
  12. Have you tried disabling all 3rd party plugins and switching back to a default theme to see if the problem still occurs on PHP8.x? Once you've disabled everything, enable various items one at a time until you find the problem child.
  13. I’m using 8.0.20 as Amazon Linux 2 (amazon-linux-extras) does not support 8.1.X yet.
  14. I have not had any problems with the plugin following the upgrade to 4.7.2. It's not been disabled in any way, and no sort of warnings. Emails are delivering as expected. The only email bounces I had were from when the plugin was actually disabled as part of testing/debugging OTHER problems. Once re-enabled, I was able to re-queue those emails and they were sent properly through SES.
  15. I went ahead and reset the editor configuration back to default. That appears to have cleared it out. No clue why it was not working when everything else was disabled earlier from the support center, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. It's working. So case closed. 😄 (By the way, if you end up in the DC or Ft Lauderdale area... I owe you a beverage of the alcoholic persuasion.)
  16. Yes please! It appears to be cleared out now. The only issue remaining is not being able to post. For example: Could you please try to post something in the "Ask a Moderator" for me please to see what I mean?
  17. Marc... are you looking at the right package? (I have 2 for the same domain. It should be for the license that ends in 5526). I have literally just re-entered the info again to be 100% on it.
  18. It’s sitewide. The logo and avatars are missing everywhere on mobile for example. The ability to not post is happening almost sitewide. There have been about 6 posts overnight when there are typically almost 100.
  19. Just to make sure... I also downloaded a fresh copy of the IPB files from the client area and reuploaded them. Unfortunately, no dice.
  20. Also... from the desktop view when attempting to reply, the WYSIWYG editor box does not appear for many users. That happens on BOTH desktop/mobile views across all themes.
  21. Team, I have a storage method defined for AWS that has a custom URL (cdn.mydomain.com). All of the storage types are set to use this method and it's been in use for over a year with no problem. Following the upgrade to 4.7.2, I'm having an issue where IMAGES are not displayed properly, but only on mobile devices. CSS, JS, fonts, etc all display properly. But any image is showing up broken. Using Chrome, I was able to inspect the URL of the broken images.... it's showing as: https://www.mydomain.com//cdn.mydomain.com/path_to_file This is obviously not correct and should simply be https://cdn.domain.com. The custom URL was originally "//cdn.mydomain.com" which was set by IPS when I first entered just "cdn.domain.com" at first configuration. I thought it might be a bug in 4.7.2, so I manually set the custom URL to "https://cdn.mydomain.com". However this does not seem to have corrected the problem. I have confirmed: This happens with all 3rd party applications/plugins disabled. This happens on the default theme (you can switch to "Original IPB" to confirm. This happens when using the support tool to disable everything. This happens when Cloudflare is 100% disabled and sent directly to origin. This happens after rebuilding the system cache from the ACP (multiple times). Again... when viewing it from a laptop/desktop or tablet (iPad Pro), it displays fine. Even if I resize a laptop to shrink down to the correct size it is correct. I've confirmed this does happen on an iPhone 13 Pro Max and an iPad mini both from Safari and Chrome. I've flushed cache on the devices as well. I'm out of ideas on what to try next. I've confirmed my ACP info is correct. (I've confirmed the user/password and security question answers can be found in the notes section) and SFTP/SSH access should be enabled with the credentials confirmed. (Please use one of the IPS IP addresses provided to get past SSH firewall restrictions.)
  22. I’ve seen this as well. I have not had a chance to fully test it by disabling plugins/apps, disabling CF, etc.
  23. Do you have a captcha enabled? It sounds like you have something other than just username/password but that additional challenge is not being provided or displayed properly.
  24. Or given that everything ever done by the person including likes are gone... it's possible they were flagged as a spammer. 🙂
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